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Viewing User Profile for: CU2JT Gary Wikstrom
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Joined: Sep 20, 2004 05:00 PM
Last Post: Mar 17, 2009 12:52 PM
Last Visit: Mar 17, 2009 12:52 PM
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CU2JT Gary Wikstrom has contributed to 3 posts out of 11673 total posts (0.03%) in 7,222 days (0.00 posts per day).

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Other suggestions » Vanity calls Mar 17, 2009 12:52 PM (Total replies: 2)

I like to check my log before I verify a contact. Today, I had a lot of eQSL from K2SHL and none of the contacts were in my log. It turned out that K2SHL is now W2LK and searching for that call made the hits. So I think W2LK should change his userid on eQSL or accept having a lot of rejected cards coming back.

The other way around was W0WQ. I could not find any QSO's with W0WQ but on the same dates and times was WD0HQY...

PLEASE GUYS: If you take this seriously, see to it that you are registered with the same user id (callsign) as you were using when making the logged contacts. It takes too long to check and do searches in the log for dates and times. It is easier to just reject the eQSL.

CU2JT Gary Wikstrom

Getting more eQSLs » What do you do with eQSLs? Oct 9, 2006 08:29 AM (Total replies: 31)

eQSL would be the perfect solution if only ARRL and the CQ Magazine would recognize them as a valid confirmation. I surely wish they would give up the "NIH" (Not Invented Here) attitude. Hams have been big sponsors to the worlds post offices for long enough.

Because of the above, I do not actively verify by eQSL but I reply to all cards I get that way. The incoming cards are kept in the eQSL archive, which I believe is the most secure place. I assume that eQSL has good back-up routines.

The paper QSL's are kept for the time being. I produce my own cards through my home built logger. That means I do not have to fill in all cards but I do have to sign them and also use a paper cutter to cut them into shape. I get 4 QSL cards out of each A4 sheet. Last week I received about 500 cards through the bureau and it took me a good day to produce the replies. The Portuguese incoming bureau, which we must rely on, is very slow and we get shipments about once a year from Lisbon. Being as active as I am, it means bundles of cards once a year.

LoTW is nice, since the verifications are good for DXCC and WAS but if you are a county hunter as I am, they are not good for USA-CA. The NIH syndrom again. The problem with LoTW is that it is hard to get the certificate and the signing and upload procedures are quite cumbersome.

CU2JT Gary Wikstrom

SWLs » QSL card for SWL ? Oct 9, 2006 06:53 AM (Total replies: 23)

I do receive SWL reports from time to time on eQSL but so far, I have not received any SWL report that has been confirmable.

I QSL all correct SWL report whether they arrive via the bureau, direct or via eQSL. However, I do expect the SWL to indicate

*) Who I was talking to
*) When the QSO was made, date and UTC time
*) What band and what mode I was using.

All the SWL reports received on eQSL have, so far, not stated the callsign of the station I was in QSO with. Sorry... incomplete SWL reports can not be verified.

CU2JT Gary Wikstrom