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Author Topic: Reply rate (5 messages, Page 1 of 1)

G7KHV Richard Irvine
Posts: 7
Joined: Sep 16, 2005

Posted: May 26, 2006 09:20 AM          Msg. 1 of 5
Hi Guys

My rate is about the norm I think 22 - 24% ... not that great

There are lots of ecards just sitting there waiting for someone to reply too....but it would appear that members do not have the time or just forget to look .......

How about automatic email reminders to all members say once a month could be like a news sheet and they could be sponsored by the advertisers on the web site!
... that might just motivate some into looking or up loading the logs

de G7KHV


G7KHV Richard Irvine

W3ZJ Rich Drake
Posts: 180
Joined: Oct 11, 2000

eQSL Support Volunteer

Posted: May 26, 2006 10:06 AM          Msg. 2 of 5
Quote: Hi Guys

My rate is about the norm I think 22 - 24% ... not that great

There are lots of ecards just sitting there waiting for someone to reply too....but it would appear that members do not have the time or just forget to look .......

How about automatic email reminders to all members say once a month could be like a news sheet and they could be sponsored by the advertisers on the web site!
... that might just motivate some into looking or up loading the logs

de G7KHV


--- Original message by G7KHV Richard Irvine on May 26, 2006 09:20 AM
This has been suggested before but many people dislike unsolicited email and consider it spam. Thus, Dave chooses not to do that. Even if it is only one mail a month people write and complain. I guess their delete button is too hard to click. Who knows what the reason is?

However, if there are some cards that you particularly want, there is nothing to stop you from sending these stations an email requesting a confirmation. Many of the most successful award hunters do exactly that.

To send an email to any registered member, enter the desired callsign in the “Call” textbox under “Search” at the top of the left hand column. Then click “Send an E-Mail”.

73, Rich - W3ZJ

VE2FET Sylvain Faust
Posts: 10
Joined: Apr 6, 2006

Posted: May 29, 2006 06:46 PM          Msg. 3 of 5
Exactly, I do the same. Especially when eQSL says "request already sent" when you enter the other ham email address... meaning, eqsl won't email this ham, he's been told before..

So I email him personnaly. In the last month I've converted a few to eQSL just so (thinking of only myself) I can get confirmation here for awards down the road.

The hard part is I'm going to enter the logs back to 1977... Don't expect all this hard work worth the effort... what will I get? 1 over 100? That's really too bad.

As for eQSL cards management themself, I "save them as" the local computer ASAP since if the ham at the other end change address or design, rig, etc, the card will also change in my archive (it's not saved, it's "linked" to the active ham card design). Many here on eQSL don't understand that. I name the jpg file to the ham callsign.

I also log contacts in LoTW... validation there is less then eQSL... 2 to 3% Here I get about 15%. it's bad they're not LINKED!

Getting there! :-)

Sylvain, VE2FET

VE2FET Sylvain Faust

G7KHV Richard Irvine
Posts: 7
Joined: Sep 16, 2005

Posted: May 30, 2006 09:37 AM          Msg. 4 of 5
Hi Guys

Yes thanks for that info, I have started to send personal emails to those not replying ... It could take some time I think .. but hey it may just be worth it.

Still think a monthly or maybe quarterly news letter which contains a reminder to all of the need to look in their member accounts and see what waiting, would help stimulate more replies from members, after all most groups have a news letter don’t they?

I was thinking of LoTW but after the comments about it I dont think its worth it!

de Richard G7KHV

de G7KHV Richard

VE3OIJ P. Darin Cowan
Posts: 186
Joined: Jul 9, 2006

Posted: Dec 8, 2006 09:52 PM          Msg. 5 of 5
On VE3OIJ, I've got 249 outbound entries and 103 received eQSLs

On my currently active CG3OIJ event call, I have 13 outbound entries and 5 received eQSLs.

That gives me an overall return rate of 44%

However, most of my contacts are RTTY and PSK. And it seems logical to me that people who are inclined to use a computer with their ham radio, are probably more inclined to also use eQSL.

My SSB eQSL return rate is much lower than my overall return rate. Actually even with paper cards, folks on SSB seem to have a lower return rate than digital mode folks or CW folks.

VE3OIJ P. Darin Cowan