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Viewing User Profile for: IT2024SWL oscar marazzini
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Joined: Dec 18, 2012 07:30 AM
Last Post: Feb 17, 2020 05:18 PM
Last Visit: Feb 11, 2023 04:27 PM
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IT2024SWL oscar marazzini has contributed to 34 posts out of 11671 total posts (0.29%) in 4,209 days (0.01 posts per day).

20 Most recent posts:
SWLs » VK9MA - Mellish reef DXpedition Feb 17, 2020 05:18 PM (Total replies: 4)

...and now is two years…..

IT2024SWL oscar marazzini

SWLs » VK9MA - Mellish reef DXpedition Mar 8, 2018 10:28 PM (Total replies: 4)

Ah.... ok thanks

73, oscar

IT2024SWL oscar marazzini

SWLs » VK9MA - Mellish reef DXpedition Feb 3, 2018 03:28 PM (Total replies: 4)

I've reported to VK9MA some receptions. In their web page, here:


at the bottom of the page they write all QSO will be uploaded to eQSL...thus making the call sign active in eQSL I guess.

Is there any news or any informnation about this?

73, oscar

IT2024SWL oscar marazzini

SWLs » eQSL Awards for SWL Apr 5, 2017 04:02 PM (Total replies: 4)

Hi Roman, no we are not "second class" at the end we have anyway an award that we may go for. Nobody obliged eQSL to do something for SWL but they did it anyway.
There is not another site as eQSL which is providing to SWL such an easy QSLling system and an award dedicated for SWLs, so thanks anyway to eQSL.
Simply other stuff is not available, but you are free to use other clubs as the ones I mentioned before in case you would like to collect more awards.

73, Oscar

IT2024SWL oscar marazzini

SWLs » eQSL Awards for SWL Apr 2, 2017 01:34 PM (Total replies: 4)

Roman 73,
no it is not possible, this question we made already many times in the past but for SWLs there's only the eDX, and that's it.
Should you like to have other Awards for SWL, you can subscribe also to QRZCQ.COM or EPC (European Phase Shifting Club) and DMC (Digital Modes Club) or others, uploading your log book through the software "Ultimate AAC"


IT2024SWL oscar marazzini
Edited by IT2024SWL oscar marazzini on Apr 2, 2017 at 01:37 PM

SWLs » available or unavailable user? Mar 5, 2017 06:29 PM (Total replies: 0)

HP1AVS has a profile on eQSL he is still a subscriber according to his profile and he logged in january 2017.
But if I send him an eqsl (which i did) in my outbox Panama is not visible and if I open my outbox of march I see this user in light grey with written (notify) in blue under his callsign, clicking on notify I get the info that qrz.com is not providing anymore...etc...

is this user still available in eQSL or not?


IT2024SWL oscar marazzini

SWLs » Signal Report field blank or "swl"? Aug 31, 2016 09:47 AM (Total replies: 6)

Marc, being an SWL when I get a confirmation from a ham with written 599 (which happens in 50% of the cases) I normally smile since he could not listen to me.
Personally I appreciate when it is simply written "SWL" which in my mind means: "you're an SWL so there's no report report available for you".

73, Oscar

IT2024SWL oscar marazzini

SWLs » How do I reply SWL QSLs with WSPR reports? May 1, 2016 04:45 PM (Total replies: 2)

No, if you click confirm to an incoming eQSL from an SWL you will simply send a confirmation with written the following sentence "Confirming SWL reception of...(WSPR, JT65, RTTY)".
With an SWL whatever you click you never sent a confirmation of a two way QSO

You just confirmed few hours ago my reception of you WSPR Beacon on 40m band....and as you can see it did not hurt!

thanks, 73 Oscar

IT2024SWL oscar marazzini

SWLs » FT4JA Apr 30, 2016 07:16 PM (Total replies: 2)

Hi Dave!

yes!! It's visible now thanks!...the explanations were not clear to me...it was written that after payment going in the InBox or archive and opening again, the botton would have been different already there...while as long as I have seen it's not like this (at least not as I previously understood)... but yes I found the way! thanks again Dave.


IT2024SWL oscar marazzini

SWLs » FT4JA Apr 30, 2016 04:51 AM (Total replies: 2)

I've payed the 1US$ requested by eQSL for the FT4JA DXpedition at Juan De Nova Island. This payment is requested to be enabled opening the eQSL confirmation that I have rceieved from FT4JA, I did the payment 3 days ago with paypall but still I cannot open the eQSL, it's in my archive. Any news about when the permission to open it will be released or any indication about the timing needed for the release?

IT2024SWL oscar marazzini

SWLs » a DL Ham requesting a SWL confirmation Apr 22, 2016 08:22 AM (Total replies: 14)

Randal: ...and why an SWL should go to a DX cluster to get infos related to a QSO?
He can lie to others but not with himself.

IT2024SWL oscar marazzini

Digital » SIM31 Jul 31, 2015 08:19 AM (Total replies: 3)

Ah OK....I have just discovered (yesterday evening) this variation of the PSK mode, and I was going to ask the same (sorry for resuming this old topic). I have noticed from pskreporter that there's a certain daily amount of activities using SIM. But it is not possible to log it as SIM in any Logging software.

Do you know if any loggin software is giving this possibility?

