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Author Topic: Signal Report on QSLs received (8 messages, Page 1 of 1)

G4MPK Steve Foster
Posts: 2
Joined: Jun 21, 2005

Posted: Feb 9, 2012 12:07 AM          Msg. 1 of 8
I have been using JT65HF since last September and have seen an increase in Eqsls that have the incorrect signal report ie 599 not the minus figure.
Does this matter when claiming the awards.

G4MPK Steve Foster

VA3KAB David Bell
Posts: 1056
Joined: Jan 25, 2006

Posted: Feb 9, 2012 12:05 PM          Msg. 2 of 8
Signal report does not matter for awards.

Strange that you would be seeing that type of report though for JT65, must be newbies :)

VA3KAB David Bell

K3WYC Andy Durbin
Posts: 4
Joined: Jan 31, 2012

Posted: May 26, 2012 07:05 PM          Msg. 3 of 8
Any manual QSO confirmation defaults the signal report to 599. A new eQSL user may not realize that the signal report needs to be edited. It would be better if it defaulted to blank and a warning message was given if a signal report was not entered.


K3WYC Andy Durbin

PA2015 Dick van Noort
Posts: 1
Joined: Jul 5, 2008

Posted: May 28, 2012 09:13 AM          Msg. 4 of 8
As a newbie to eQSL I am guilty of doing this too.
This mistake is easily made.
Here is what I did (how this happens)
As an SWL I run JT65-HF and automatically post all received stations to pskreporter.info. From there I downloaded all my uploads into an ADIF file. As suggested on the ADIF upload page I ran ADIF processor from W3ZJ. This program inserts an RST 599 into every record.

So now I am looking for a soulution that solves this and is fully automatic or at least requires a minimum of manual labour ;-)
The ADIF as downloaded from pskreporter.info does not contains the signal report. It also does not contain the 'other' station which is relevant for me as an SWL. So there is no solution there...
But as the JT65-HF log does contain both the -dB value as well as both stations I was wondering if there is already some clever program that will convert this JT65-HF log into ADIF format.

73, Dick (PA2015)

PA2015 Dick van Noort

Posts: 953
Joined: Oct 22, 2005

Plus je m'entraine, plus j'ai de la chance

Posted: May 31, 2012 05:13 PM          Msg. 5 of 8
Hi Dick,
I also use HT65-HF, and besides the log file jt65hf-log.csv, when you hit the button "log qso" you save the qso in an adif file .....
This adif file is ready to upload to eqsl, as it is. And this what I do at the moment, since adifproc and all the programs using the .net services don't work any longer (pbs with new server)
73 de Guy F6DKQ

Edited by F6DKQ Guy FALCOZ on May 31, 2012 at 05:17 PM

VE3FWF Bernie Murphy
Posts: 110
Joined: May 22, 2007

Posted: May 31, 2012 05:30 PM          Msg. 6 of 8
If you use Ham Radio Deluxe (HRD) as your logger, there is a feature in JT65-HF where you can write the JT65-HF log directly into the Ham Radio Deluxe Access Data Base. The auto-update feature of HRD does not work as HRD is not involved in the writing of the record.

I use this feature and upload to both eQSL and LOTW using HRD once I collect a few JT65-HF QSOs -- works great.

VE3FWF Bernie Murphy

K4DEN Denis E Hruza Jr
Posts: 2
Joined: Jun 10, 2012

Posted: Jul 21, 2012 09:00 PM          Msg. 7 of 8
"But as the JT65-HF log does contain both the -dB value as well as both stations I was wondering if there is already some clever program that will convert this JT65-HF log into ADIF format."

Old post, but I'll add to it for others reading it looking for info.

The JT65-HF log is already in adif format. It's also easy to manually import into HRD using
from the top menu in the HRD logbook. You'll have to open and update each record manually if using a QRZ sub.

The JT65-HF adif log file itself can be found in:

--- Can't find AppData folder?
Note: AppData folder is system hidden. In explorer ( not IE ) You need to choose:
Tools->Folder Options..
Then choose the "View" tab
Then select "show hidden files and folders"
Now you should be able to see the AppData folder

If this is the only adif you import into HRD, it will always default to that folder for imports. So you can run JT65-HF, log for a bit and then import.

Once in HRD, uploading to eQSL is possible. You may need Ham Radio Deluxe Utilities ( not part of normal HRD ). It can also add LOTW uploading from within HRD.

If you need an editor for adif files, try ADIFMaster


K4DEN Denis E Hruza Jr

K4DEN Denis E Hruza Jr
Posts: 2
Joined: Jun 10, 2012

Posted: Jul 21, 2012 09:12 PM          Msg. 8 of 8
Oh, I wanted to add :-)

It is rough if you have incoming JT65 QSLs with 599.
If you already sent yours, and they retrieved it, theres no reject button.

It would be nice if the system was coded to not allow sending 599 for a JT65 QSL
The inbox was smart enough to detect it's a JT65 QSL and if the signal report = 599 then enable the Reject button.

The way it is now you can't reject or send it back to be corrected. Your stuck with it if you sent first.
So the 599's sit in the inbox


K4DEN Denis E Hruza Jr