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Author Topic: Не могу отредактировать учетную запись (10 messages, Page 1 of 1)

R8WB/P Sergey
Posts: 6
Joined: Sep 21, 2020

Posted: Oct 4, 2020 07:50 AM          Msg. 1 of 10
Приветствую. Мне необходимо внести изменения в учетную запись R8WB/p. Но у меня не получается это сделать. И удалить ее не получается. Либо удалите эту учетную либо скажите как ее отредактировать. А вообще, все настолько коряво сделано, что остается только удивляться - для чего нужен такой кривой сервис!!! Ничего сделать нельзя, все через задницу. Прошу прощения за несдержанность, но я сутки убил на попытки что то правильно настроить и так ничего и не смог сделать.

R8WB/p Sergey

Posts: 958
Joined: Oct 22, 2005

Plus je m'entraine, plus j'ai de la chance

Posted: Oct 4, 2020 05:29 PM          Msg. 2 of 10

Your account seems OK ? I don't know what you want to change

If you moved, changed location, you need to create a new attached account. Grid square, zones, are locked

R8WB/P Sergey
Posts: 6
Joined: Sep 21, 2020

Posted: Oct 5, 2020 02:55 AM          Msg. 3 of 10
I need to create a new R8WB/p account with a different QTH and callsign expiration time. I tried to do it, but I couldn't - all the time some kind of mistake appears. And, in addition, I often drive on different RDAs - LOC and QTH change all the time. Do I have to create a new account for every trip? Then there will be hundreds! It's nonsense!!! Make it possible to create an account without binding to the QTH and the LOC. Let it be possible to enter the necessary QTH and LOC when loading the log - it is as convenient to create a new account each time.

R8WB/p Sergey

Posts: 958
Joined: Oct 22, 2005

Plus je m'entraine, plus j'ai de la chance

Posted: Oct 5, 2020 06:11 AM          Msg. 4 of 10

There is no easy solution so far for highly mobile stations...
Since your account can give credits for qth based awards...the grid in the log must match what is in the account profile

If not, you can still upload your qso's but you will get red flags in your outbox and so will the award manager when he checks the credits you give.

I'm afraid that you have to create a new account for each new grid/qth
and the rule is : no overlapping dates for a SAME callsign
Quote: all the time some kind of mistake appears

What error message ? about the date-range ? you know the answer

just my 2 cents : Without awards, when you're operating /p /m /mm etc, your logger would just automatically add the qth infos in the comment line, city, rda, grid, zones..etc
But it's just my opinion, I'm totally wrong
There is no easy solution , even with LOTW, you have to create as many locations in TQSL as you travel, but at least not when you go back and forth.

73 - F6DKQ

send us all the details for your new qth, date-range, grid, city, rda...etc, we can assist
Maybe some qso's must be deleted to change your current account date-range

=> https://www.eqsl.cc/qslcard/ContactWebmaster.cfm
Edited by F6DKQ Guy FALCOZ on Oct 5, 2020 at 06:24 AM

R8WB/P Sergey
Posts: 6
Joined: Sep 21, 2020

Posted: Oct 5, 2020 06:28 AM          Msg. 5 of 10
Why there is no simple decision? Here: hamlog.ru On a screenshot (see screenshot: https://dropmefiles.com/eaPXZ ) the page of loading of the log. As you can see, there is an opportunity to specify any "/" and RDA and LOC and everything that is necessary before loading of the log.

R8WB/p Sergey

R8WB/P Sergey
Posts: 6
Joined: Sep 21, 2020

Posted: Oct 5, 2020 06:39 AM          Msg. 6 of 10
I need these details: https://dropmefiles.com/MAcUM

R8WB/p Sergey

Posts: 958
Joined: Oct 22, 2005

Plus je m'entraine, plus j'ai de la chance

Posted: Oct 5, 2020 07:21 AM          Msg. 7 of 10
OK, created

but now, in your previous qth/nickname, you have outliers, delete them and upload them to the new account


You are currently set to only allow QSOs between 01-Jul-2020 00:00 and 06-Jul-2020 00:00
You have 25 eQSLs in your OutBox with QSO Dates outside your current Callsign/QTH start and end dates!
If you do not correct this, you will not be able to send or receive eQSLs properly!
The first one is R9WCF on 19-Sep-2020 06:24
The last one is UA9ZO on 03-Oct-2020 11:01

R8WB/P Sergey
Posts: 6
Joined: Sep 21, 2020

Posted: Oct 5, 2020 08:07 AM          Msg. 8 of 10
I can't delete them. I am receiving a message:

Deletion Finished between 19-Sep-2020 and 03-Oct-2020
0 entries were deleted
25 entries were not deleted because they were confirmed
Main Menu or View remaining OutBox

R8WB/p Sergey

Posts: 958
Joined: Oct 22, 2005

Plus je m'entraine, plus j'ai de la chance

Posted: Oct 5, 2020 08:22 AM          Msg. 9 of 10
Quote: ....because they were confirmed

OK, I did it for you
Deletion Finished between 19-Sep-2020 and 03-Oct-2020
25 entries were deleted
0 entries were not deleted because they were confirmed..................admin rights needed
Edited by F6DKQ Guy FALCOZ on Oct 5, 2020 at 08:23 AM

R8WB/P Sergey
Posts: 6
Joined: Sep 21, 2020

Posted: Oct 5, 2020 08:49 AM          Msg. 10 of 10
It seems to have turned out. But still, the eqsl service needs to be made more convenient.

Thank you.

73! Sergey, R8WB.

R8WB/p Sergey