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Viewing User Profile for: WA5YWT Dave Morris
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Joined: Mar 3, 2001 01:50 AM
Last Post: Mar 6, 2010 08:46 PM
Last Visit: Jan 31, 2018 01:12 AM
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WA5YWT Dave Morris has contributed to 2 posts out of 11671 total posts (0.02%) in 8,517 days (0.00 posts per day).

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Quote: I seems to me that the reasoning behind the AG label is faulty. Who does it benefit? Why is the onus of proof on me as an AG member trying to fulfill award requirements? If I initiate a request for an eQSL and the worked station responds via eQSL what difference does it make if that station is AG or not...to me none; I know I worked the station and our log data is in agreement. Isn't that all we go by with a paper QSL? Does anyone question that QSO? If a non-AG ham is not willing or able to spend the money, why should my legitimate QSO be rejected?
Is the AG appellation simply a way to generate income?
Perhaps I'm missing something very important, but after 40+ yrs of QSL'ing I'm hard put to find it.
The AG rating will not stop cheating if two people decide to do it, regardless of QSL method; so what's the point?
I like eQSL. I believe it to be better than LoTW, but it seems that the AG penalty being paid is borne by the wrong people.

LOTW requires a match between the Sent and the Received QSO. eQSL.cc does not currently require that. You get eAward credit as soon as you receive an eQSL, even if you never send a confirmation. That's the difference.

When we tried to implement the LOTW requirement of matching logs, our users revolted and we had to return to our roots, which is as an exchange of electronic QSLs. That's why we still have many more AG'ed users than all the LOTW users combined, and why our total membership is about to surpass that of the entire ARRL membership. We give our members what they want.

Since any fool can register himself with any callsign he wishes to fabricate, and start sending out thousands of bogus eQSLs (and we have had this happen on several occasions), we are not willing to just grant credit to all of those eQSLs for our awards without at least confirming the identity of the sender first.

WA5YWT Dave Morris

General web site suggestions » Test Jan 28, 2010 12:43 AM (Total replies: 2)

Well, oddly enough, I was logged in as someone COMPLETELY DIFFERENT when I sent that test message, and I was testing a bug that allowed that to happen. And also that did not update your Forum password when you changed your regular password in My Profile. That has been fixed now.

WA5YWT Dave Morris