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Author Topic: Always portable or mobile (35 messages, Page 1 of 2)

K4VM Martha Colburn
Posts: 21
Joined: Nov 29, 2001

Posted: Nov 19, 2005 10:09 AM          Msg. 1 of 35
I set up my profile showing my call active from 1970 to now. And the QTH that shows is my MAILING QTH (Never my operating QTH). I have answered some eQSL's and put in the comments line my QTH for the QSO. But that still puts my Texas address on the card.

How can I fix this problem?

K4VM Martha Colburn

W3ZJ Rich Drake
Posts: 180
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eQSL Support Volunteer

Posted: Nov 19, 2005 10:55 AM          Msg. 2 of 35
Quote: I set up my profile showing my call active from 1970 to now. And the QTH that shows is my MAILING QTH (Never my operating QTH). I have answered some eQSL's and put in the comments line my QTH for the QSO. But that still puts my Texas address on the card.

How can I fix this problem?

--- Original message by K4VM Martha Colburn on Nov 19, 2005 10:09 AM
Unfortunately, Martha the only way to handle this currently is to have separate attached accounts for each location you operated from and each account must have the appropriate separate log. Also if you used the same callsign with no portable designators these accounts can not have overlapping date ranges.

eQSL is well aware that this is extremely cumbersome for people who are always portable or mobile and constantly operating from different locations.

Dave is working on a solution to this but it is a complex database issue and not something that can be fixed in a day. Thus, patience is required. Make sure you read the new site news items when you log on as one of them will one day have an important announcement for you. I wish I could give you a time frame for this but at this time I don't have one.

73, Rich - W3ZJ

K4VM Martha Colburn
Posts: 21
Joined: Nov 29, 2001

Posted: Nov 19, 2005 04:54 PM          Msg. 3 of 35
Thanks Rich for the info. To make matters even worse, sometimes I sign /7, sometimes not, from the same QTH. And I never log which I use. And I can't tell which the return QSLer will use.

I can tell when I operate from where. However, since I have all ready said I operated from 1970 to now in my original profile, the system won't let me delete sections and then put in the smaller piece parts of the log, based on where I was. ie. I can't enter a log from October 2000 to April 2001 for K4VM or for K4VM/7 because the system all ready has those dates in the original catch-all log and it won't let me delete that original piece.

I fear the same problem with LoTW. I expect this little (HAH!) problem will occur in all data bases.

Ah well, back to paper and pencil and stamps.
73, Marty

K4VM Martha Colburn

W3ZJ Rich Drake
Posts: 180
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eQSL Support Volunteer

Posted: Nov 19, 2005 05:09 PM          Msg. 4 of 35
Hi again Martha,
You should be able to delete anything you want from your log. However, you can only bulk delete QSO's that are not confirmed. QSO's that are confirmed can only be deleted one at a time. This is purposely made difficult to prevent people from deleting confirmed QSO's and taking cards away from the recipients. If it's just a few cards you can do it, if it's thousands you are going to need help. Send a note to the regular support mail via the "Contact Us" link at the top left of the main page and provide details of what needs to be deleted and we can help you.

73, Rich - W3ZJ

K4VM Martha Colburn
Posts: 21
Joined: Nov 29, 2001

Posted: Nov 20, 2005 10:21 AM          Msg. 5 of 35
Thanks Rich,
I will see if I can un-snarl this mess. Somehow I need to see what my log actually looks like in eQSL. Then I will know what I can delete, and replace with QSO's based on whether I am mobile or portable or whatever I was doing that week! As you said, I should leave alone the eQSL's I have acknowledged, and they are spotty here and there. I have only uploaded en-mass ONE rather small batch of QSO's. I will contact regular support and see what they can do to help.

I think it is do-able. I just am not sure it is worth it!

73, Marty

K4VM Marty

W3ZJ Rich Drake
Posts: 180
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eQSL Support Volunteer

Posted: Nov 20, 2005 10:35 AM          Msg. 6 of 35
Hi Marty,
You will find that Tim Kirby, G4VXE and myself will also be answering the mail you sent to regular support. The reason I ask you to send your log details there instead of here is because that is personal information that is of no use to the general community and is best kept private rather than public. The other posts in this thread may well be informative to others but your private log information isn't.

