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How we support DXpeditions

(Hint: Drastically reduce your QSL labor!)

January 1, 2016

Mounting a DXpedition is an expensive process. DXpeditions have traditionally paid their expenses using money received from sponsors, team members, and from individuals who receive their QSL cards after the DXpedition is over. An average QSO can cost from $0.72 to over $4 according to N1DG, treasurer of the NCDXF.

The eQSL.cc system is a fully automated QSL exchange. For the DXpedition, it reduces all of the QSL labor to a simple upload of the logs, either in real-time as the expedition is in progress, or after it has concluded.

eQSL.cc continues to support DXpeditions with up-front donations of several hundred dollars, but we go one step further. In the physical world, DXpeditions often use OQRS to receive a payment for each QSL requested. Or they may have their own donation mechanism. We, too, mirror this per-card donation in the electronic QSL world. That is, if a DXpedition expects a donation of $1 per physical card, it can also receive a donation of $1 per electronic card, collected by us and forwarded to them periodically through a check or PayPal transfer. The difference is, there are no labels to apply, nothing to mail, no work required!

Here's how it works:
The DXpedition contacts us, and we set up the amount they would like to receive per eQSL. As they upload their logs, the eQSLs they upload show up in the recipients' InBox, but none of the details are visible, and the eQSL cannot be used yet for eAwards until a donation is made. The recipient makes a donation through our system, and then those eQSLs become visible and can be used for our eAwards too.

We send the DXpedition a check or PayPal donation every month, minus a small handling charge, for as long as money continues to flow in. It is truly a huge savings in time for both the DXpedition and the individuals receiving their eQSLs.

Don't think of it as paying for the QSO. Think of it as making a donation to help reduce the QSL labor costs for the DXpedition.

Most DXpeditions will use this per-card donation feature for a few months and then make all their eQSLs available at no charge

The Inbox showing eQSLs from DXpeditions that have and have not been paid for

Click on the warning icon, and this box pops up if you do not have sufficient funds in your DXpedition account to pay for this card

Click on the warning icon, and this box pops up if you are ready to pay for an eQSL

You are not paying for a contact - You are paying to help the DXpedition reduce their QSL labor

If you manage QSLs for a DXpedition

We can set up your logs to require a donation during an initial PAID period, and then after that the eQSLs are available at no charge.
Here's what to do:
First, register a new account with the Starting/Ending dates of this DXpedition. (Do not reuse an older account)
Then, Contact Support and specify:
  • The callsign and dates of operation
  • Full name of the organization
  • Price you would like to charge for cards during the PAID period
  • Date that paid period should end and the cards become free
  • PayPal Address where you would like donations sent
  • OR The Name and Address where you would like checks mailed
  • Your Contact Name and EMail address
We will set up the mechanism for you and assist you with getting your custom card uploaded. During and after the DXpedition, we can also assist you with getting your logs uploaded if you have any trouble with the size of the logs.

©Copyright 1998-2025 Electronic QSL Card Centre, a division of Air Wave Productions, LLC
eQSL® is a registered trademark belonging to Air Wave Productions, LLC
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