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Author Topic: need more eqsl net (3 messages, Page 1 of 1)

N2EIK John Mazzone
Posts: 8
Joined: Mar 31, 2006

Posted: Apr 3, 2007 12:16 AM          Msg. 1 of 3
We need more tha one/week net. I propose a nightly net, on say 40 meter?

John N2EIK

N2EIK John Mazzone

AD6FR James Anthony
Posts: 5
Joined: Apr 3, 2000

Posted: Apr 23, 2007 04:46 AM          Msg. 2 of 3
Hi John:

If you like late night 40 meter nets, try the HHH net at 0700 UTC on around 7.235 +/- QRM. It's a fun WAS net with some DX too. Some of the Op's on there use e-QSL.

73: Jim AD6FR

AD6FR James Anthony

VE3KKO Lewis Lambert
Posts: 21
Joined: Apr 20, 2004

Posted: May 6, 2009 11:33 AM          Msg. 3 of 3
I agree.
I dont like waiting for a week to check into a net.
I think that members should be able to have an
inpromptu net but follow certain guidelines and
if not, why?
I think that this is another way to promote eQSL.cc.
Is there a preamble that is used?
What style of net do we have now?
I ask because until now, i have not able to be here
for the net on 14.238.00.