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Viewing User Profile for: VK6DX David L Smithdale
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Joined: May 31, 2002 04:29 PM
Last Post: Nov 19, 2014 01:12 AM
Last Visit: Nov 19, 2014 01:12 AM
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VK6DX David L Smithdale has contributed to 2 posts out of 11671 total posts (0.02%) in 8,063 days (0.00 posts per day).

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DX » Incorrect QSLs received. Nov 19, 2014 01:12 AM (Total replies: 2)

eQSL is not my primary mode of sending QSL cards but via my QSL Manager, Most of the eQSL cards that were confirmed were responded to direct via my manager and not by eQSL
As stated I do not use SSB on any of the bands from 40 to 10 only CW. I have not until recently had a rig that included the WARC bands, and as such do not have antennae for those additional bands. I only use SSB locally on 80 and 40m and have never worked on 160 in VK6.

A large number of QSL card that arrive for me are in fact for VK6DXI and since my post I have received confirmation that some cards were in fact typing errors Several cards were for contests, again as stated I have never taken part in CW/SSB contests in 50 years of operating!

I cannot rule out Pirating of my call. I noticed a pile up of cards at the end of November 2011 where 11 eQSL cards were received for SSB contacts all of which were 59 reports. (Not in my logs!)

I use machine generated CW after I fell from a dizzy height several years ago and smashed up my keying hand, using the MAP64 program on a C64. (One of best morse programs ever created) All my equipment is vintage. i.e. Drake Twins/SB200 and home brew interfaces.

For QSL information I recommend contacts to refer to my web pages at The Smithdale Pages or at the QRZ call data base. All logs are held by Bob Dalton NN4I in NC.

No I do use any logging program. So no logging file available. Since April 2009 I have only have 12 DX contacts on CW 7 and 14 Mhz During previous sunspot cycles I worked WAS (CW) on both 7 and 14 and DXCC (CW) also on 7 and 14. But since 2005 my activity has been very low.

Probably I should remove my profile from eQSL. :)
73 Dave - VK6DX (ex G3UJS - 1965)

VK6DX David L Smithdale

DX » Incorrect QSLs received. Nov 18, 2014 12:04 AM (Total replies: 2)

Its been a while since I logged in because basically all my QSLs are handled by my QSL Manager NN4I.

Over the last 3 years I have been fairly QRT, due to health and band condx, but I found that some 50+ eQSLs have appeared for bands, dates, modes that I never worked. I have been licensed almost 50 years and throughout that entire period all my QSOs have been CW only. I never work contests. One interesting point in 2011 in October someone must have used my call as I have received 13 eQSLs for SSB contacts on that day.
I might add that some of the alleged contacts would have been totally impossible with the propagation and band indicated !.

VK6DX David L Smithdale