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Author Topic: POTA operating from different grids (3 messages, Page 1 of 1)

NI0P Brian Schmidt
Posts: 3
Joined: Aug 13, 2018

Posted: Dec 19, 2021 05:51 PM          Msg. 1 of 3
What is the easiest way to upload to eQSL when operating from different grid locations.


NI0P Brian Schmidt

Posts: 958
Joined: Oct 22, 2005

Plus je m'entraine, plus j'ai de la chance

Posted: Dec 20, 2021 10:54 AM          Msg. 2 of 3
1) create a NI0P/P account

2) for this new callsign, create as many qth/nicknames as grids you operate from, with the POTA reference as the nickname

an example here in France, a SOTA activator :

F5RRS/P Damien Petit-Bornand, 74130
F5RRS/P Damien Petit-Bornand, 74130
F5RRS/P Damien Pt-Bornand, 74130
F5RRS/P Damien Samoens, 74340
F5RRS/P Damien Praz-de-Lys, 74440
F5RRS/P Damien Petit-Bornand, 74130
F5RRS/P Damien Le Semnoz, 74320
F5RRS/P Damien Grand-Bornand, 74450

........and many, many others

Semnoz, Petit and Grand Bornand are summits in the Alps

F6HBI/p has an impressive number of summits/accounts

Then you have to mind where you upload....

73 - F6DKQ

DG1FBN Malte StrĂ¼bert
Posts: 1
Joined: Oct 5, 2013

Posted: Feb 6, 2022 12:04 PM          Msg. 3 of 3
Hi dear OM's,

i have a similar problem. But creating just one account for each park/summit/grid is not enough, because you are not allowed to have overlapping time windows between two accounts of the same call.

So beside the need for having an individual account for each location, once you reactivate a location a second time you have to create a new account for the same location again.

I'am a great fan of eQSL, but the handling especially for portable operations with different grid squares is still a big pain.

If the database checks if the MY_GRIDSQUARE field fits the accounts GRID, why does the time window plays a role?
I understand that time window has it's purpose for example if you change your call, your home QTH or if someone goes SK, but as long as for example DG1FBN/p belongs to me, i see no issue in having multiple DG1FBN/P accounts valid at the same time with different grid squares, as this is the nature of portable operation in general. I'am often at different locations and of course they will repeat sooner or later.

I really hope the developers see this and get a workaround which is usefull.

Thanks / 73

DG1FBN Malte StrĂ¼bert