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Viewing User Profile for: R2AZE Eugene Medvedev
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Joined: Mar 25, 2020 11:37 AM
Last Post: Jul 9, 2021 11:37 AM
Last Visit: Jul 11, 2021 05:10 AM
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R2AZE Eugene Medvedev has contributed to 1 posts out of 11671 total posts (0.01%) in 1,554 days (0.00 posts per day).

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Support - English speaking » Broken images on certain received cards. Jul 9, 2021 11:37 AM (Total replies: 3)

I've discovered that for a substantial number of card images I have received previously, their full files, accessible on the server when clicking the thumbnail, are mysteriously damaged. Here's an example:


This is obviously a photograph, and I'm quite certain this is not what it's supposed to look like. Interestingly, I have previously downloaded at least some of these files when they weren't damaged, they looked fine -- whatever happened, happened today or yesterday. Looking at the internals, there is no way the file was damaged in transfer, it's like something ate the blue color channel and then saved the file properly.

What do I do to get an undamaged picture back, if anything? Is this a known issue?

R2AZE Eugene Medvedev