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Author Topic: Duplicate QSLs ??? (2 messages, Page 1 of 1)

N9AVY Jerry Heien
Posts: 1
Joined: Feb 7, 2001

Posted: Mar 4, 2018 07:50 PM          Msg. 1 of 2
Ever since ESL changed the PSK31 format, I've been getting duplicate QSLs in my IN Box. These are not current QSLs but ones from several years ago and are not marked for REPLY . Only thing I see is the little check box that it was received. Many QSLs show a new country even though those countries are already confirmed here on EQSL. When EQSL first made this change (think it was a year ago) I followed directions which were provided. So, now I'm wondering "what's up with this ???"

N9AVY Jerry Heien

Posts: 956
Joined: Oct 22, 2005

Plus je m'entraine, plus j'ai de la chance

Posted: Mar 5, 2018 06:48 AM          Msg. 2 of 2
Hi Jerry, ---> all : MAKE a DUPE CHECK in your OUTBOX

This is due to the conversion from former ADIF specs (before 3.04) to the new ones (current 3.08)
When people send their log again, it creates a dupe, more especially if they updated their logger and uploaded all their records again afterwards

i.e. I sent a PSK31 mode QSO before, I resend my log with mode PSK, submode PSK31
The previous records were already matching, the new eQSL is of no use, but in accordance with new ADIF specs ===> archive

Also, yesterday, the webmaster made a general update for all accounts, whereas before, you were prompted to do so in your outbox.

You cant' do much,... everyone who has those other SUBMODES : CHIP, DOMINO, HELL, ISCAT, JT4, JT9, JT65, MFSK, OLIVIA, OPERA, PAC, PAX, PSK, QRA64, ROS, RTTY, SSB, THRB, TOR
in his log should make a dupe check in his OUTBOX

73 de Guy F6DKQ

Edited by F6DKQ Guy FALCOZ on Mar 5, 2018 at 07:47 AM