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Author Topic: can you AG more than one callsign? (5 messages, Page 1 of 1)

KM4IY Michael D. Brown
Posts: 13
Joined: Jan 17, 2013

Posted: Apr 4, 2014 04:41 AM          Msg. 1 of 5
i have several contacts with stations signing with a XX/XXXXXX call sign. the XX/ part is the one i'm interested in and manage a contact. i go away happy thinking i've bagged a new one only to find the contact to be confirmed with the home call, which isn't a new one.

as simple as it is to get certified, why don't these stations do it?

its an aggravation, i'm withing a couple of contacts for awards and have thought i had completed the requirements several times only to be disappointed...

KM4IY Michael D. Brown

N1ORK Orest Andy Zajac
Posts: 942
Joined: Sep 7, 2006

QRZ..QRZ..Any one out there?..Is this thing on??

Posted: Apr 4, 2014 10:38 AM          Msg. 2 of 5
If you made a contact with xx/xxxxx and you uploaded that QSO to eQSL, you should get the confirmation from the xx/xxxxx station. If the confirmation comes to your InBox as only the home call, it should have the confirm and reject buttons. I would reject that eQSL with the comment in the 'Other' category stating that they need to resubmit the QSO from the xx/xxxxx account. The station should make a new attached account for the xx/xxxxx call. And if the home station was AG, I believe the xx/xxxxx will also be AG.


N1ORK Orest 'Andy' Zajac

KM4IY Michael D. Brown
Posts: 13
Joined: Jan 17, 2013

Posted: Apr 5, 2014 01:55 PM          Msg. 3 of 5
i understand... and in the future, i'll do that. my brain was thinking that since his home call was (AG) that the visiting calls attached to that would be too. i see i was mistaken. why he confirmed with the home call though, confuses me. I would have rather had the other even non-certified... i already have a ton of contacts from his home country.

oh well, another disappointment, so back to the hunt.

KM4IY Michael D. Brown

VA3KAB David Bell
Posts: 1056
Joined: Jan 25, 2006

Posted: Apr 6, 2014 01:30 PM          Msg. 4 of 5
Like Andy said, as long as the accounts are attached they all get AG status, he just has to request it. Takes a day or two after the request is made.

73, Dave - VA3KAB

KM4IY Michael D. Brown
Posts: 13
Joined: Jan 17, 2013

Posted: Apr 6, 2014 02:48 PM          Msg. 5 of 5
i know... i was really frustrated. i pursued the station up and down the band all afternoon. Propagation was crazy and signals were all over each other.... when i was finally able to complete the call, i was ecstatic, having fulfilled the PSK31 DXCC requirement. when i received the wrong QSL, i was disappointed.

HOWEVER!!!! The station has sent me an AG confirmation and all is well. i messaged him with my appreciation...

he has several callsigns from places i've never heard of... i hope they're all AG now and i get to contact him there.

KM4IY Michael D. Brown