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Author Topic: Pop UP Blocked ?? (4 messages, Page 1 of 1)

KQ6X Raymond Tompkins
Posts: 4
Joined: Feb 8, 2007

Posted: Nov 29, 2011 06:05 PM          Msg. 1 of 4
Well, I'm running Windows 7 OS and not sure where the problem lies. When I click on the InBox buttons, I see a yellow "bomb" and nothing happens. Specifically, [accept], [reject], and the bottom of the page [Move Checked Items to Archive]. I cannot find the allow popups button, which I think might be the problem. Thanks and 73, Raymond

KQ6X Raymond Tompkins

N1ORK Orest Andy Zajac
Posts: 942
Joined: Sep 7, 2006

QRZ..QRZ..Any one out there?..Is this thing on??

Posted: Nov 30, 2011 12:28 AM          Msg. 2 of 4
I don't think there are any Pop-Ups in eQSL except for the Display button in the InBox which will show you the eQSL you recieved. You may need to enable the pop-ups for eQSL in your browser, but I have never needed to do that. I'm using Vista and Win7. I guess we need a step by step of what you are doing and what happens.
Andy - n1ork

N1ORK Orest 'Andy' Zajac

KQ6X Raymond Tompkins
Posts: 4
Joined: Feb 8, 2007

Posted: Dec 1, 2011 02:40 AM          Msg. 3 of 4
Hey Andy. Basically, I cannot accept/reject/move an eQSL to Archieve. Step by step:
eQSL InBox
click on 2011 November to view eQSL's
click on [] confirm and a check mark is entered
click on [move checked eQSL to ARCHIVE] button and a yellow burst/bomb appears by the cursor and nothing happens.
In otherwords, the checked eQSL is NOT moved to the ARCHIVEs.
Same thing happens if I click on the [ACCEPT] button. I see just a yellow burst/bomb and nothing happens.
If I click on the [DISPLAY] button I do get the senders eQSL card displayed.
Oh, I'm not receiving an email response if you or anyone replies to this post.

KQ6X Raymond Tompkins

VE3OIJ P. Darin Cowan
Posts: 186
Joined: Jul 9, 2006

Posted: Dec 12, 2011 06:07 PM          Msg. 4 of 4
Sounds like you are blocking or restricting Java / Javascript. Check your browser settings, probably under "Advanced" or "Security"

73 de
VE3OIJ Darin Cowan