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Viewing User Profile for: 2M0CDD John D'Hunt
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Joined: Oct 19, 2010 12:14 PM
Last Post: Nov 6, 2011 09:21 AM
Last Visit: Nov 6, 2011 09:21 AM

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2M0CDD John D'Hunt has contributed to 13 posts out of 11723 total posts (0.11%) in 5,102 days (0.00 posts per day).

20 Most recent posts:
General web site suggestions » High quality image located "outside" eQSL? Nov 6, 2011 09:21 AM (Total replies: 14)

Sorry dave but the pixel dimensions do not allow good print quality. No point in me arguing the case any more. I've made my last qso ever.

2M0CDD John D'Hunt

General web site suggestions » High quality image located "outside" eQSL? Nov 4, 2011 07:24 PM (Total replies: 14)

Maybe its time to dump this site. No engagement from the owner, quality of e- cards are not good.

2M0CDD John D'Hunt

General web site suggestions » High quality image located "outside" eQSL? Sep 30, 2011 08:38 AM (Total replies: 14)


If your are having issues with old software on 64 bit OS, try running your old 32 bit OS as a virtual machine using VirtualBox from Oracle, or, Vmware. Your cpu will need to support virtualisation, you need fast HDs, preferably SSDs and RAID 0, if you can, oh, and heaps of ram. This is not the same as running a dual boot computer, your existing 64 bit OS is running all of the time, and you run one or more 'virtual' sessions of alternative operating systems on top.

I run WIN 7 64 bit, on top of that, I run XP 32 bit and hook that to a laptop via remote desktop. It gives me network wide access to win XP and run my old 32bit software. It also means that I can maintain all systems from the same computer and network machines can be modest in the hardware stakes. The host machine is doing all of the work.

Vmware and virtualbox are freeware.


2M0CDD John D'Hunt

General web site suggestions » High quality image located "outside" eQSL? Jul 30, 2011 07:18 AM (Total replies: 14)

Dave great to hear that improvements are on the way. But why are you playing around with re-sampling software? 1000 px is barely halfway there. To print a 6x4 qsl card the dimensions need to be 1800px x 1200px at 300dpi. Why not look at my suggestion of putting a file size limit and leave the processing to to up-loader, thumbnail the card with a link to the full res download. Or just link to the full res image, which is what you currently have. But, 1000 x 1000 is only halfway there. If you just limit file size, it will save an awfull lot of headaches, AND relieve stress on your servers. Trust me.



2M0CDD John D'Hunt

General web site suggestions » Downloading QSL images Jul 29, 2011 05:03 PM (Total replies: 1)

There are web site down-loaders that can be used, but you need one that will execute java to download your qsl cards (I think). My favourite down-loader does not do that. It is a very good idea though, to bulk download qsl cards. Maybe it can be a feature for the future.

2M0CDD John D'Hunt

General web site suggestions » High quality image located "outside" eQSL? Jul 23, 2011 09:15 AM (Total replies: 14)

I think its a shame that eQSL isn't really addressing the image quality issue. It would be better to set a maximum file size to upload, and drop the server-side processing which causes all the problems. That would actually relieve workload and bandwidth consumption, and so easy to do. The idea and experience of electronically sending qsl cards is being spoilt, and quite frankly I have to consider setting up outside of eQSL. If someone prints my cards, at the very least, I want them to have the best, justify their ink, paper and time.

2M0CDD John D'Hunt

DX » Propagation... the Fine Points... May 7, 2011 09:35 AM (Total replies: 6)

As Joe say above, but it is a very involved study, and I have to say, an enjoyable one.

What I would like to add, is that mother nature and science have a habit of throwing things unexpected. I have, on numerous occasions calculated propagation paths and concluded the circuit to be closed, in practice, the circuit has been very much open. Some of the best QSOs have been gained this way. I do the Math, then switch on the rig and confirm. Often you will get surprises. Don't let the calculator get in the way of practical operating, because propagation is an element of science still not fully understood. It's an area where anyone can make a discovery, fill in another jigsaw piece.

2M0CDD John D'Hunt

General web site suggestions » High quality image located "outside" eQSL? Feb 27, 2011 02:36 PM (Total replies: 14)

A good thought, I'll vote for that.

2M0CDD John D'Hunt

Support - English speaking » Poor image quality eqsl card Jan 29, 2011 04:02 PM (Total replies: 7)

Yup, did a reinstall of the latest drivers. Interestingly, I printed an original card onto 6X4 (ie not downloaded from eqsl) it looked horrid. BUT, if I printed the same card onto A4 at the 6X4 size (or 5.5 X3.5), no problem at all. I tend to agree with you about a driver/display problem.

OS is Windows 7 (64bit), photoshop CS5, Iiyama 24 inch HD widescreen monitor and Spyder Pro color calibration (although that is the first to be disabled and no color management, just to eliminate a possible problem area). Printer: Canon i9950.

I'll keep working away at this, browsers are so complex these days, it could even be that. If, or rather when I get the fix, I'll post back here.

Thanks for you help


2M0CDD John D'Hunt

Support - English speaking » Poor image quality eqsl card Jan 29, 2011 09:46 AM (Total replies: 7)

Just tried sizing to the pixel dimensions. Marginal improvement. What I have noticed, is that when a card is downloaded for printing, the image has been re compressed to 1 PPI. That seems a very aggressive compression setting at the web server end. If I up-size in photoshop, I can get a marginal improvement, but its way short of acceptable.

BTW, It's not just my own cards, it is everyone else's cards that I print as well. Print drivers and settings checked and correct.

Thanks for your help


2M0CDD John D'Hunt

Support - English speaking » Poor image quality eqsl card Jan 29, 2011 09:05 AM (Total replies: 7)

Hi Doug,

I use photoshop cs5. Agreed, it should matter at all. I think I did try pix dimensions before. But I'll try it again latter and report back.

2M0CDD John D'Hunt

Support - English speaking » Poor image quality eqsl card Jan 28, 2011 04:32 PM (Total replies: 7)

Hi everyone.

I'm have trouble with getting a decent quality out of the eqsl system. I've tried all sorts of resolutions and uploaded, but the result is always poor an pixelated.

I am sizing the qsl card image to 5.5 X 3.5 inches and using a variety of pixels per inch from 96 ppi to 300ppi. I can compress to jpeg and arrive at a file size of 40 to 95 k. After the upload I find that the result is horrid and the ppi has been dropped to 1 dpi. Surely that cant be right.

Any help appreciated.



2M0CDD John D'Hunt

Getting more eQSLs » How to get more people to join EQSL??!! Jan 23, 2011 06:35 PM (Total replies: 43)

Just to add my penny worth. I only accept eqsl as a way to exchange confirmations. It's fast, efficient, and cost effective (FREE!). I am a self confessed traditionalist, so I have a pack of 6x4 photo paper to print out my cards. It's cheaper than postman pat. For a small donation, I can use my own designs, and that is still cheaper than the cheapest print house.

I have to congratulate the eqsl team for having the imagination to come up with such a simple concept, that is independent, GREEN, and open to all. I fume at the intransigence of national bodies that refuse to accept change and progress, because that is what they are doing when the refuse to accept the validity of eqsl. The same bodies are also responsible for the decline in the hobby and the reason why the public at large see us radio amateurs as a bunch of stick in the muds. Sorry for the rant, and I know I'm preaching to the converted, but a round of applause to the eqsl team.


2M0CDD John D'Hunt