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Viewing User Profile for: SV9RMU Jukka Siitari
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Joined: Sep 16, 2014 10:41 AM
Last Post: Jan 14, 2024 03:44 PM
Last Visit: May 18, 2024 09:22 PM
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SV9RMU Jukka Siitari has contributed to 13 posts out of 11671 total posts (0.11%) in 3,572 days (0.00 posts per day).

20 Most recent posts:
Support - English speaking » Donations Jan 14, 2024 03:44 PM (Total replies: 4)

Sorry, Guy, but it does not work that way any more! The PayPal Pop-Up FORCES you to create an account, if you don't already have one! As I said, there is no way around it.

However, now (14 Jan 2024) e-QSL has a new credit card payment method called "Stripe". Just scroll all the way down on the payment page. The Stripe stuff is below the PayPal things. Stripe worked OK for me.
Happy New Year!

SV9RMU Jukka Siitari

Support - English speaking » Donations Jan 4, 2024 10:45 PM (Total replies: 4)

Just to add: The "PayPal" page FORCES you to create an account! There is no way around it!

SV9RMU Jukka Siitari

Support - English speaking » Donations Jan 4, 2024 10:28 PM (Total replies: 4)

It seems it is now impossible to donate to eQSL using a credit card but WITHOUT a PayPal account!
I do not want to use PayPal in any circumstances! They have lost my and my XYL's money too many times!
How can I make a donation directly with a credit card? There are no instructions about that in the web pages. At least I haven't found them.

SV9RMU Jukka Siitari

DX » D1IJZ illegal callsign Mar 4, 2023 03:26 PM (Total replies: 0)

Someone is using D1IJZ callsign on ham radio bands. D1 prefix is not allocated to any country, so the operator does not have a valid ham radio license. PLEASE DO NOT ANSWER THIS STATION'S CALL! He is apparently working from Donetsk region, which is legally part of Ukraine. It is not an independent country nor a DXCC country!

SV9RMU Jukka Siitari
Edited by F6DKQ Guy FALCOZ on Mar 9, 2023 at 01:00 PM

DX » D0II is illegal callsign! Jan 15, 2023 03:29 PM (Total replies: 0)

Someone is using D0II callsign on ham radio bands. D (by itself) or D0 prefix is not allocated to any country, so the operator does not have a valid ham radio license. PLEASE DO NOT ANSWER THIS STATION'S CALL! He is working from Donetsk region, which is legally part of Ukraine. It is not an independent country!

SV9RMU Jukka Siitari

Other suggestions » eQSL donations via Paypal do not work Sep 3, 2021 12:25 AM (Total replies: 0)

It is NOT POSSIBLE to make a donation through Paypal (using a credit card) without creating a Paypal account! Never mind what Paypal says, but a guest check-out does not work. I tried it for two countries, Finland and Greece. UK is different and they have the possibility to not create an account at checkout, but for a lot of other countries that option is not there. And I (of course) don't have a UK credit card.
Please add a clear warning about this to the Paypal links and advice people to use direct credit card payment right away, without first wrestling with Paypal.

SV9RMU Jukka Siitari

Support - English speaking » No Confirm and Reject icons Jan 28, 2021 01:05 AM (Total replies: 1)

The Confirm and Reject Icons have disappeared from Inbox and Archive. Now I cannot tell, wether an incoming eQSL is valid or not and cannot confirm SWL QSLs. What has happened?

SV9RMU Jukka Siitari

General web site suggestions » QSO info problem in eQSL card Sep 4, 2020 06:47 AM (Total replies: 7)

Thank you, Guy!
I hope that the suggestion for a smaller QSO info default font goes through.
All the best & 73,
Jukka - SV9RMU

SV9RMU Jukka Siitari

General web site suggestions » QSO info problem in eQSL card Sep 3, 2020 08:07 AM (Total replies: 7)

OK Guy!

Please change my eQSL back to what it was before the changes you made!

I have been using style 3 for some years by now, so that I can design the card in my graphics software, not at eQSL site. I uploaded the whole eQSL background, including all texts (except the QSO details), to eQSL site as a correctly sized *.JPG file. That's the only way to make the card look exactly as I want.

I have tried earlier to use the eQSL designer tool with style 2, but it does not work very well. The main problem seems to be that on the design screen the card may look OK, but on the actueal sent eQSLs some graphics data gets lost, because it does not look the same (object alignments and sizes, for instance).

Thanks for your help & 73,
Jukka - SV9RMU

SV9RMU Jukka Siitari

General web site suggestions » QSO info problem in eQSL card Sep 2, 2020 06:51 PM (Total replies: 7)

Hi again. Guy!
For some reason, changing the "QSO text" line fonts, colours etc DO NOT WORK from my computer, which is running Windows 8.1 and Firefox 80.0.1. Somehow you were able to change my eQSL card's font size, but I cannot do it.

SV9RMU Jukka Siitari

General web site suggestions » QSO info problem in eQSL card Sep 2, 2020 06:28 PM (Total replies: 7)

Hello Guy!
Read my first post carefully. It is not question of my eQSL card, but the eQSLs I receive from other stations. I can edit my card as I want, but I cannot do anything to other people's cards.

SV9RMU Jukka Siitari

General web site suggestions » QSO info problem in eQSL card Sep 2, 2020 08:04 AM (Total replies: 7)

When receiving eQSLs for modes with "long" mode + sub-mode names, the first line is extended to second line, which pushes the last (comment/greeting) line out of the eQSL frame. For instance:

To: SV9RMU This confirms our 2-way OLIVIA(OLIVIA 8/250)
[date and time are OK]
[band and report are OK]
??????? <- this line is out of eQSL frame

This has been happening, since eQSL started using MODE + SUB-MODE and may depend on the logging program uploading the QSO data to eQSL. In the example above, the sub-mode would not need to be "OLIVIA 8/250", but just "8/250". I don't know, how the ADIF standard specifies the sub-modes, though.

Would it be possible to change the standard QSO info font to a slightly narrower one?

SV9RMU Jukka Siitari

SWLs » Dear SWL's - The Devil's in the details. Jul 30, 2015 09:09 AM (Total replies: 14)

I am always confirming SWL reports as a courtesy, if they are correct. For me to consider an eQSL SWL report to be correct, it must have clearly stated:
- That it is an SWL report (not a QSO confirmation). Sometimes also licensed hams are sending eQSL SWL reports and if the "SWL" is not mentioned, I may reject the "QSO" after a search through my logs, because it is not found.
- UTC date and time. Preferably this should be accurate to +/- 1 minute. All PC clocks are drifting, but it is easy enough to synchronize it with an on-line time server.
- The call sign of the station I was working with. Don't send a report for my CQ call. I do not log them and thus cannot confirm that I was transmitting at that time.
- Band or frequency I was working on
- Operating mode
- A REAL signal report. An "always 599" is often not acceptable. Also the report must be of the format used for the mode I was working.
- Identification ("call sign") name and QTH of the SWL.

That should not be too difficult to do. To be fair, most SWL eQSLs I receive do fulfil the requirements mentioned above. Unless ALL that info is available in the eQSL I receive and it is correct, I WILL reject the SWL report, just like I would do for a 2-way QSO. SWLs should remember that as such an SWL QSL does not have much value to a licensed ham, except for the REAL signal report (SWL QSLs cannot be used towards any awards, for example) and they are confirmed only as a courtesy.

SV9RMU Jukka Siitari