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Author Topic: Newbie messing up (1 messages, Page 1 of 1)

KF5NRP Wendel
Posts: 5
Joined: Feb 11, 2012

Posted: Mar 9, 2012 01:41 AM          Msg. 1 of 1
I have uploaded some QSO's and a couple of people rejected theirs because I did not have a signal report on them. (My first time doing this). Anyway, I was not sure how to fix this, so I added signal reports to all my QSO's in my log and uploaded them again. Well, then I had a bunch of double entries. Going from bad to worse to flat ugly, I chose to try and delete them and upload the good log again. Now, the person that originally rejected the QSO tried to confirm the (new) QSO and the system would not let them. Most of these QSO's in my outbox are shaded (archived by the recipient). They appear to be just stuck out QSO's now that are no good and I have no QSL's. Yeah, I know, I've got a real bad mess! I am also frustrated, not to speak about the frustration that I've cause the recipients. Learning all this on my own has been extremely painful.

Can any of this be fixed? I am frustrated, down, and generally not happy. I am a new ham and feel really really stupid.

Thanks for your help or at least, for listening.

Wendel "Butch" Reed

KF5NRP Wendel "Butch" Reed

KF5NRP Wendel
Posts: 5
Joined: Feb 11, 2012

Posted: Mar 9, 2012 01:41 AM          Msg. 2 of 1
I have uploaded some QSO's and a couple of people rejected theirs because I did not have a signal report on them. (My first time doing this). Anyway, I was not sure how to fix this, so I added signal reports to all my QSO's in my log and uploaded them again. Well, then I had a bunch of double entries. Going from bad to worse to flat ugly, I chose to try and delete them and upload the good log again. Now, the person that originally rejected the QSO tried to confirm the (new) QSO and the system would not let them. Most of these QSO's in my outbox are shaded (archived by the recipient). They appear to be just stuck out QSO's now that are no good and I have no QSL's. Yeah, I know, I've got a real bad mess! I am also frustrated, not to speak about the frustration that I've cause the recipients. Learning all this on my own has been extremely painful.

Can any of this be fixed? I am frustrated, down, and generally not happy. I am a new ham and feel really really stupid.

Thanks for your help or at least, for listening.

Wendel "Butch" Reed

KF5NRP Wendel "Butch" Reed