73, Rich - W3ZJ

K4VM Martha Colburn
Posts: 21
Joined: Nov 29, 2001

Posted: Nov 21, 2005 08:04 AM          Msg. 7 of 35
Thanks for the help.
73, Marty

K4VM Marty

N5UP Dave Morris
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Posted: Nov 21, 2005 04:09 PM          Msg. 8 of 35
Let me remind you and anybody else reading this, that putting your correct QTH into the comments field will not allow that eQSL to be used properly for an eAward. We ignore anything in the comments section, because for all we know, it might be written in Swahili.

Please make sure that the QTH information (State, County, Grid Square, Country, CQ Zone, etc.) in MY PROFILE is correct for your station location. There is a separate place where you can put your MAILING ADDRESS, and that is on the POSTAGE ACCOUNT page.

Of course, that's just my opinion... I could be wrong!

Dave Morris, N5UP

N8CBW Clark B. Wierda
Posts: 3
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Posted: Nov 28, 2005 05:37 PM          Msg. 9 of 35
I don't know how a confirmed QSO would be handled, but I just adjusted the date range for the appropriate accounts and the QSO moved from the wrong one to the right one.

(I was a tad tight with the transition to the next county. The other ham was a minute later on his time than my time. I just made sure that the range covered the all QSOs from the intended location.)

I had also started with a single, all inclusive date range. I was able to adjust this down to cover all the QTHs.

N8CBW Clark B. Wierda

W3ZJ Rich Drake
Posts: 180
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eQSL Support Volunteer

Posted: Nov 29, 2005 06:59 AM          Msg. 10 of 35

I sure wish it did work that way because it would be much easier for everyone to manage. But, unless Dave made a big change yesterday without telling anyone it doesn't work that way. The only way I can think of that a QSO might appear to move from one log to another by itself is that it actually existed in both logs and it just became viewable in the correct one. Normally you can't change the date range in a way that would cause outliers in the Outbox however if all you changed was the time you might get away with that.

73, Rich - W3ZJ

NH7WB/5 Paul McGuffey
Posts: 2
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Posted: Nov 29, 2005 01:08 PM          Msg. 11 of 35
I have a similar problem. I am just starting in eqsl, but I have one qso that I confirmed in error. It was not posted to my portable location, which is important because it happened from there, rather than from my permanent location.
so, How do I remove it, or has it already been confirmed by my having become auth guaranteed ? does that guarantee relate back to confirmed qsos confirmed befor I was authenticated?

NH7WB/5 Paul McGuffey

W3ZJ Rich Drake
Posts: 180
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eQSL Support Volunteer

Posted: Nov 29, 2005 01:41 PM          Msg. 12 of 35
To remove a single QSO from your on-line log:

1) Go to your Outbox and select the QSO you want to remove.

2) Click "Edit" next to the QSO data.

3) In the window that pops up, click delete.

That's all there is to it. Whether it is confirmed or not the card is completely removed and taken away from the other station. Note you should only do this when the QSO was entered into your log by mistake.

73, Rich - W3ZJ

NH7WB/5 Paul McGuffey
Posts: 2
Joined: Sep 13, 2005

Posted: Nov 29, 2005 01:47 PM          Msg. 13 of 35
Yes, it sounds like tough luck if someone was counting on a QSO. But I confirmed it in error, and it brings up the thought that I will have t o deal with this problem often, every time someone sends a QSO to my permanent call when the contact was instead portable. I guess that I can just reject each such entry and let the swender wonder what happened?
I also want to know if you think it better to deal with a regular change between locations (states and countries) twice a year, repeatedly, by using a portable call or date changes? I am not sure which would be easier to manage. Even paper has its limitatiions.

