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Viewing User Profile for: MA3043SWL Stephen Criddle
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Joined: Aug 12, 2012 02:27 PM
Last Post: Aug 28, 2012 11:28 AM
Last Visit: Oct 18, 2012 07:07 PM
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MA3043SWL Stephen Criddle has contributed to 3 posts out of 11673 total posts (0.03%) in 4,340 days (0.00 posts per day).

20 Most recent posts:
eAward Suggestions » SWL's in HAM radio operators world Aug 28, 2012 11:28 AM (Total replies: 6)

I started SWLing about a year ago, but I'm fairly new to eQSL. I think it's a bit of a shame that eDX isn't subdivided into bands and modes like the other awards are. Since I'm in Europe, I managed to get 25 countries in just over 2 weeks - mostly PSK on 20m. Yes, I can now try to get 50, but it would be nice to aim for 25 outside of PSK/20m.

I realise that eQSL is primarily for Hams rather than SWLers, and that is why there is only one award open to SWL. It's nice that eQSL recognises SWL.

MA3043SWL Stephen Criddle

SWLs » Not sure whether/how to respond Aug 26, 2012 11:11 AM (Total replies: 2)

It was the latter (the other station initiating the QSL). I've rejected it as a duplicate.

Thanks for your advice.

MA3043SWL Stephen Criddle

SWLs » Not sure whether/how to respond Aug 23, 2012 10:48 AM (Total replies: 2)

I'm fairly new to eQSL, although I've been SWLing (mostly PSK) since last year.

I've had a station not only respond to eQSL, but they have then sent me an eQSL in return too. At the moment it's sitting in my archive because I wasn't sure whether/how to respond. (It's the only one with Accept/Reject beside it).

I haven't had a QSO with this station (since I'm SWL), and presumably if I accepted it would also be a duplicate. Rejecting it seems rude, but presumably that's the only way to remove it from my archive?

MA3043SWL Stephen Criddle