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Viewing User Profile for: AC6EG Gary DeFeyter
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Joined: Oct 15, 2012 06:27 PM
Last Post: Nov 28, 2023 05:39 PM
Last Visit: May 9, 2024 11:34 PM
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AC6EG Gary DeFeyter has contributed to 7 posts out of 11671 total posts (0.06%) in 4,273 days (0.00 posts per day).

20 Most recent posts:
Getting more eQSLs » LotW to eQSL Nov 28, 2023 05:39 PM (Total replies: 6)

Just tried out the "NEW! Import your LotW QSLs" feature. All I can say is WOW!
If eQSL sees that you have LoTW confirmation for a QSO, it now accepts that as a confirmed QSO when applying for the various eQSL Awards. If your QSO partner doesn't use eQSL but has confirmed the exchange in LoTW, you will now get credit for the contact. Using this new feature I imported my verified LoTW QSO's from over the past decade and received credit for 3300 new contacts and qualified for several new awards. This truly is a game changer! Many thanks to the eQSL movers & shakers that made this possible!

AC6EG Gary DeFeyter

Getting more eQSLs » LotW to eQSL Nov 28, 2023 03:25 AM (Total replies: 6)

Not everyone knows that you don't need to be a member of the ARRL to use LoTW.

AC6EG Gary DeFeyter

Digital » Why does Mode MFSK (FT4) match Mode MFSK (MFSK16)? Jan 27, 2023 06:08 PM (Total replies: 0)

I spend a lot of time using FT4 on the HF bands. I've recently received a few eQSL cards where mode was specified as MFSK (MFSK16) but the QSO was verified as a match to my MFSK (FT4). I'm not complaining...just curious.
73 de Gary - AC6EG

AC6EG Gary DeFeyter

Digital » How to fix FT8 eQSLs logged as FT8 (FT4) May 27, 2021 07:30 AM (Total replies: 0)

A confirmed defect in JTAlert v2.50.1 causes random FT8 QSO's to be logged as FT8 (FT4) in HRD Logbook.
When uploaded to eQSL, these are accepted as a match against corresponding eQSLs with mode FT8.
This is curious, since ADIF doesn't, and shouldn't, recognize FT4 as a sub-mode of FT8. Tonight I found three of these entries in my eQSL Outbox. When I clicked on Edit, I found the mode was set as AM. I could use the drop-down menu to change the mode to FT8, but when I clicked on SAVE, the mode reverted back to AM. When "Displayed as a Card" the mode was still indicated as FT8 (FT4). I found that the only way to correct these eQSL's was to delete them from my Outbox and re-upload the corrected entries from my HRD Logbook. Laurie has released JTAlert v2.50.1(beta) specifically for those having this particular weird problem and will include the fix in the next general release of his indispensable addition to WSJT-X.

Gary - AC6EG

AC6EG Gary DeFeyter

Support - English speaking » Questions about Voting for Best Cards Jul 30, 2015 07:05 PM (Total replies: 4)

Thanks for shedding light on what is probably a little understood aspect of eQSL.cc
Adds to the fun and encourages users to put more thought into their card designs.

73 de Gary - AC6EG

AC6EG Gary DeFeyter

Support - English speaking » Questions about Voting for Best Cards Jul 30, 2015 04:55 PM (Total replies: 4)

Thanks Dave for that useful information. Do you happen to know what happens to the vote count if a change is made to the card design? Does the vote count drop to zero or does it remain the same and follow the call sign? I ask that because when I looked at the "Artistic Nudes" category, only one of the three cards actually fits that category. Is that because the two non-conforming cards were changed after they received more than ten votes? How do cards wind up in the various categories in the first place?

73 de Gary - AC6EG

AC6EG Gary DeFeyter

Support - English speaking » Questions about Voting for Best Cards Jul 29, 2015 07:29 PM (Total replies: 4)

I have a few questions about voting for cards:

> Usually when I display a card, I see a link to be able to vote for that card as one of the best I've seen, but sometimes that option does not appear. Why is that? Do you need to have AG status or a minimum membership level to have your card eligible to be voted on?

> I've found the place where cards with the most votes can be viewed by category, but I haven't found a way to find out how many votes a particular card has received without voting for it myself and viewing that information in a pop-up window. Is there any other way to view this voting data?

> How can a person find out if his own card has received any votes?

I've tried to find answers in the FAQ's and with the forum search engine, but am not having any luck. Thanks for your help.

73 de Gary - AC6EG

AC6EG Gary DeFeyter