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Viewing User Profile for: N2UGB Richard Downey
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Joined: Jan 21, 2008 11:34 AM
Last Post: Jul 18, 2008 06:17 PM
Last Visit: Dec 1, 2008 01:16 PM
Location: Amsterdam, NY
Favorite Bands: 17 and 20 meters
Favorite Modes: 100% QRP cw
Email: richarddowney@verizon.net

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N2UGB Richard Downey has contributed to 4 posts out of 11671 total posts (0.03%) in 6,002 days (0.00 posts per day).

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Getting more eQSLs » EQSL Stats Jul 18, 2008 06:17 PM (Total replies: 11)

I operate 100% QRP cw on 17 and 20 meters. I like very much to eQSL my contacts, not to achieve an award, but as a note of appreciation to the other operator for listening to my weaker signal with a little more attention than might be usual for him or her. Two-way QRPers are used to weak signal work and we love it.

However, after looking up a call sign, finding the operator listed, then going to the operators eQSL page, I frequently find that person may have a couple hundred, or more incoming eQSLs waiting. Many from DX stations.

When I see that, I don't bother adding my own to his or her pile of incoming.

I can understand not printing every card that has been acquired. But, say you want mine for award purposes and haven't acknowledged those hundreds in your box, I am not going to contribute to the clutter.

Did that today. Or should I say, didn't do that today.

N2UGB Richard Downey
Still a place for low-tech amateur radio in a high-tech amateur radio world.

Other suggestions » Triming QSLs and paper stock Feb 29, 2008 12:14 PM (Total replies: 0)

I quickly tired of using scissors to cut out my printed eQSL cards. Messy job. I purchased a small paper cutter from one of the national office supply stores. Very reasonable price. Not the old fashioned guillotine-blade style, but a sliding affair with a razor blade. I highly recommend their use in order to have a sharp-looking QSL card for the collection.

Also recommend experimenting with different paper stocks for your printer. Parchment adds an antique look. Photo stock can be used when the incoming card is exceptional. Bit too expensive for every-day use.

N2UGB Richard Downey
Still a place for low-tech amateur radio in a high-tech amateur radio world.

Getting more eQSLs » What do you do with eQSLs? Feb 29, 2008 03:50 AM (Total replies: 31)

I print all e-Qsl cards, cut them to size and put them in my shoe-box. If someone has the courtesy of sending me a card, any card, I just can't ignore it.

N2UGB Richard Downey
Still a place for low-tech radio in a high-tech radio world.

I send eQSLs as a courtesy. It has nothing to do with awards, either for me or the other operator. I think the old expression used to be something about the "final courtesy" that a QSL represented.

I enjoy receiving paper cards in the mail, and I answer everyone received, willingingly and happily, with a pre-printed QSL of my own. However, I tend not to initiate the exchange, unless the communication was very special or unusual.

I do initiate an eQSL, rarely missing acknowledging the QSO, routine or special.

N2UGB Richard Downey