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Viewing User Profile for: RD3AJB Mikhail Nosov
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Joined: Dec 9, 2008 02:39 PM
Last Post: Mar 2, 2019 04:17 PM
Last Visit: Jun 6, 2019 09:35 AM
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RD3AJB Mikhail Nosov has contributed to 33 posts out of 11671 total posts (0.28%) in 5,678 days (0.01 posts per day).

20 Most recent posts:
General web site suggestions » How to solve problem with QSO mode ? Mar 2, 2019 04:17 PM (Total replies: 2)

Thanks ! :)

RD3AJB Mikhail Nosov

General web site suggestions » How to solve problem with QSO mode ? Mar 2, 2019 01:09 PM (Total replies: 2)

Hi all!
After changing ADIF-version in database of this site we've got a lot of "red marks" in our Output Boxes in the field "Mode" for many old records. Those records had right mode earlier, for example, "PSK63". But after changing ADIF-version the database now cannot understand, what "PSK63" now means :) Now the database want this mode to be "PSK | PSK63".
OK, we have two ways. First - manually edit every "now red" old good record in every old month of every old year, manually change "PSK63" to "PSK | PSK63", "PSK125" to "PSK | PSK125", "QPSK63" to ..... and so on... and then save every record...
And everyone user have to do it !
Very attractive business, right ? :)
And there is another way. Just run script on the database - and it will do the same automatically.

So there is a question - what is the problem with automatic changing of the QSO modes in all records to new standard?

If someone needs to help him making this script - I (as a programmer myself) would try to help, no problems. To my mind it will be something like:
If database doesn't allow updating all at once - we can do it part by part, for example, year by year:

So please, save our time! Script will make it much quicker and better !

RD3AJB Mikhail Nosov

eAward Suggestions » e5BDXCC ? Jun 30, 2017 11:12 AM (Total replies: 0)

Why not ? We all grow up :)

RD3AJB Mikhail Nosov

General web site suggestions » Add search "not confirmed QSO" in archive Mar 22, 2016 08:19 AM (Total replies: 2)

Well, after 4 months this post has 22 viewers and still no one little response...
Is there anybody home ? :)

RD3AJB Mikhail Nosov

eAward Suggestions » Awards Update Dec 4, 2015 08:47 AM (Total replies: 2)

Please add my voice for this option too ! :)

RD3AJB Mikhail Nosov

General web site suggestions » Add search "not confirmed QSO" in archive Nov 23, 2015 03:06 PM (Total replies: 2)

Hi ! When we look QSO in Inbox, we can click on QSO and see it's details. After that clicking it moves to Archive regardless of that it wasn't confirmed yet (I mean that QSO I click can be "under a question", and I click it to see it's details just to know - was it a QSO with operator of contest station, for example, or /P station or /QRP or...).
And there appears a problem - when we search in Archive, we cannot select "not confirmed" QSO ! There is no such checkbox or dropdown box.
I think we need to add it there.
By the way, there was a fault in eQSL about 1 month ago - several those yet not confirmed QSO disappeared from Inbox to somewhere. That wasn't my action or my fault, really - I didn't move them anywhere. Just refreshed screen and voila...
I think they could be waiting for me in Archive, but I have no ways to find them there...

RD3AJB Mikhail Nosov

Support - English speaking » eQSL works just wrong... Jan 14, 2012 09:57 AM (Total replies: 11)

Thank you very much, David, now it's all working good, no errors now !
About EW1IP and PD1ATH (and others I've told earlier) - I entered each of them almost every day, but they didn't disappear from InputBox... So the reason of this QSL's behaviour was that there were really entered duplicate QSL by senders... I see...
As a programmer creating software to work with SQL DB I think there might be some problem with unique number of record. In our programs we use identity field for identifying the record we are working with. It's a duplicate-proof solution - when user wants to edit or delete the record, the program get it by this identity field, not by the primary index (that can be made from call+mode+band+datetime). You see, using primary key to find the record when sender make 2 identical QSO - we'll always get THE FIRST QSO from two, and the second QSO will never be accessed this way ! :)

RD3AJB Mikhail Nosov

Support - English speaking » eQSL works just wrong... Jan 12, 2012 05:39 AM (Total replies: 11)

Thanks for the help, unknown supporter ! :) Now there are only 2 old QSL - from EW1IP and PD1ATH. I'm already used to skip them. Good work!

