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Viewing User Profile for: F4HWL Christophe LEFEBVRE
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Joined: May 22, 2017 06:31 PM
Last Post: Sep 30, 2020 02:32 PM
Last Visit: Sep 30, 2020 02:32 PM
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F4HWL Christophe LEFEBVRE has contributed to 1 posts out of 11671 total posts (0.01%) in 2,593 days (0.00 posts per day).

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On E-QSL, you can have a long password (18 characters for example).
But if you have a password of 18 characters, it fails when you want to automatically send QSO data from your logging program to e-qsl.

After some investigation, I can see https://www.eqsl.cc/qslcard/importADIF.cfm?**** returns an error message "Error: No match on eQSL_User/eQSL_Pswd for date" as soon as the length of the E-QSL password is strictly longer of 14 characters (it fails with a password of 15 characters and more).

Could you correct this issue, allowing to use the same password limitation between the password used in E-QSL GUI and the password used in the "importADIF.cfm" feature?
Many OMs can loose time to search why their logging program is not able to send data to e-QSL if they use a password longer than 14 characters.

Thanks in advance,
F4HWL Christophe