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Author Topic: Download of eQSL cards (14 messages, Page 1 of 1)

N8MNI Mark Crosbie
Posts: 5
Joined: Jul 28, 2006

Posted: Jan 11, 2008 03:59 AM          Msg. 1 of 14
I was wanting to download all my eQSL cards to my computer. How could I do this without having to send hours, or days downloading one image at a time? I would like to display the images of the eQSl card that I received on my website, if that is allowed. But it is not going to be worth the hassle if I have to d/l them 1 at a time


N8MNI Mark Crosbie

G8LZE David
Posts: 3
Joined: Apr 30, 2008

Posted: Jul 27, 2008 03:17 PM          Msg. 2 of 14
Hi Mark,
Did you ever find a solution? Same problem here.


G8LZE David

N1ORK Orest Andy Zajac
Posts: 942
Joined: Sep 7, 2006

QRZ..QRZ..Any one out there?..Is this thing on??

Posted: Jul 28, 2008 01:38 AM          Msg. 3 of 14
M ark and David,
Somewhere in these forums or on the eQSL Yahoo group, someone posted a link to a program they made called Download_eQSL_cards.exe (or something like that). Try doing a search on that and I'll try to find it again also. When I do, I'll post here again.
73 and good luck!
Andy - n1ork/p

Posted By WD5EAE Stephen Genusa on Apr 3, 2008 12:13 AM

I've written two utilities that may be of interest to other eQSL users.

First there is a program that downloads all eQSL cards to your local harddrive. I could not find another program to do this besides Logic8 but I don't care for how Logic8 handles the cards, including the fact that some cards are never downloaded by Logic8. The program saves the cards off to a local directory using a filename that matches the callsign/date/time/band/mode so that once its downloaded it doesn't try and download them again. That way you can keep your local cards up to date without wasting eQSL bandwidth and time.

Also, yesterday I wrote a VB script that works out of Microsoft Access. It may work outside of Access with some minor changes. I haven't had time to investigate that yet. This script takes an eQSL ADIF file and updates the Ham Radio Deluxe logbook to show eQSLs received.

The program and all source code are available from my web site:

WD5EAE Stephen Genusa

N1ORK Orest 'Andy' Zajac
Edited by N1ORK Orest 'Andy' Zajac on Jul 28, 2008 at 01:40 AM

G8LZE David
Posts: 3
Joined: Apr 30, 2008

Posted: Jul 28, 2008 02:17 PM          Msg. 4 of 14
Many thanks, problem solved!


G8LZE David

G8LZE David
Posts: 3
Joined: Apr 30, 2008

Posted: Jul 28, 2008 02:26 PM          Msg. 5 of 14
Many thanks, problem solved!


G8LZE David

Posts: 958
Joined: Oct 22, 2005

Plus je m'entraine, plus j'ai de la chance

Posted: Aug 5, 2008 01:05 PM          Msg. 6 of 14
Thank you for the info, Andy

One detail : it does not work with more than 10 000 qsl in the archive because then you can't open the entire archive, you have to limit the date range.

73 de Guy F6DKQ


KU1T Zbigniew Tyrlik
Posts: 4
Joined: Mar 26, 2008

Posted: Aug 25, 2008 04:59 PM          Msg. 7 of 14

can you be more specific on how to "limit date range" ?
The download eQSL software does not provide way to input date range.

Please elaborate,

de ku1t

KU1T Zbigniew Tyrlik

WB4IUY Dave Hockaday
Posts: 48
Joined: Jan 18, 2009

Posted: Feb 16, 2009 05:39 PM          Msg. 8 of 14
Perfect!! I used the windows binary from the http://www.wd5eae.org/Software.html page, and downloaded all of my eQSL card. I've sorted through them now, and am about to upload them to a slideshow on my website and to one of those little electronic picture frames. Neat stuff, thanks for the link!


WB4IUY Dave Hockaday

N1ORK Orest Andy Zajac
Posts: 942
Joined: Sep 7, 2006

QRZ..QRZ..Any one out there?..Is this thing on??

Posted: Feb 16, 2009 08:02 PM          Msg. 9 of 14
I think we should stop using this utility because, accodording to Dave N5UP (site owner), this utility greatly slows down the server when too many people try to use it. Here is a quote from Dave from the eQSL Yahoo group:

I just spent several minutes trying to track down a 60% CPU
utilization with a high network bandwidth. I finally discovered 3
German users were mass-downloading their eQSL graphics.

