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Viewing User Profile for: EA2CTB Iñaki
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Joined: Aug 24, 2007 10:03 AM
Last Post: Sep 5, 2007 02:41 PM
Last Visit: Sep 10, 2007 05:58 PM
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EA2CTB Iñaki has contributed to 14 posts out of 11671 total posts (0.12%) in 6,152 days (0.00 posts per day).

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Support - English speaking » Cards With Comments Sep 5, 2007 02:41 PM (Total replies: 34)

Hi Mark,
EA4YG came back to me immediately. Let me explains his answer:
1.- first of all, the sentence "The stresses have been eliminated on purpose" has nothing to do with the message. This is part of the signature of every email he sends, meaning that the "stresses on certain letters when writing" have not been written on purpose, because some times the email does not support the fonts with stresses. Well, he did not mention it, but I found it out.
2.- It seems that ADIF is not a well managed format. There is no a clear regulation, or at least a rationalization and standarization. I mean, that having a field for <COMMENT>, suddenly it was created a new one in version 2 with <QSLMSG>. Even version 2 will have another field <NOTES>. Basically all of them for the same thing.
So, software designers (like for instance eQSL) when importing ADIF, import certain fields, and if you have this field filled in, it is imported; otherwise it is not.
I mean, even when ADIF 2 is implemented in RADIOGES, there will be 3 fields where to write comments.
Anyway, knowing that <QSLMSG> is the one to fill in for eQSL, once EA4YG update the version or ADIF, we will have the chance to fill the correct field, and get it imported directly into eQSL.

Well, clear and understood, isn't it?


EA2CTB Iñaki

Support - English speaking » Cards With Comments Sep 4, 2007 06:22 PM (Total replies: 34)

Hi Mark,
Thanks for asistance. Well, it is not too clear to be honest....
He says that "Radioges works with ADIF 1 nowadays, but there is a coming version working with ADIF 2." (I do not know if it will support the QSLMSG)
"The stresses have been eliminated on purpose" (no idea what it means...)
Let me contact EA4YG directly in Spanish, and see what I can get...
I will keep you posted.

EA2CTB Iñaki

Support - English speaking » Cards With Comments Sep 4, 2007 08:08 AM (Total replies: 34)

Thanks a lot Mark.
Cristal clear. I use a log (RADIOGES), whose adif is imported perfectly by the eQSL system.
However, in every QSO I can fill the following fields:


As you see, hte only available field for comments is <COMMENT:14>WHATEVER COMMENT
Well, as it does not match with "QSLMSG", it is not imported by the system.

Of course, I can add manually the field "QSLMSG" to the adi file, but it is very painful, specially if you want to add different comments to each QSO.
Any idea of how to cheat the system and make it import my field <COMMENT:14>WHATEVER COMMENT into the "QSLMSG"?


EA2CTB Iñaki

Support - English speaking » Cards With Comments Sep 2, 2007 04:14 PM (Total replies: 34)

Thanks for post Mark.
It is a pity, and perhaps could be a suggestion for improvement of the system....

EA2CTB Iñaki

Support - English speaking » Modification of eQSL already delivered Aug 31, 2007 03:04 PM (Total replies: 5)

So do I Mark, but I am afraid they will not be valid for any eAward, as eAwards are based on the eQSL you have in your "archive box" within nthe system, and it is unbelievable that "your archive" can be changed by others.
Let's compare with paper QSLs. Once you send one QSL, you CANNOT modify/delete/destroy it. It is not your property anymore, and it belongs to the recipient of the card, not to the sender.
If you worked me last year, and I decide to leave the hobby, the QSL you got is yours and valid for any award and for ever.
Why not in eQSL?
Worried regards.....

EA2CTB Iñaki

Support - Spanish » eDX100 por qué se pierde un país...?? Aug 31, 2007 02:57 PM (Total replies: 7)

Gracias Raul.
Entonces para que yo lo entienda:
- Entiendo que si alguien se da de baja, sus eQSL de "outbox" permanecen en el sistema para siempre, y no hay mas problema.
- Pero ¿que ocurre si decide borrarlas? ¿puede hacerlo?
- De hecho, ¿y si cualquiera decide borrar su outbox en cualquier momento?

