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Author Topic: unable to download awards for attached account (3 messages, Page 1 of 1)

3D2TS Phillip Hardstaff
Posts: 3
Joined: Feb 14, 2017

Posted: Feb 19, 2018 02:25 AM          Msg. 1 of 3
Hi all, I have 2 callsigns, FK1TS and 3D2TS. FK1TS my original call and 3D2TS an attached account. If I go into awards logged in as 3D2TS I can see I have achieved eDX which I already have for FK1TS. However it says on the awards page "104 is over max of 100" and if I try to download the award certificate I get an error "ERROR! 3D2TS is not approved for this eAward" I get this for any award I already have as FK1TS, and award I only have for 3D2TS is fine.


Phill FK1TS / 3D2TS / VK3HA

3D2TS Phillip Hardstaff

Posts: 953
Joined: Oct 22, 2005

Plus je m'entraine, plus j'ai de la chance

Posted: Feb 20, 2018 06:42 PM          Msg. 2 of 3

See rule 19, for eDX, eDX100, you can't combine credits earned from two distinct DXCC entities.

If your eDX application has been approved for FK1TS, you won't get the certificate for 3D2TS.

73 de F6DKQ


3D2TS Phillip Hardstaff
Posts: 3
Joined: Feb 14, 2017

Posted: Feb 20, 2018 08:12 PM          Msg. 3 of 3
thanks Guy and yes I am aware of that, makes sense really :) However ! It does not combine credits. If I am logged is as 3D2TS I only see credits for 3D2TS, vice versa logged in as FK1TS I only see entries for that call. It gives different totals etc but does not allow downloading of awards. That would mean the only way I can get any awards for attached accounts is to create separate accounts.

At one time it did combine but someone changed something and now credits are not combined so why not separate awards, it sort of looks like it has been half implemented?



3D2TS Phillip Hardstaff