RD3AJB Mikhail Nosov

Support - English speaking » eQSL works just wrong... Dec 14, 2011 05:57 AM (Total replies: 11)

Well, the duplicates rise like mushrooms under the rain :) Now I have 7 the same QSLs each day :

EW1IP, PD1ATH, ZC4LI - old old cards that come every day for several months
HA6NL, HA6NL, M5ARC, Z37M - new old cards, fresh generation

Does anybody want them ?
I'd like to exchange them for anything else !
Prefer the DXs, of course :)

RD3AJB Mikhail Nosov

Support - English speaking » eQSL works just wrong... Nov 17, 2011 09:00 AM (Total replies: 11)

No, I don't know how it was fixed last time... there was no reply from support.
Thanks for advice, I'll use it when it become difficult to dig up new QSL from many old ones :) Now I have only 3 "undeletable" QSL, but they have a tendency to grow, one month ago there was only one such QSL.
I am a programmer myself, so I just don't understand how this effect could be achieved :)

RD3AJB Mikhail Nosov

Support - English speaking » eQSL works just wrong... Nov 14, 2011 04:42 PM (Total replies: 11)

The story returns......
Again I see undeletable QSO in my Input Box.... What is the problem with them ? Why some of input QSO remains in Input Box while many others transfers to the Archive Box after I click on them ??
I don't understand it !...

RD3AJB Mikhail Nosov

Support - English speaking » eQSL works just wrong... Jul 2, 2010 01:33 PM (Total replies: 11)

I just wanted to say thanks to everybody, who repaired the soft on the server - now I see in the InBox only new eQSL ! Thanks a lot ! 73 !

RD3AJB Mikhail Nosov

Well, I just wanted to say thanks to everybody, who repaired the server - now I see in the InBox only new eQSL ! But it became difficult because of unknown problems in this forum with russian encoding... ;)

RD3AJB Mikhail Nosov

????? ????????????? ?? ??????????? ???????? - ?? ?????????? ??-?? ?????-?? ??????? ? ??????? ?????? ?? ?????? :)))

RD3AJB Mikhail Nosov

???? ??????? ???????, ???????-?? ?????? ???? ? ?????? - ?? ???????? ?????? ????? eQSL :))) ???, ??? ???????-???? ???????? ??? ???? ! 73 !

RD3AJB Mikhail Nosov

Support - English speaking » eQSL works just wrong... Jun 23, 2010 11:32 AM (Total replies: 11)

Still the same.... I hoped that change of servers will help somehow - no, alas, all the same... digging one new QSL in the pile-up of old....
Funny new meaning of pile-up in ham radio, tnx eQSL :)

RD3AJB Mikhail Nosov

Здравствуйте !
Писал в англоговорящую поддержку, но похоже, её никто из поддержки не читает. Хотел спросить, не получает ли кто повторные QSL за одни и те же связи ? У меня каждый день вываливается куча таких повторных карточек, на данный момент их уже более 20. Сколько бы я их не открывал - они всё равно остаются во входящих. Есть по 2 карточки сразу же за одну и ту же связь, есть и по 3... И таких дублей постоянно становится всё больше и больше.
Кошмар просто ! Искать среди этой кучи - что же там всё-таки действительно пришло - становится уже весьма проблемно.
Такое впечатление, что eQSL просто накрывается каким-то тазом...

RD3AJB Mikhail Nosov

Support - English speaking » eQSL works just wrong... May 26, 2010 10:32 AM (Total replies: 11)

For example, today 37 new QSL arrived.
And only 4 of them were really new - 33 were already received, yesterday or ealier.
So how to find the real new QSL in that heap of old cards ??
I really don't know....

RD3AJB Mikhail Nosov

Support - English speaking » eQSL works just wrong... May 25, 2010 06:33 AM (Total replies: 11)

I wrote in very old theme "Duplicate QSL cards - identical !", that I get 8 duplicate QSL every day.
Today it was something incredible...
I have got 45 QSL, and 31 of them were duplicates of QSO that I've got yesterday !
And for example, today I got 4 QSL from SP6JIR for only 1 QSO !!! I think - it's a record of eQSL, congratulations ! :)
About the tool of deleting duplicates from OutBox - it's very interesting to read the news about new feature of eQSL, that can help in situation I have never been before, though I use eQSL almost every day. It looks like this tool was made before the problem appeared - what was before, chicken or egg? :)
But nevertheless I had to use this feature yesterday - I uploaded ONLY ONCE my file with 200 QSO and got 400 records in my OutBox. So the egg was before... proved by eQSL.
How could all that be ? How many times should I write about the problem to be listened ?
Look - it'll be just impossible to use eQSL, if everybody will have to search 1 new QSL from 30 or 40 old duplicates ! And what shall we do, when we'll have more than 100 such QSL in InBox every day ???

I just want for eQSL to be the best. For example, LoTW hides all that things from users - you cannot see what you uploaded, you cannot control the process, you cannot almost everything.... you can only hope that they really work. eQSL is quite opposite - it's opened for us. The reverse side of it - we see all the problems.
And we hope that they will be solved.

RD3AJB Mikhail Nosov

Support - English speaking » Duplicate QSL cards - identical ! Apr 2, 2010 07:27 AM (Total replies: 4)

6 duplicates already... RT4F joined this every-day-you-get-it-once-more group... and still no reply from support...

RD3AJB Mikhail Nosov