As I mentioned before, the system has to generate each eQSL graphic at
the time you request it. It is not simply a matter of downloading a
static file. Large volume graphics generation is not a good idea, and
if it is abused, I'll have to implement a throttle rather than
allowing a few people to jeopardize the speed of the system for the
rest of the members.

Dave Morris, N5UP
Webmaster, eQSL.cc

N1ORK Orest 'Andy' Zajac
Edited by N1ORK Orest 'Andy' Zajac on Feb 16, 2009 at 08:03 PM

WB4IUY Dave Hockaday
Posts: 48
Joined: Jan 18, 2009

Posted: Feb 16, 2009 08:07 PM          Msg. 10 of 14
Ooooopsss! Sorry about that. I just checked, and my total download was about 7megs. They downloaded very quickly, but didn't know I was helping to choke the system. I'll be saving my future cards to a location on my desktop, one at a time, so as to not cause a problem.

PS, I love being able to display my cards like this, as I have boxes of paper cards from way back, that do nothing but collect dust (my walls are already covered in cards in those thin plastic display pouches).


WB4IUY Dave Hockaday

G3ZOD Graham Smith
Posts: 13
Joined: Jan 5, 2009

Posted: Feb 17, 2009 04:33 PM          Msg. 11 of 14
Quote: Dave,
I think we should stop using this utility because, accodording to Dave N5UP (site owner), this utility greatly slows down the server when too many people try to use it. Here is a quote from Dave from the eQSL Yahoo group:

I just spent several minutes trying to track down a 60% CPU
utilization with a high network bandwidth. I finally discovered 3
German users were mass-downloading their eQSL graphics.

As I mentioned before, the system has to generate each eQSL graphic at
the time you request it. It is not simply a matter of downloading a
static file. Large volume graphics generation is not a good idea, and
if it is abused, I'll have to implement a throttle rather than
allowing a few people to jeopardize the speed of the system for the
rest of the members.

Dave Morris, N5UP
Webmaster, eQSL.cc

--- Original message by N1ORK Orest 'Andy' Zajac on Feb 16, 2009 08:02 PM
You know, one reason I would like to download all my cards is because (as I understand it), another user can delete their logs and then the corresponding confirmed eQSL cards vanish.

I feel that this is wrong; once confirmed an eQSL should be safe (rather like once you have a paper QSL, it's yours to keep and the owner can't suddenly change their mind).

Apologies if I've misunderstood this part of the way the system works!

G3ZOD Graham Smith

N1ORK Orest Andy Zajac
Posts: 942
Joined: Sep 7, 2006

QRZ..QRZ..Any one out there?..Is this thing on??

Posted: Feb 17, 2009 04:55 PM          Msg. 12 of 14
I don't believe confirmed eQSLs can be deleted. I recently uploaded some QSOs for a club (w1brs) that had the RST missing. When I tried to delete them so that I could reload the corrected ones, the system would not delete the confirmed ones. I had to go and manually edit each of those.
Andy - n1ork

N1ORK Orest 'Andy' Zajac

G3ZOD Graham Smith
Posts: 13
Joined: Jan 5, 2009

Posted: Feb 19, 2009 10:57 AM          Msg. 13 of 14
Quote: Graham,
I don't believe confirmed eQSLs can be deleted. I recently uploaded some QSOs for a club (w1brs) that had the RST missing. When I tried to delete them so that I could reload the corrected ones, the system would not delete the confirmed ones. I had to go and manually edit each of those.
Andy, that's not what the Delete log entries web page says:


Quote: "You should ONLY delete log entries if you have errors.
Don't delete them just because
the recipients have already retrieved their cards!
Recipients must be able to access all your eQSLs
in order to apply for eAwards and eContests.

If you delete your eQSLs,
you take them away from the recipients!

G3ZOD Graham Smith
Edited by G3ZOD Graham Smith on Feb 19, 2009 at 10:58 AM

N1ORK Orest Andy Zajac
Posts: 942
Joined: Sep 7, 2006

QRZ..QRZ..Any one out there?..Is this thing on??

Posted: Feb 19, 2009 11:14 AM          Msg. 14 of 14
I'm just relating what happened to me. Maybe the warning is there just to discourage people from randomly deleting entries.
Andy - n1ork

N1ORK Orest 'Andy' Zajac