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Author Topic: How do I use this website, or should I? (7 messages, Page 1 of 1)

AC2MM Robert Krueger
Posts: 4
Joined: Apr 15, 2018

Posted: May 8, 2018 02:46 AM          Msg. 1 of 7
I upload all my QSL's to this website, and once in awhile, I'll receive a QSO card (electronic) from someone, but I haven't got a clue as to how to use this site or get started with the basics, or am I supposed to answer the card somehow?

I realize it's some kind of electronic QSO card sending service, but other than that, isn't there any type of PDF file on how to get started ? Is it primarily a validation service?

I don't send any cards, mostly because I don't know how. The other reason is that personally, I would rather receive a printed one, not electronic from some far off land. And then there's QRZ, which has a similar service. I don't like cluttering peoples Inbox, so how do you know someone wants this and who's service do you subscribe to?

Someone said to look at the FAQ's. That was no help at all. There was no question like mine there.
You have enough people that appear to use this site, so isn't there some justification for a "Getting Started" document that would explain it's purpose, and a few paragraphs with screenshots that shows how to set this up?

AC2MM Robert Krueger

Posts: 958
Joined: Oct 22, 2005

Plus je m'entraine, plus j'ai de la chance

Posted: May 9, 2018 06:40 AM          Msg. 2 of 7
Hi Robert,

Concerning the docs, there is a presentation document here :


You have the basics there

Normally, if you upload all your logs, which is the best way to use eQSL, you should not have many eQSL's to confirm or reject (red/green button at the end of the line in your inbox.

If you don't need to flag QSO's as confirmed in your logger, click on "check all confirmed" and "move checked eQSL to archive" in your inbox. (2 mouse clicks)

When you upload your log, you DO SEND eQSL's to people you've worked

73 de Guy F6DKQ
add : You have much more topics in the "old FAQ's"

Edited by F6DKQ Guy FALCOZ on May 9, 2018 at 06:41 AM

AC2MM Robert Krueger
Posts: 4
Joined: Apr 15, 2018

Posted: May 11, 2018 01:18 AM          Msg. 3 of 7
Hello Guy,
Thanks for the reply and the link.

I have no interest in Awards, or Confirmations, but thanks to the efficiency of HRD, I now upload all my QSO's to LOTW, eQSL and QRZ for those that are. It appears that confirmations only apply to whatever database the ham has subscribed to.
To me, it makes more sense to upload all QSO's to LOTW by default, but that's just my opinion. Fortunately, HRD does this in the background automatically.

My Elmer told me that with the changes that ARRL has recently made, hams need only post to LOTW, which does make sense, a common ground for all QSO's for the ham community worldwide instead of uploading to three. I'm sure there are hams who do not subscribe to ARRL, but I don't believe that affects worldwide users in their ability to use LOTW, but I'm not positive.

To me, using HRD is a big step from Post-Em notes and my ARRL Logbook. It makes all this automagic and seamlessly transparent.

BTW, how do I turn off these Ecards I'm receiving in my email inbox? I'm not anti-social or anything, but I do this for other guys who need the confirmations. I receive too many emails as it is.
I'll read the link you sent, maybe there's something in there to peak my interest.

Thanks again,

AC2MM Robert Krueger

Posts: 958
Joined: Oct 22, 2005

Plus je m'entraine, plus j'ai de la chance

Posted: May 11, 2018 06:56 AM          Msg. 4 of 7
Hi Robert
Concerning the unwanted e-mails from eQSL, you can disable them in "my profile"
at the bottom of the settings list
To me, it makes more sense to upload all QSO's to LOTW by default, but that's just my opinion.

I like and use both, with their advantadges and disadvantages. For many people, LOTW is the "real thing" with it's DXCC, WAS program...most DXpeditions upload their log to LOTW.. but you will never receive QSL pictures, swl reports.

I also use HRD, just to control my transceiver in digital modes. My logger is Swisslog, full synch with LOTW and coming soon full synch with eQSL. No pain !....

Swisslog also uploads logs to : eQSL HAMLOG HAMQTH HRDLOG QRZ
I'm sure there are hams who do not subscribe to ARRL, but I don't believe that affects worldwide users in their ability to use LOTW, but I'm not positive.

No, only US hams must be ARRL members to use LOTW
My Elmer told me that with the changes that ARRL has recently made, hams need only post to LOTW, which does make sense, a common ground for all QSO's for the ham community worldwide instead of uploading to three

I have heard nothing about this so far, but believe me, a lot of Hams are not at all willing to send a copy of their ham licence, driving licence aso and to go through the hassle of registering, installing certificates to send encrypted files...with a bank-grade security
and last but not least, I like pluralism, not hegemony, but that's just my opinion

Edited by F6DKQ Guy FALCOZ on May 12, 2018 at 05:07 AM

AC2MM Robert Krueger
Posts: 4
Joined: Apr 15, 2018

Posted: May 11, 2018 02:13 PM          Msg. 5 of 7
Hi Guy,
I kept the eQSL notices going, because it said if I uncheck that, I won't be an eQSL member anymore, which doesn't sound right based on my intentions to help other guys.

The next box, starting with "Reject..." can be taken two ways. Can you clear this up for me please?


AC2MM Robert Krueger

Posts: 958
Joined: Oct 22, 2005

Plus je m'entraine, plus j'ai de la chance

Posted: May 11, 2018 07:03 PM          Msg. 6 of 7
I kept the eQSL notices going, because it said if I uncheck that, I won't be an eQSL member anymore, which doesn't sound right based on my intentions to help other guys.

The next box, starting with "Reject..." can be taken two ways. Can you clear this up for me please?

Let's see the boxes :

When someone sends me a new eQSL
Reject notices and other email from members
General announcements about eQSL.cc
Notices from vendors of Ham Radio equipment
Notices from non-profit Ham Radio organizations

Don't check or uncheck "reject....members." and people who try to send you e-mails from the eQSL pages will get : "Sorry, but this user does not wish to receive unsolicited email

it has no effect on your membership

Don't check "when someone sends me a new eQSL"

as you like for the rest.

NOTE : the only thing that could stop your membership is the "unsubscribe button" in the red box

I hope it helps

73 de Guy F6DKQ


AC2MM Robert Krueger
Posts: 4
Joined: Apr 15, 2018

Posted: May 11, 2018 08:39 PM          Msg. 7 of 7
Of course, thank you for that detailed reply.

It's funny you should mention copies of your license and such...
One overseas ham was excited that I didn't upload to QRZ. "You HAVE to upload to QRZ or I won't get my award!".
Far be it for me to prevent this soul from getting his award, so rather than debate uploading to anywhere else, I found HRD would do it in the background. My point is, it seems everyone is requiring some sort of verification of who you really are, just as eQSL required the photo of my license. I don't know what challenges a ham faces in a foreign country concerning uploading logs, it's more difficult, but I agree with verification. It's just the times we live in I guess.

I'll make sure the first two are unchecked as you suggested.

I find it odd that you don't use the HRD logbook. It works so nice for me, and HRD has all the Awards options, countries you've worked, need to work, etc, etc. You don't have to use that stuff, but it's there if you do.
That's the reason I bought HRD in the first place. I love the integration and synchronization of the Kenwood, my SteppIR antenna, the Digital interface, and the logbook all in one. I click on a frequency, and everything switches over, including the antenna. I make one phone call if I have any trouble, their Tech Support has been absolutely outstanding. To each his own..

The only problem I've had recently is that SuperSweeper doesn't work with MFSK-modes, only the regular window does. That's a different thread I guess.

So once again, thank you for taking the time.
Robert AC2MM

AC2MM Robert Krueger