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Author Topic: Easy way to create a vacation QTH (account) (9 messages, Page 1 of 1)

DG1FBN/P Malte Strübert
Posts: 5
Joined: Dec 26, 2013

Posted: Jun 11, 2015 05:59 PM          Msg. 1 of 9
i understand the method of creating a second accound for example during a short (1-week) vacation. But i think the process is a bit unflexible. Especialy is you use this method more often.
So i would like to ask, if there is a more convenient way or to create a database feature which do all the work for you.

Here is the situation i guess many OM's have (at leat if they use SOTA, GMA, etc., frequently)
I would like to have my regular /P account for normal portable operation from home or near home.
So start and end dates for this accound are license start until sometime in the far future.
So far so good.

Now i go on vacation or do a activation where i would like to create a special QSL design.

Now i would like to have a button on my /P account where i only enter a timespan in between the start and end date of my normal existing /P account and the DB automaticaly creates this new account and also another one for the time after the vacation with my normal existing QSL design and all other settings.

Would that be possible or is there maybe something similar already which i've overseen?

Thanks very much in advance
73' DG1FBN

DG1FBN/P Malte Strübert

VA3KAB David Bell
Posts: 1056
Joined: Jan 25, 2006

Posted: Jun 12, 2015 12:28 PM          Msg. 2 of 9
Not a bad idea, and would certainly save some work. I can mention it to the webmaster, however if he agrees to it it probably won't happen anytime soon, like everyone else who works here he does so on a volunteer basis in his spare time.

I think from your message you already understand what needs to be done currently if you want to split that /P account into more than one QTH.

Question for you, in Germany can you use a "/" callsign with a number? For example, are you allowed to have a callsign like DG1FBN/1 to indicate portable operation? If so, maybe you could create an account like that for your vacation QTH.

73, Dave - VA3KAB

DG1FBN/P Malte Strübert
Posts: 5
Joined: Dec 26, 2013

Posted: Jun 12, 2015 08:46 PM          Msg. 3 of 9
Hallo Dave,

thanks for your reply and your agreement that this would be a nice feature.
If i can support the feature, by testing for example, just let me know.

The most time consumting effort with short vacation accounts is, i guess the redesign of the QSL card after the vacation. Is there a way to save the QSL design and reuse it on another of my accounts? Maybe i've missed that.

Concerning your other question, unfortunatly i think in germany that's not allowed.
We just use the regular suffixes like /P, /M, /MM, but no numbers.

In the meantime i will do it by hand...

DG1FBN/P Malte Strübert

DG4GAT Rolf Behringer
Posts: 4
Joined: Dec 18, 2010

Posted: Jul 17, 2015 07:59 PM          Msg. 4 of 9
> Here is the situation i guess many OM's have (at leat if they use SOTA, GMA, etc., frequently)

Yes, me too. Thank you for mentioning this topic, Malte!

I'm going to have short, repeated WCA/COTA activities at an ancient castle situated very near to my home QTH (on the same WW locator).

So I decided to get a separate new attached eQSL account for these activities: callsign DG4GAT (without '/p'), same locator as in my primary account, but a different QTH nickname.

But I get the same issue as you told, Malte: eQSL doesn't accept this kind of setup, complains about conflicting dates. The QTH nickname does not seem to be a distinguishing feature when creating a new account.

If this would be possible - David, you are right! - it would definitely save some work, and along the way I could keep a better clear view over all my eQSL accounts.

No complaints here for my part! Just a well-intentioned gentle suggestion, and all my respect and thanks for the voluntary work.

73, Rolf DG4GAT


VA3KAB David Bell
Posts: 1056
Joined: Jan 25, 2006

Posted: Jul 18, 2015 12:17 PM          Msg. 5 of 9
Yes, the nickname parameter is used when you have more than one account with the same callsign and are uploading logs, it is how the system knows which account the logs belong to. BUT! You still can't have overlapping dates with the same callsign. When eQSLs come into the system they are sorted into the correct account by callsign and QSO date, if the sates on the accounts overlap the software won't know which account they belong to.

In your case the best method would be to create a /p account, and make sure you sign your QSOs using that /p callsign.

73, Dave - VA3KAB

DG4GAT Rolf Behringer
Posts: 4
Joined: Dec 18, 2010

Posted: Jul 18, 2015 02:01 PM          Msg. 6 of 9
Thanks Dave, for sorting out the thing in detail! Now I realize the issue is a date conflict on incoming QSLs. So there is no other solution than using a /p callsign.

Well, I think I can cope with that.

73, Rolf DG4GAT

LA1RQ Espen
Posts: 1
Joined: Mar 8, 2010

Posted: Feb 26, 2020 10:11 PM          Msg. 7 of 9
In Norway we cannot use other suffix than /P, /M, /MM, /AM. We do not have district suffixes any more.

So when I am on my vacation home I cannot use /P, /M, /MM, /AM, and when the WSJT-x log has other locator than home i get an error, and if I try to create a new accont (without suffix- which I am not allowed to use) I get overlapping date error.

You cannot expect users to create a new account every other weekend when on their cabin?

Result is I cannot log the qsos with eQSL...


LA1RQ Espen

Posts: 953
Joined: Oct 22, 2005

Plus je m'entraine, plus j'ai de la chance

Posted: Feb 27, 2020 07:11 AM          Msg. 8 of 9
I certainly missed something...I don't understand why you cannot
use LA1RQ for home and LA1RQ/P or /A ...for your vacation home ?

73, F6DKQ

N4PGW Buck McDaniel
Posts: 3
Joined: Mar 26, 2020

Posted: Mar 26, 2020 03:06 PM          Msg. 9 of 9
The problem he is having with the vacation home is the same as for mobile or other temporary portable operations. He needs a new account with a unique time span for each vacation he takes. He takes more than one vacation in more than one area. He possibly has multiple vacation homes or spots.

I am the same way. I may go to the same camp ground several times a year, but I go to several different places for different things.

eQSL is not designed to work for anything other than a single fixed location and call sign. Anything else requires jumping through hoops.

eQSL needs to be set up in a relational database where it can accomodate every kind of operationg hams can imagine. It would allow counties, grid squares, mobile, portable, POTA, SOTA and everything else to be practical and easy to control by each user and each user would only need one account per call sign.

N4PGW Buck McDaniel