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Viewing User Profile for: KB3TXP Jerry Mullins
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Joined: May 29, 2010 10:24 AM
Last Post: Aug 28, 2010 01:28 AM
Last Visit: Feb 15, 2011 01:48 PM
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KB3TXP Jerry Mullins has contributed to 2 posts out of 11673 total posts (0.02%) in 5,145 days (0.00 posts per day).

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Getting more eQSLs » sked Aug 28, 2010 01:28 AM (Total replies: 6)

Check your PM's Dave

KB3TXP Jerry Mullins

Getting more eQSLs » How to get more people to join EQSL??!! Jul 31, 2010 11:28 AM (Total replies: 43)

ARRL definitely did NOT invent the eQSL. I invented it, and they immediately decided it was "not secure". Never mind that we invented the Authenticity Guaranteed program to verify identities and have the same security that banks and online brokerages offer. They copied us.

We have been prodding ARRL to accept our eQSLs since day one. They have refused. Next year we will have more members than they do, so it will soon become a moot point. We offer the same awards they do, but make it much less expensive to earn them.

We would love to work with ARRL. They have a profit to protect, and that's probably not going to change.

Because we offer eQSLs for free, we do not have a paid staff. If you want the RSGB to accept eQSLs, please contact them and suggest it. We don't have the manpower to do it all ourselves, unless we start charging everybody for membership

I am a fairly new ham and enjoying the hobby a great deal. I was disappointed to find out the eQSL is not accepted by the ARRL for their awards as it seemed like such a great way to express the final courtesy of the QSO. I certainly understand the need for any award program to have creditability without it the awards mean nothing. However in this day and age when literally billions of dollars of financial transactions are securely effected on a daily basis using web based platforms I find it unreasonable to believe the verification of contacts in the radio hobby could come into any serious question. As long as some reasonable verification method is in place that should be good enough. There will be those who will try to game any system for their own twisted reasons, to those few that do and are successful I suspect if they devoted that much time and energy in attaining their goal via legitimate means they would have been better off.

After thinking about it, it was no surprise the ARRL rejected eQSL If you think about it eQSl is a competitor and has the potential to have a negative impact in the ARRL checkbook. Now here is where I begin to have problems. It seems to me the ARRL has become more of an institution in and of itself and has evolved into a bottom line oriented marketing company. There is no doubt the ARRL does a lot of good things for the HAM community especially in the area of Spectrum Defense. However when you take a good look at the financials (read salaries) and the management structure for the organization I have to wonder if they are there for me or more for themselves.

One thing I believe, however, the ARRL would not and could not exist without the support of its members, that would be you and I. If we the members in enough numbers to get their attention were to make it known we wanted eQSL to validate ARRL awards then perhaps some headway could be made.

My suggestion then, in all of this, is for all of us who use eQSl and are ARRL members contact the ARRL through it leadership chain of command and directly to make our wishes known.

KB3TXP Jerry Mullins