NH7WB/5 Paul McGuffey

W3ZJ Rich Drake
Posts: 180
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eQSL Support Volunteer

Posted: Nov 29, 2005 02:17 PM          Msg. 14 of 35
If there is a card in your Archive confirming a QSO that you deleted from you Outbox, Confirm and Reject buttons will re-appear next to that QSO in your Archive. You can then go to your Archive, reject the other stations card and in the reason for the reject ask for the card to be resubmitted to your portable callsign.

As far as using a portable designator or date ranges, you can do it either way but I personally think it is easier to do it with a portable designator. Since I upload my logs 100% its very rare for me to see Confirm/Reject buttons next to a card in my Inbox. When I do see that it is a red flag to check this one carefully and 9 times out of 10 it's a reject

73, Rich - W3ZJ
Edited by W3ZJ Rich Drake on Nov 29, 2005 at 02:18 PM

K4VM Martha Colburn
Posts: 21
Joined: Nov 29, 2001

Posted: Nov 30, 2005 08:37 AM          Msg. 15 of 35
Through a lot of time and effort on my part, and that of various support team members, I have found out that:
1) If you are mobile and want to give out counties to other stations, and want this county to show up on your eQSL, then you either must
a) have a NEW account for EACH county your drive through. If you leave a county at say
1415z (in your log) and the other party sends his QSL showing 1416Z, it will not show up

K4VM Marty

K4VM Martha Colburn
Posts: 21
Joined: Nov 29, 2001

Posted: Nov 30, 2005 08:37 AM          Msg. 16 of 35
Through a lot of time and effort on my part, and that of various support team members, I have found out that:
1) If you are mobile and want to give out counties to other stations, and want this county to show up on your eQSL, then you either must
a) have a NEW account for EACH county your drive through. If you leave a county at say
1415z (in your log) and the other party sends his QSL showing 1416Z, it will not show up

K4VM Marty

K4VM Martha Colburn
Posts: 21
Joined: Nov 29, 2001

Posted: Nov 30, 2005 08:47 AM          Msg. 17 of 35
To continue:
in YOUR inbox under the correct county, and the card will be rejected.
b) find a way to post the comments for your county to the eQSL, and do it all under one account.
2) If you are mobile and don't care about the other party getting credit for each county, do it all under one accound.
3) If you are mobile/portable and YOU care about the state/country the other party is in because you are gathering credits for eQSL awards, then you can do it all onder one account.
4) I believe that the eQSL computer will place your incoming eQSL into your account based upon your primary call (with our without the /m or /p designator) AND based on the DATE the account is active.

This is a bit confused because I can't edit my entry after I mistakenly hit "send" .

Remember that comments placed on YOUR eQSL do NOT count as credits for any eQSL award for anyone.

73, Marty

K4VM Marty

K4VM Martha Colburn
Posts: 21
Joined: Nov 29, 2001

Posted: Nov 30, 2005 08:50 AM          Msg. 18 of 35
In my above comments, part 2):
If you do it all under ONE account, you will not only have the wrong county for everyone who gets your eQSL, but you will have the wrong grid square.

It looks like you absolutely MUST create a separate account for each QTH you are in, in order to get the proper eQSL credits to the recipients of your cards.

It is all terribly confusing.
73, Marty

K4VM Marty

W3ZJ Rich Drake
Posts: 180
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eQSL Support Volunteer

Posted: Nov 30, 2005 09:09 AM          Msg. 19 of 35
That's correct Marty. I don't find it confusing but I do see that it is extremely cumbersome for users such as yourself. That's what Dave is working on. However, as he explained in another post there are many features that depend on this and it is not a trivial problem to fix.

LoTW has another method of handling this that requires a location ID in your digital certificate. However you are still responsible for signing the correct log with the correct certificate/location ID.

I'm not sure if that is easier or just different.

73, Rich - W3ZJ

K4VM Martha Colburn
Posts: 21
Joined: Nov 29, 2001

Posted: Nov 30, 2005 12:04 PM          Msg. 20 of 35
I have not yet gotten into LoTW. That is still ahead of me AND I have not solved the problem of grid squares for my 6 weeks of mobile over many parts of Quebec. I haven't found a city-to-grid-square translator, like there is for the USA on the ARRL web site.

73, Marty

K4VM Marty
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