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Author Topic: How can I see a list of my confirmed QSOs? (8 messages, Page 1 of 1)

KM6MHZ William Richter
Posts: 3
Joined: May 14, 2018

Posted: May 14, 2018 10:51 PM          Msg. 1 of 8
I can't seem to find this option...

KM6MHZ William Richter

Posts: 953
Joined: Oct 22, 2005

Plus je m'entraine, plus j'ai de la chance

Posted: May 19, 2018 01:50 PM          Msg. 2 of 8

When you go to your inbox and click on "entire inbox" at the bottom of the window, all your confirmed QSO's will be listed with a simple check box.

All that is not confimed will have a green/red button at the end of the line

73 de Guy F6DKQ


KM6MHZ William Richter
Posts: 3
Joined: May 14, 2018

Posted: May 21, 2018 09:22 PM          Msg. 3 of 8
Thanks, but that isn't what I'm seeing. If I select "entire" at the top of the search dialog in my Inbox, I only show 3 QSOs.

If I click the "download" link at the bottom (followed by the text "entire inbox"), the downloaded file only lists 16 QSOs, I have uploaded 31 QSOs to the eQSL.cc site.

KM6MHZ William Richter

KM6MHZ William Richter
Posts: 3
Joined: May 14, 2018

Posted: May 21, 2018 09:30 PM          Msg. 4 of 8
Ah, I have found out how to do this. They are in the Outbox.

KM6MHZ William Richter

Posts: 953
Joined: Oct 22, 2005

Plus je m'entraine, plus j'ai de la chance

Posted: May 22, 2018 05:27 AM          Msg. 5 of 8

In your ARCHIVE ?!! if you displayed the eQSL pictures, they are automatically transfered from the inbox to the archive

You have 16 qso's on the whole inbox/archive and you sent (outbox) 31 qso's, which is a good reply rate
Edited by F6DKQ Guy FALCOZ on May 22, 2018 at 05:30 AM

WA4CPA John L. Suter Sr.
Posts: 3
Joined: May 22, 2018

Posted: May 24, 2018 12:46 PM          Msg. 6 of 8
If ALL BUT ONE of my 100+ uploaded QSO's are marked "AG" and are currently in the Archive file, does this mean all Archived are Confirmed?

One time, I was shown a list (in either the Inbox or Outbox) where only a few of the uploaded QSO's included the Green Checkbox or Red Reject option. For those, I provided the "time" info and checked the Green checkmark. Thereafter, I have never again seen this option offered. What should I make of not seeing the option for many QSO's, and that all QSO's are now in the Archive?

WA4CPA John L. Suter Sr.

Posts: 953
Joined: Oct 22, 2005

Plus je m'entraine, plus j'ai de la chance

Posted: May 24, 2018 02:18 PM          Msg. 7 of 8
If ALL BUT ONE of my 100+ uploaded QSO's are marked "AG" and are currently in the Archive file, does this mean all Archived are Confirmed?

The QSO's you uploaded are in your OUTBOX . Here, you can just see :

  • if your correspondent is an eQSL member : blue underlined characters

  • If he has already retrieved your eQSL (greyed background), not necessarily confirmed

Quote: One time, I was shown a list (in either the Inbox or Outbox) where only a few of the uploaded QSO's included the Green Checkbox or Red Reject option. For those, I provided the "time" info and checked the Green checkmark. Thereafter, I have never again seen this option offered. What should I make of not seeing the option for many QSO's, and that all QSO's are now in the Archive?

Your INBOX or ARCHIVE is what your correspondents sent you.
By setting the time of the QSO and checking the green box, you manually confirm the QSO
All that do not have the green/red buttons are confirmed QSO's

It's a good practice to transfer all your confirmed QSO's from your INBOX to your ARCHIVE.
Then , once in your ARCHIVE, there's not much to do, save maybe flag those QSO's as confirmed in your logger

73 de Guy F6DKQ


WA4CPA John L. Suter Sr.
Posts: 3
Joined: May 22, 2018

Posted: May 24, 2018 03:22 PM          Msg. 8 of 8
Thank you for your reply. As you can see, I am new to eQSL.
I guess you are saying it is proper that all my QSO's are now in the Archive, but I do not understand how I can examine just those QSO's which have actually been confirmed by my QSO partner, so I can then "flag" them in my Logger. Seems there should be a simple way to look at a "Confirmed List" but I simply have not discovered a way to do it.

73 John WA4CPA

WA4CPA John L. Suter Sr.