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Viewing User Profile for: MM3XXW Martyn Whyte
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Joined: May 12, 2006 09:38 AM
Last Post: Jun 22, 2008 03:25 PM
Last Visit: Aug 26, 2008 08:56 AM
Website: http://mm3xxw.bravehost.com
Location: Edinburgh
Favorite Bands: 17 & 40
Favorite Modes: Phone
Email: mm3xxw@googlemail.com

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MM3XXW Martyn Whyte has contributed to 12 posts out of 11673 total posts (0.10%) in 6,624 days (0.00 posts per day).

20 Most recent posts:
eAward Suggestions » Eliminate all e-QSL awards Jun 22, 2008 03:25 PM (Total replies: 11)

Quote: Why is it always about the Awards or ARRL?
Both are fine and serve a good purpose. There's the joy in just getting a eQSL or a paper QSL from someone you've worked. Sure, awards are fun, but I just enjoy getting the QSLs and adding them to my electronic picture frame.

--- Original message by N1ORK Orest 'Andy' Zajac on Jun 18, 2008 06:18 PM
Couldn't agree with you more Andy

Awards are fun and that's just what they should be, they're a record of personal accomplishment, it's not a race simply 'goals' to which we all aspire.
When I'm in qso with stations it don't matter much to me whether they've achieved DXCC status or not I just enjoy the contact.


Remember, no matter what happens they can't hang you for it!

Getting more eQSLs » Why send e-QSL IF NOT a AG payed up member? Feb 27, 2008 08:05 AM (Total replies: 16)

I agree with John-LJW, just keep sending them .... I think it takes awhile for folks to understand that it doesn't cost $$ anything to become AG just a wee bit of time and effort.

Of course we all get frustrated, I'm no exception, when the majority of cards rx'd are from non-AG but even a non-AG card is a 'confirmation' and it's good enough for me. Ok, so it may not count for any awards but like Steve & Andy pointed out we can't lose sight of the fun factor in this hobby of ours. I don't consider non-AG cards to be worthless, exactly the opposite in fact they're proof enough to me that the contact was made simple as that.

Personally I've been sitting, for what seems ages, at the 150ish (well 153 to be precise!) mark for my eDX300 mostly due to a high volume of non-AG confirmations but I'm philosophical enough about that and realise it'll take just a wee while more to reach the magic 300, hopefully, maybe, one of those days in the dim & distant future!(hi)

A wee bit of advertising for eQSL also helps, I think, such as stating on QRZ that eQSL is welcome or popping some info on your personal/club website(s) goes a small way in promoting this area.

Be nice if VP6DX were on eQSL !


Remember, no matter what happens they can't hang you for it!

Getting more eQSLs » Quickest eQSL! Jan 11, 2008 09:48 AM (Total replies: 2)

Is this the quickest confirmation of a contact?

Had the pleasure to meet Cees, PD5CVK, on 40m this morning ..... logged the contact at 08:50GMT and the eQSL confirmation was in my in-box timed at 09:00 which is about the same time as we concluded the qso!

Has to be some sort of e-record


Remember, no matter what happens they can't hang you for it!

Getting more eQSLs » eQSL fairness Dec 12, 2007 05:11 PM (Total replies: 13)

I heartily agree with your comments Phil and put so eloquently

Certainly wish more people would adopt your doctrine in both eQsl and the paper type of confirmation.
Even though I think eQsl is a fantastic medium I still follow up all my contacts with a paper card unless, of course, asked not to.

Still have to say though I would like to see more members with their 'AG' certificate, it'd help my eQSL award applications (or lack thereof!) no end!


Remember, no matter what happens they can't hang you for it!

Getting more eQSLs » Make It a Requirement To Be AG To Use eQSL Sep 21, 2007 06:18 PM (Total replies: 8)

All good points raised here and I agree, in principle, with most of them.

For the award hunters amongst us it can be very frustrating when most of the cards you receive are from stations who do not have an AG Certificate and let's face it it's not exactly the hardest thing in the world to become authenticated. As an example with over 2000 eQSL's outlying I have only 131 prefixes confirmed so far, not sure exactly what the % is but it doesn't make for good reading!
Having said that however many members are not authenticated and there must be some underlying reason for this situation, what it is I confess to not being able to put my finger on it.
It makes no sense to me that some members go through the registering process and then leave it there unless of course, they simply are NOT award collectors.

In the case of swl's, an area of our hobby I enjoyed myself for many years, authentication could be approved for a minimal donation of something such as $10, for instance, thereby allowing swl's access to the eQSL awards scheme.

I am a confirmed fan of eQSL and will continue to support this great site as & when I can, at least till the pocket-money kindly donated by the 'shack manager' (XYL) runs out!!


Remember, no matter what happens they can't hang you for it!

Getting more eQSLs » European Russia Sep 21, 2007 05:57 PM (Total replies: 7)

I must admit to being in full agreement with you Jason, on both the fact I think that eQSL is just superb and I totally agree with your thoughts on paper cards and their resulting postage costs!

Mind you I can't say that I have the same problem with operators from European Russia, I have a fairly good return from them and they're no worse than some other countries I can mention!


Remember, no matter what happens they can't hang you for it!

eAward Suggestions » How about e-islands award Sep 20, 2007 07:25 AM (Total replies: 15)

I'm all for an IOTA Award in fact I'm generally on the side of eqsl Awards anyway, if we're collecting cards may as well put them to good use ..... might even reach the Eqsl 'Hall of Fame' one day

I think however, perhaps initially, we could commence with a 'general IOTA' award as already suggested with add-ons for each additional 50 confirmed.
There will be a call for others such as US Islands, Croatia Islands, Oceania Islands and such-like but this would take a great deal of time & no small effort on the part of the Admin staff to construct.

Basic IOTA Award voted for by my goodself and let's see what the future holds!


Remember, no matter what happens they can't hang you for it!

Contesting » DO YOU UPLOAD YOUR CONTEST LOGS? Sep 20, 2007 07:12 AM (Total replies: 52)

Same as everybody at this end I upload all my contacts, contest or otherwise, and I must add that I've probably had a better return from the contesters than from the 'run of the mill' everyday contacts.

Remember you can take a horse to water but a pencil must be lead!


Remember, no matter what happens they can't hang you for it!

I agree Lewis using the forum maybe the easiest answer


Remember, no matter what happens they can't hang you for it!

Getting more eQSLs » What do you do with eQSLs? Aug 28, 2007 07:38 PM (Total replies: 31)

I don't print mine out instead like a few folk, I'm sure, I have an Eqsl folder which is sub-divided into seperate countries. When I download my eqsl's I further save them by callsign & band used, helps me out when getting eqsl's from the same members.
For me personally, I find that saving them to disc is a far easier, and space saving, option and they can be perused at my leisure without getting dog-eared!


Remember, no matter what happens they can't hang you for it!

eAward Suggestions » eQRP Oct 2, 2006 06:16 PM (Total replies: 3)

I would like to see an award introduced for low power contacts.

Under my curent licence conditions I'm permitted 10w to my antenna, not exactly QRP I know but considering our position within the cycle using this amount of power correctly takes a little doing.

There are quite a few countries now introducing low power licences, mostly around the 10w mark and I think some form of award like this would be a great thing to chase.

MM3XXW Martyn Whyte

County Hunters » The New Foundation Licence for Australia Amateur Radio Jul 30, 2006 10:04 AM (Total replies: 4)

Couldn't agree with you more Martin!!

MM3XXW Martyn Whyte