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Saturday, July 27, 2024 13:04 UTC
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Hideo Saito from JAPAN
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5BeDX100tm OK4FX Jun 27
5BeWACtm KC5VAZ Jun 27
5BeWAStm N6YG Jul 27
eAfricatm LX1GQ Jul 27
eAntarcticatm W3BNN Jul 25
eAsiatm LX1GQ Jul 27
eAustraliatm JJ1IWF Jul 24
eCanadatm JH4MGU Jul 25
eDXtm 2E0THM Jul 27
eDX100tm F5GSJ Jul 26
eEchoLinktm M3FGR Dec 21
eEuropetm DL5NDD Jul 26
eFROMtm F5GSJ Jul 26
eGridtm K3WGI Jul 27
eJapantm NA4MM Jul 27
eNAmericatm EA5AML Jul 21
eNZtm W4EJG May 19
eOceaniatm JA0GUG Jul 20
ePFX300tm F5GSJ Jul 27
eSAmericatm EA5AML Jul 21
eSatellitetm EA3GHA Jul 21
eUKtm 2E0THM Jul 27
eWACtm JR8BES Jul 21
eWACHonorstm IZ4REF Jul 18
eWAStm N6YG Jul 25
eZ40tm BG0CAB Jul 22

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Some of our members' ancient QSL card collections!
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How Saves You Money
To figure out how much money saves its members, we look at
  • QSL card printing cost
  • Postage for domestic mailings of cards
  • Envelopes (SASE) for international mailings
  • IRCs or "green stamps" for international mailings
  • Postage for international mailings
By looking at the number of domestic cards and the number of international cards, you can easily compute your savings. In fact we have a Savings Calculator you can use to find out how much money you have already saved.

As of today, July 27, 2024, the members of have already saved a total of $3219.7 million, or an average of $5,654.70 per person. One member has already saved $1,702,525.34!

Sadly, the large majority of our membership has not contributed anything to keep our service running. And the people who have been using the service for free are saving an average of $3,817.29 per person.

So, essentially, has saved them $1465.2 million without any compensation. That's a pretty good deal, isn't it? Can you find that kind of deal anywhere else?

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eQSL® is a registered trademark belonging to Air Wave Productions, LLC
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