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»Forums Index »Member Discussions »County Hunters »Aether - where to put the mobiles county - Also getting /div error
Author Topic: Aether - where to put the mobiles county - Also getting /div error (4 messages, Page 1 of 1)

NJ8L Vernon M Walker
Posts: 2
Joined: Mar 13, 2015

Posted: Apr 11, 2015 05:17 PM          Msg. 1 of 4
Any idea in which field to put the mobiles county so it appears in eQsls note field ? It sure isn't the 'notes' nor 'county' field when using Aether for the iMac. I'm also getting a "eQsl.cc Upload failed error </div>" error which might be connected. Can upload selected QSO's using the option key but these don't populate the eQsl note field either.

NJ8L Vernon M Walker

VA3KAB David Bell
Posts: 1056
Joined: Jan 25, 2006

Posted: Apr 11, 2015 08:20 PM          Msg. 2 of 4
Bu notes field, do you mean the message section of the card? If so, the ADIF filed to use is "QSLMSG". See spec here: http://www.eqsl.cc/qslcard/ADIFContentSpecs.cfm

73, Dave - VA3KAB

NJ8L Vernon M Walker
Posts: 2
Joined: Mar 13, 2015

Posted: Apr 11, 2015 10:17 PM          Msg. 3 of 4
Thanks for your quick response.

Sorry for the confusion. I meant the 'Comments' column, the right most column of the 'Outbox'. I need to place the county worked in that 'Comments' field. Just trying to figure out which Aether input field corresponds to the eQsl outbox's Comment field. Thanks.

Any idea as to what could be causing the error </div>? I temporarily changed all the LSB & USB to SSB as I didn't see the L OR U in the 'MODE' listing of the link you sent. Still returned the error.


NJ8L Vernon M Walker

VA3KAB David Bell
Posts: 1056
Joined: Jan 25, 2006

Posted: Apr 12, 2015 09:44 AM          Msg. 4 of 4
I can't help you with Aether specific questions, I don't use that logger. All I can tell you is that the ADIF field needed to add comments to the card is QSLMSG.

The mode needs to be set to SSB (not USB or LSB) as per the ADIF specification.

No idea about the /div error, I have never seen that before.

When I check your account I see recent uploads using Aether, most recent was two records yesterday, no error reported at this end. I see a couple of failed uploads previous to that, rejected because of duplicates.

Maybe someone else here uses Aether and can help with how to populate that QLSMSG field, or you could contact the author of the program.

73, Dave - VA3KAB