Perdona la insistencia, pero mientras los usuarios tengamos acceso a modificar o borrar las eQSL enviadas, sigo viendo un problema grave.
Un saludo.

EA2CTB Iñaki

Support - Spanish » eDX100 por qué se pierde un país...?? Aug 31, 2007 02:19 PM (Total replies: 7)

Gracias por la respuesta Raul.
Entiendo que el sistema solo contemple a los miembros que estan dados de alta, pero creo que aquellas eQSL que ya han sido enviadas deberian de ser contempladas como propiedad del receptor, y el emisor ya no debe de poder actuar sobre ellas. (ni modificar ni borrar)
Si se considerara de esta forma, si yo me doy de baja, todo mi "inbox" podra desaparecer, pero mi "outbox" ya no me pertenece. (lo mismo que con las QSL de papel; si yo abandono esta aficion, las QSL que yo haya enviado en papel, siguen teniendo plena validez para siempre; ya no son mias y yo no las puedo modificar. El qeu en su dia contacto conmigo, sigue teniendo esa prueba del contacto, y yo no puedo moddificarla)
Obviamente esto es una opinion, y aunque para mi sea obvio, seran los dueños delsistema los que pondran sus reglas.
Espero que consigas alguna respuesta positiva.
Un saludo y gracias por la atencion.

EA2CTB Iñaki

Support - English speaking » Cards With Comments Aug 31, 2007 07:38 AM (Total replies: 34)

Thanks Mark.

EA2CTB Iñaki

Support - English speaking » Modification of eQSL already delivered Aug 31, 2007 07:10 AM (Total replies: 5)

Yes, and I am afraid one can even spoil any of other members awards, by deleting cards already delivered!!!
Tomorrow you can have less countries certified than today!!!!
What if a member leaves the system and delete all your outbox?
Yes, I would appreciate if any administrator assist us...

EA2CTB Iñaki

Support - English speaking » Cards With Comments Aug 30, 2007 11:08 AM (Total replies: 34)

Any conclusion on this interesting issue?
Tnx adn regards,

EA2CTB Iñaki

Support - English speaking » Cards With Comments Aug 30, 2007 11:08 AM (Total replies: 34)

Any conclusion on this interesting issue?
Tnx adn regards,

EA2CTB Iñaki

Support - English speaking » Cards With Comments Aug 30, 2007 11:08 AM (Total replies: 34)

Any conclusion on this interesting issue?
Tnx adn regards,

EA2CTB Iñaki

Support - Spanish » eDX100 por qué se pierde un país...?? Aug 30, 2007 11:06 AM (Total replies: 7)

Hola Raul.
Como dices, el sistema funciona asi, pero me parece que se deberia cambiar.
Si tu has hecho un contacto, y recibes la eQSL, esa eQSL es tuya y para siempre.
Creo que los usuarios no deberiamos tener posibilidad de modificar, ni borrar NUNCA las eQSL enviadas. (o al menos si el destinatario ya las ha visto/archivado)
Con el sistema actual, tu archivo varia en funcion de que los usuarios se den de baja, o de qeu decidan modificar los datos, etc.
Mi humilde opinion es que es un punto debil del sistema importante.
Un saludo

EA2CTB Iñaki

Support - English speaking » Modification of eQSL already delivered Aug 30, 2007 10:37 AM (Total replies: 5)

Hi guys,
As a newcomer, I am checking the system, to learn all the possibilities.
I see that I can modify any eQSL sent in the past, regardless the receiver already displayed or archived it. how can it be?
I mean, when I change somethng in the delivered eQSL, does it change in the card the destinatary already archived? If so, I foresee a big deal, because your archive can change without your consent.
If no, I do not see the point why the system allow me to modify it.
Well, I am sure, this question is already sorted out, but I would appreciate your input.
Thansk and kindest regards,

EA2CTB Iñaki