To upload in eQSL i did like this: I specified in the QSLMSG the "SIM31" mode together with other QSO details
Just sent an eQSL to CT2KCK hope it's clear what i mean:

QSLMSG <SIM31 - CT2KCK (+05dB) wkg IN3TTL rpt sent +3, 73 fm Italy, GDXs, p.se eQSL>

I gave some explanations here on my blog page:



IT2024SWL oscar marazzini

SWLs » Awards Jul 30, 2015 03:59 PM (Total replies: 10)

Dave we had already this discussion as I mentioned and I accept and respect the decision to have only eDX available for us SWLs though I hope it will change.

If I agree or disagree with this it's not important since it doesn't change the fact.

I was bronze member when I decided to work hardly to get the ePFX300...you remember...(I believe we had a short email exchange) and only after I discovered that all other awards were not available for SWL. Later I decided anyway to become Silver and today I would renew my silver membership immediately, I like eQSL and I promote its use with other SWLs.

But it's not our fault if SWL is only receiving, thus "for the same lunch we can pay the half"....as you mention.
Please consider that the efforts we do to receive far away stations are as hard as yours, we spend as well bunch of money for receivers, aerials, filters, computers, antenna tuners, softwares, books and yes at the end you are right: we feel a little discriminated.

Thanks again for your answers.
73, Oscar

IT2024SWL oscar marazzini

SWLs » Awards Jul 30, 2015 12:29 PM (Total replies: 10)

"What are the other amateur radio electronic conformation systems that allow shortwave listener participation?"

"I haven't looked, but is it clear that SWL members have access to limited award prior to donation?"

It's the same as if SWLs are invited in a restaurant with HAMs: SWLs pay the bill as other Hams but can only watch the lunch without eating

Jeff both these things you wrote are for me a strange upsidedown approach to the issue, and none of them gives us (SWLs) the answer to our question: "why for us there's nothing else than the eDX?"
I would not make a question of money out of this, but a question of passion.

Anyway, I already had friendly exchanges with other eQSL members. The "official" explanation is that the award program is checked by award managers on a voluntary basis and nobody could manage an increase of working load if also SWL could acces even to few awards more than the only 1 available.
In the theoric idea that few hundreds SWLs applying for some more eAwards are able to increase the working load more than hundredthousads HAMs potentially applying for tens of awards and that nobody would take over the task of eAward manager for SWLs awards.

Look:on one side I respect this decision of the board, on the other I apply for EPC awards, QRZCQ awards, DMC awards.


IT2024SWL oscar marazzini

SWLs » Awards Jul 13, 2015 10:00 AM (Total replies: 10)

are there other amateur radio electronic confirmation systems, beside eQSL.cc?

IT2024SWL oscar marazzini

SWLs » Awards Jul 1, 2015 05:35 PM (Total replies: 10)


Do you know how many times swls have already been asking this question?

IT2024SWL oscar marazzini

SWLs » AM BCB LISTENERS Jul 1, 2015 05:33 PM (Total replies: 2)

Here I am!!

What's the matter?

IT2024SWL oscar marazzini

Support - English speaking » Winlog 32 to eQSL Jun 5, 2015 10:56 AM (Total replies: 3)

you can edit the adif file from wordpad, for istance, or from any text editor in widows, and make the proper correction.
this is the adif file generated by my logger (FastLogEntry):

<STATION_CALLSIGN:9>IT2024SWL <CALL:9>XY2WZK <BAND:3>10m <MODE:4>JT65 <QSO_DATE:8>20150210 <TIME_ON:4>1230 <RST_SENT:3>599 <RST_RCVD:3>000 <COMMENT:70>I received your signal when wkg ABC123 <EOR>

Do you see? the string "i received your signal etc..." is mentioned as: <COMMENT>
to put this string in the comment field of eQSL I open the adif file and edit it: "find" COMMENT "sobstitute all" QSLMSG

save and close, so all the "comment" in the adif file are now changed into "QSLMSG"

<STATION_CALLSIGN:9>IT2024SWL <CALL:9>XY2WZK <BAND:3>10m <MODE:4>JT65 <QSO_DATE:8>20150210 <TIME_ON:4>1230 <RST_SENT:3>599 <RST_RCVD:3>000 <QSLMSG:70>I received your signal when wkg ABC123 <EOR>

Now: when you upload the adif file to eqsl the sentence "I received your signal...bla bla" is placed in the right fill in space.


Than of course you should use a short sentence anyhow....
I use this one: "XYZ wkg ABC rpt sent NNN 73, GDXs, p.se eQSL"

IT2024SWL oscar marazzini
Edited by IT2024SWL oscar marazzini on Jun 5, 2015 at 10:57 AM

SWLs » email from a HAM asking to remove the entry Jun 3, 2015 08:14 PM (Total replies: 3)

I told him that an SWL cannot make a 2 way QSO because we only listen.
It's a pleasure to get any confirmation from any country, even when not needed I have some hundreds from Russia.

IT2024SWL oscar marazzini

SWLs » SWL Reception Report of an Incomplete QSO Do you Confirm or Not? Apr 1, 2015 08:35 PM (Total replies: 3)

thank you Mike for this nice exchange as well.
I agree, for a CQ call I don't send a report, a single line of a JT 65 QSO doesn't give me any warranty that the QSO has been completed. Normally I don't send a report for this.

BUT would it come the day in which the moons of Mars are in good mood allowing me to receive even a single JT65 line from VR6BB or from HV4NAC (none of them is subscribers of eQSL).....

Enjioy your radios

73s, Oscar

IT2024SWL oscar marazzini