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Viewing User Profile for: NT3W Kenneth W. Wright
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Joined: Dec 12, 2001 02:09 AM
Last Post: May 20, 2007 05:59 AM
Last Visit: May 31, 2007 04:23 PM
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NT3W Kenneth W. Wright has contributed to 2 posts out of 11673 total posts (0.02%) in 8,235 days (0.00 posts per day).

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Authenticity Guaranteed » AG Required to Join? May 20, 2007 05:59 AM (Total replies: 41)

Both of you have made points worth considering. However, when people continue to send out eQSLs and only get a 15% return rate, something is wrong. I think eQSL is great but I think everyone should start from the same point. Either we are legal amateur operators and can provide the verification via a license and become AG or we do away with AG altogether. I prefer the first. All legal amateur radio operators have a license. If they do not, they are not legal. eQSL now has two standards; one for AG and awards and one for non-AG who seem to be able to get awards anyway off of the people who are AG. Make one standard for everyone and live with the standard. Obtaining AG status is not that difficult if you have a license and can scan it into the computer. Get someone to help you do it if you can not figure out how to do it. Common sense and courtesy should dictate to all amateur radio operators to obatin AG status and either send an eQSL after every QSO or respond to every eQSL in your inbox. If a person does not use their account and check their inbox in a certain amount of time, eQSL should remove them from the ranks. I do not know anything about LoTW and do not want to know about it. I am happy with eQSL but would be happier if we were all following the same standards. I am too old and sick to worry or care about awards. I was actually surprised to discover one day that I was eligible for an eAward. I selected the button and later the system said that I had received the award. I just get on the radio to keep my mind alert and exercise the brain. eQSL has been a part of that exercise and will continue to be a part of it. However, it is frustrating to see so many unreturned eQSLs. Some of the responses I have received ranged from smart remarks to thanks for informing because I did not know about it. Just because eQSL started one way does not mean it has to continue to run that way. I know there have been improvements in eQSL since I have been a member. Everything changes and hopefully for the better. Don't set yourself or eQSL in cement, Rich. It can change and should change for the better. Get all of the eQSL users on the same standards. It should not be that hard to do and it does not have to be a clone of something else either.

NT3W Kenneth W. Wright

Getting more eQSLs » Make It a Requirement To Be AG To Use eQSL May 20, 2007 04:01 AM (Total replies: 8)

1. To make the playing field level for everyone, everyone that uses eQSL should be required to submit a copy of their license to become AG and become a member. Every legal amateur radio operator has a license or he/she would not be an amateur radio operator. Therefore, the next logical step is to require all users to submit a copy of their license in order to have AG status and membership. All eQSL users would then have AG status. If any individual is unwilling to do that simple procedure, they should not be a part of eQSL and should not be receiving any eQSL awards. I have read enough stories about people with AG status sending out eQSLs and only getting a 15 to 20% return on their efforts. I, too, am getting very similar results and am getting tired of goldbrickers taking advantage of the people who make the effort to send out eQSLs.
2. If you are a user of eQSL, when you complete a QSO, you should respond to the eQSL that is sent to you or initiate the eQSL yourself. That is nothing but plain common courtesy and common sense. If you are not AG status, do the steps to get yourself AG status and start replying to the eQSLs that are in your inbox. It is ridiculous for people to receive an eQSL, be an eQSL user, and not respond to the eQSL. It is rude, ill mannered, and discourteous. It is just as ridiculous to not have AG status. Your eQSL counts for nothing without AG status.

NT3W Kenneth W. Wright