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Author Topic: Tutorial for setting up multiple locations? (1 messages, Page 1 of 1)

K0RC Robert Chudek
Posts: 16
Joined: Dec 27, 2000


Posted: Jan 21, 2008 09:51 PM          Msg. 1 of 1
Is there an online tutorial discussing the procedure for managing eQSL accounts from multiple locations? I looked but did not find anything.

Here's the (simplified) scenario I was trying to resolve:

I have a primary account as KØRC where I normally operate. The end date for this account is out in the future (2010 IIRC).

In November I operated the CW Sweepstakes from Grand Forks, ND as KØRC. I did not sign as a portable callsign because I was still within the Zero district and the contest exchange includes the QTH.

When I uploaded my log to eQSL, I created an associated account as KØRC-ND. The system would not let me create this account until I changed the primary account end date to a date prior to the start of the new ND account.

I made the adjustments and uploaded the ND log without any further problem. This batch of contacts will be the only QSO's entered using this associated account.

My first question: At this point it appears I cannot have overlapping date ranges. What do fellows do that have two operating locations and alternate between them?

Continuing on, my next step was most likely a mistake. I had "ended" my primary log and now also "ended" my ND log. So I created a new associated account in order to continue uploading my log from my normal location. (I wasn't finished with ham radio yet!)

I began to upload contacts into this new associated account. Using this new "3-log" configuration it quickly became apparent this was not going to be very efficient. I was having to exit and log into different accounts to manage the incoming eQSLs. I figured there must be a simpler way to deal with this scenario.

One evening I got the brilliant idea I would log into my original master account and see if I could move the end date into the future. I was surprised the system DID actually allow me to do this!

So where I stand right now is having 3 accounts, one for my ND operation, my original master account with the extended future date, and an unneeded associated account.

The second question: Can I (and how do I) delete the unneeded associated account without impacting the log(s) I have uploaded after the CW Sweepstakes contest?

73 de Bob - K0RC