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»Forums Index »General Interest Support »Support - English speaking »Dates for upload of contact and date of confirmation
Author Topic: Dates for upload of contact and date of confirmation (2 messages, Page 1 of 1)

KG7PDC Brian P. Alexander
Posts: 1
Joined: Nov 23, 2017

Posted: Sep 19, 2019 08:32 PM          Msg. 1 of 2
Is there a way to see what date you uploaded a contact to eQSL (not on the date of the contact) and the date that the contact confirmed you log entry?

KG7PDC Brian P. Alexander

Posts: 953
Joined: Oct 22, 2005

Plus je m'entraine, plus j'ai de la chance

Posted: Sep 20, 2019 06:08 AM          Msg. 2 of 2

Currently, to my knowledge, there's no way for the end user to get these datas.

From the ColdFusion database, be it with a custom URL like

https://www.eQSL.cc/qslcard/DownloadInBox.cfm?UserName=mycall&Password=mypassword&...............+ one of the following parameters :
LimitDateLo = Earliest QSO date to download (oddly, in MM/DD/YYYY format with escape code 2F for slashes), optionally append HH:MM otherwise the default is 00:00
LimitDateHi = Latest QSO date to download (oddly, in MM/DD/YYYY format with escape code 2F), optionally append HH:MM otherwise the default is 23:59 to include the entire day
RcvdSince = (YYYYMMDDHHMM) Everything that was entered into the database on or after this date/time (Valid range 01/01/1900 - 12/31/2078)
ConfirmedOnly = Set to any value in the URL to signify you only want to download Inbox items you HAVE confirmed
UnconfirmedOnly = Set to any value in the URL to signify you only want to download Inbox items you have NOT confirmed
Archive = 1 for Archived records ONLY; 0 for Inbox (non-archived) ONLY; omit this parameter to retrieve ALL records in Inbox and Archive
HamOnly = anything, filters out all SWL contacts

or by using the inbox / archive link :


the same fields are returned :

The following ADIF tags will be exported:

SUBMODE (tag only present if non-blank)
PROP_MODE (tag only present if non-blank)
RST_SENT (will be the sender's RST Sent, not yours)
RST_RCVD (we do not capture this in uploads, so will normally be 0 length)
QSL_SENT (always Y)
QSL_SENT_VIA (always E)
QSLMSG (if non-null and containing only valid printable ASCII characters)
QSLMSG_INTL (if non-null and containing international characters - see ADIF V3 specs)
APP_EQSL_SWL (tag only present if sender is SWL and then always Y)
APP_EQSL_AG (tag only present if sender has Authenticity Guaranteed status and then always Y)
GRIDSQUARE (tag only present if non-blank and at least 4 long)

73, Guy F6DKQ

Edited by F6DKQ Guy FALCOZ on Sep 20, 2019 at 06:14 AM