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Author Topic: operating Portable - my solution - Will this work? (3 messages, Page 1 of 1)

KD8MQ John Myers
Posts: 7
Joined: Aug 18, 2012

Posted: Apr 21, 2013 11:46 AM          Msg. 1 of 3

I've not found this exact issue in a forum search. Here's my issue.

I operate from multiple QTH's, and create a new sub-account for each operation. As a result, I have close to 50 sub accounts.

When I operate from a location in which I tack a /3 (for example) onto my callsign, hams try to send an eqsl to KD8MQ without the /3, and there's no match.
I'll operate from there, and not add the /3, but hams qsl to KD8MQ/3, which also causes problems.

Either way, I wind up with unmatched QSOs. So, I had an idea. before I try this, I wanted to post it here.

My idea is to create two separate, sub-accounts for each portable operation outside of my call area. These would be exactly identical, in all respects, except for the callsign. One would be KD8MQ, and the other KD8MQ/3. I then upload those logs twice; once to each account.

This way, I would be covered either way.

So, what's the verdict? Will this work?

I'm definitely open to suggestions if someone has an easier way to do this.

Thanks in advance,

John, KD8MQ
Silver Member

KD8MQ John Myers

VA3KAB David Bell
Posts: 1056
Joined: Jan 25, 2006

Posted: Apr 21, 2013 02:19 PM          Msg. 2 of 3
But that would mean that everyone you have a QSO with would end up with two eQSLs, one from KD8MQ and the other from KD8MQ/3. Not a good solution, and you will end up with a lot of rejects, plus might end up annoying some users too.

Best to do it just the way you are, if you are operating from KD8MQ/3 be sure you sign your QSOs using that call and upload your logs to that account. If someone sends you an eQSL to KD8MQ instead of KD8MQ/3, reject that eQSL with the explanation that the QSO was with KD8MQ/3, that way he can fix his outbox entry or fix his logbook and re-upload the QSO.

73, Dave - VA3KAB

KD8MQ John Myers
Posts: 7
Joined: Aug 18, 2012

Posted: Apr 21, 2013 04:52 PM          Msg. 3 of 3

Yes, that would definitely be unacceptable. I hadn't considered it from that angle.
Thanks for pointing that out.


John, KD8MQ

KD8MQ John Myers