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Author Topic: Two logs with overlapping dates (2 messages, Page 1 of 1)

N4QS David R. Perry
Posts: 1
Joined: Feb 24, 2005

Posted: Aug 26, 2021 02:54 PM          Msg. 1 of 2
How do I import and maintain two logs using the same callsign with overlapping dates? I have one log setup as N4QS- Home and the other setup as N4QS-Farm. For about one year, I would operated from both using the same call on the same day. This went on for about a year. The log for home ends on feb 3, 2017 and the log for the farm begins on feb 4, 2017. But I made contacts from home through Sept 21, 2017. In my InBox I am showing many pending confirmations made between those dates, but I cannot confirm them because they occured from my home qth which has a different grid than my farm qth. Does anyone have a work around or any suggestions? Thank you. Dave, N4QS

N4QS David R. Perry

Posts: 953
Joined: Oct 22, 2005

Plus je m'entraine, plus j'ai de la chance

Posted: Aug 26, 2021 03:30 PM          Msg. 2 of 2
Quote: .....using the same callsign with overlapping dates?

So far, your two accounts don't overlap and it's OK so...

If you make them overlap, when someone sends you an eQSL, the system will never find where to
put the incoming eqsl

Quote: Does anyone have a work around or any suggestions?

If you go back and forth between 2 or several QTH's...there is no perfect solution :

- either create a new account each time you move from home to farm !!!...a real bother

- or create a variant of your callsign for "farm" /P /4.......etc

73 - F6DKQ