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Viewing User Profile for: S59DM Dejan Matvoz
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Joined: Dec 22, 2013 10:01 PM
Last Post: Jan 8, 2014 11:55 AM
Last Visit: Jan 8, 2014 12:27 PM
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S59DM Dejan Matvoz has contributed to 2 posts out of 11671 total posts (0.02%) in 3,840 days (0.00 posts per day).

20 Most recent posts:
Mobile with many QTH's » callsign/P ? Jan 8, 2014 11:55 AM (Total replies: 3)

Hi, Dave and thanks for your answer!


S59DM Dejan Matvoz

Mobile with many QTH's » callsign/P ? Jan 8, 2014 11:25 AM (Total replies: 3)


I'm new to the eQSL and have looked for this topic in your help files but could not find the definite answer so I'm asking the question here.

I like the eQSL system but I guess I have a tiny problem using it properly. I have uploaded a few QSO infos for the stations, which worked portable (with the "/P") after their callsign. Because their callsign was with the /P, I entered them with the /P in my LOG file (Swisslog). And the ADIF file created also made the "call/P" record for the callsign. Then I uploaded this file to the eQSL with no errors.

After that I received the eQSL card from one of those "/P" correspondents (which had no /P after his callsign) and had to confirm it manually, but as displayed in my outbox, the correspondent did not receive my eQSL card sent with the "call/P".

Now in my outbox I have a double record for the same QSO with the same data. Once with the /P, which was not seen by the correspondent and I have a "notify" displayed besides his callsign but the "notify" link informs, that the user was not found. And the other same QSO is the one without the "/P" which is displayed with the same QSO data. I believe now that my correspondent actually did not receive my eQSL card because it was adressed to the call/P!

How do I resolve this problem?

Should I manually correct all the /P, /MM, XX/call in my LOGBOOK to the calls without them? Is that legal? I don't think so. Should the correspondent create his "new QTH account" with the "call/P" and then he will receive the eQSL card?

Thanks for the answer!
73 & GL!

S59DM Dejan Matvoz