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Author Topic: Waiting QSOs Details (8 messages, Page 1 of 1)

K4WES Wesley Quinn
Posts: 7
Joined: Dec 1, 2000

Posted: Mar 30, 2011 04:18 PM          Msg. 1 of 8

Why is eQSL showing me all of the details of a QSO that is waiting for me?

I know with online logs from dxpeditions, they just show what band and mode you worked them on. They don't show you all of the details of the QSO.

I have gotten quite a few QSOs in my inbox that are from when I wasn't on the air either. Kind of strange to see them in my inbox, if I don't have a QSO to match with.

This ruins the credibility of a QSL, especially since I can just click a button to create an invalid QSL. If it was a valid QSL, it would have been in my log already. If busted, then all I have to do is go in my log, fix it, and then reload it.

If it just showed a count on the web site, of maybe just a call with a band and mode on what is waiting, that would be a great improvement and fix this problem.

Tnx and 73 de k4Wes

K4WES Wesley Quinn

N1ORK Orest Andy Zajac
Posts: 942
Joined: Sep 7, 2006

QRZ..QRZ..Any one out there?..Is this thing on??

Posted: Mar 30, 2011 04:33 PM          Msg. 2 of 8
I guess it all comes down to HONESTY. Why couldn't we agree to a QSO over email, then send in the ADIF files to both eQSL and LOTW? They would both agree and match. An eQSL as well as an LOTW confirmation would then be generated. If you get eQSLs in your InBox that aren't in your log, just reject them. The unconfirmed eQSLs could have been from a typo or something. I think eQSL does this to allow you to confirm an SWL report.
Andy - n1ork

N1ORK Orest 'Andy' Zajac

K4WES Wesley Quinn
Posts: 7
Joined: Dec 1, 2000

Posted: Mar 30, 2011 05:35 PM          Msg. 3 of 8
I agree on your point, but then why aren't dxpeds (and others) allowed to show the date and time of the QSO in their online logs?

Isn't that the same thing?

And I do reject them, but it is very time consuming to have well over a hundred to double check to give a specific rejection reason, since quite a few are many hours off.

Plus the agreeing over email would take the dishonesty of two people and not just one. A little more difficult. :-)

Why do you object to the change?

Why do you want to see those QSOs if you never worked them? I don't understand the point of it.

K4WES Wesley Quinn

K4WES Wesley Quinn
Posts: 7
Joined: Dec 1, 2000

Posted: Mar 30, 2011 06:02 PM          Msg. 4 of 8
I'm all for online QSLing. I think it is way overdue to be applied towards awards. I just want it to meet the current and proper QSLing procedures. Otherwise, why can't we all just submit our online logs for these awards? :-)

As quoted from this site by CQ Editor Rich Moseson, W2VU:

"We have been working with Dave Morris and his team for several months to assure that the integrity of our awards programs will be protected and to create mechanisms to make it easy for both award applicants and award managers to use eQSL credits toward our awards. All of our award managers have been involved in this process and support this action."

K4WES Wesley Quinn

N1ORK Orest Andy Zajac
Posts: 942
Joined: Sep 7, 2006

QRZ..QRZ..Any one out there?..Is this thing on??

Posted: Mar 30, 2011 10:26 PM          Msg. 5 of 8
Quote: I agree on your point, but then why aren't dxpeds (and others) allowed to show the date and time of the QSO in their online logs?

Isn't that the same thing?

And I do reject them, but it is very time consuming to have well over a hundred to double check to give a specific rejection reason, since quite a few are many hours off.

Plus the agreeing over email would take the dishonesty of two people and not just one. A little more difficult. :-)

Why do you object to the change?

Why do you want to see those QSOs if you never worked them? I don't understand the point of it.

--- Original message by K4WES Wesley Quinn on Mar 30, 2011 05:35 PM
I didn't realize DXpeds weren't allowed to show date & time in the online logs. Makes sense though.
I think eQSL shows this data because of SWL reports. SWL listeners can send you an eQSL to confirm his reception of your QSO with another Ham (both calls must be present). If you couldn't see all the info, how could you verify what they sent? SWLers can also qualify for eAwards.
I agree that if two QSOs don't match up by certain parameters, they should not come into your InBox. There could be a seperate inbox for SWL reports.
Andy - n1ork

N1ORK Orest 'Andy' Zajac

KE3W N A 'Frank' Frankel
Posts: 51
Joined: Oct 17, 2010

Posted: Mar 31, 2011 05:22 AM          Msg. 6 of 8
Quote: K4WES Wesley Quinn : I have gotten quite a few QSOs in my inbox that are from when I wasn't on the air either. Kind of strange to see them in my inbox, if I don't have a QSO to match with.

When I first enrolled in eQSL - I also had a number of eQSL requests. It is very very easy to make an honest mistake. I recently starting loading my thousands of QSL's into a Software Package for uploading to LoTW and here. To my surprise, I found that I made a number of mistakes when it came to year and/or time. So, I probably am one of those ham's that may have ended up in your inbox. Mistakes happen when you reach my age (smile).

Sometimes I wonder about eQS membersL who may have acquired a callsign that was issued years before they were licensed. I know my Dad's (deceased) callsign was reissued. I guess when they joined eQSL they also got a bunch of eQSL notices that they knew nothing about...interesting...

Quote: K4WES Wesley Quinn : And I do reject them, but it is very time consuming to have well over a hundred to double check to give a specific rejection reason, since quite a few are many hours off.

Again, it is easy enough to make a mistake. And yes, it is time consuming but it is a hobby and I'm sure the ham waiting for a confirmation appreciates your time.

KE3W Nevins "Frank" Frankel
Temporary QTH: Centralia, Pennsylvania (USA)

VE3OIJ P. Darin Cowan
Posts: 186
Joined: Jul 9, 2006

Posted: Apr 4, 2011 08:04 PM          Msg. 7 of 8
Who says a DXped isn't allowed to show date and time? From where do they draw their authority? Who gives them a mandate to police online logs?

If I travel to Lower Slobovia Is. and work 5000 contacts, and put the log online, I'll show whatever information I want within the bounds of law.

VE3OIJ P. Darin Cowan

K4WES Wesley Quinn
Posts: 7
Joined: Dec 1, 2000

Posted: Apr 5, 2011 01:02 PM          Msg. 8 of 8
I don't have any specifics, but I know there was one big dxpedition a few years ago that had the date and time listed online for each QSO and they were told to not do it, and then the info wasn't on the online log anymore.

K4WES Wesley Quinn