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Author Topic: County Hunting Mobile (4 messages, Page 1 of 1)

N4CD Robert Voss
Posts: 3
Joined: Apr 27, 2001

Posted: Jan 15, 2009 04:05 AM          Msg. 1 of 4
If a eQsl member goes mobile, the default information will list his/her home county. It seems you would have to list the county you are mobile in - in the comments section.

If EQsl comes up with any award, it will have to be able to digest the comment section and over ride the default setting for , say N4CD, who is listed as being in Collin County, TX, but is usually not in Collin County since I make 20,000 or more mobile contacts a year from other counties.

If you don't put your county on your cards, I won't bother to reply. Got 5000 cards to sort through to decide which ones I answer...I only do buro cards about once a year, too.....

You can work 3000 counties with fixed stations - one station has worked that many after 30 years of hamming. There are 3077, and some have no permanent or temporary residents...just mobile stations that drive through.

N4CD Robert Voss

N4CD Robert Voss
Posts: 3
Joined: Apr 27, 2001

Posted: Jan 21, 2009 04:54 PM          Msg. 2 of 4
Some interesting questions/comments for the eQSL folks

1) Will eQSL be able to handle county lines (two counties) and give folks credit for both?

2) Will eQSL be able to parse N4CD and N4CD/m as the same and match them automatically?

3) Will N4CD receive credit for counties he works while out county hunting? Right now, to be sure the stations get the right county confirmed, I would need to set up thousands of accounts - one for each county/county line run. Would I get reciprocal credit toward eAwards?

4) For WAS, you have to be at 'home' and the same QTH. For most other awards (DXCC, WPX, USACA) you can make contacts from any QTH in the 50 states and they all count. Will eQSL system be able to handle this, or do all eQSL awards have to be earned from the same QTH?

So many questions...so many counties....so little time....

N4CD Robert Voss

VK3FDRG craig ryan
Posts: 1
Joined: Aug 31, 2008

Posted: May 18, 2009 12:29 PM          Msg. 3 of 4
on that point i operate mobile in my home state ( VK3) and in some cases i operate one state over north or south and in a few other different directions. One minute i can be /VK2 or /VK7 or /VK5. What is the best way to log that and do i need to make more than one qsl card?

VK3FDRG craig ryan

K5SF Richard Detweiler
Posts: 1
Joined: Feb 24, 2004

Posted: May 25, 2009 03:01 AM          Msg. 4 of 4
I have one 'mobile' account K5SF/M, I have been setting up my county in a log field with text like "TX-RED RIVER" Before I uplaod to EQSL or ARRL for that matter, I edit the field ID to have the Key word "QSL_COMMENT:". This causes the county to show up on the web page and e-qsl card. This is supposed to be enough now for EQSL Cards to qualify for US-CA awards.

Still need a download confirmations function. It's too difficult to manually update the logs.

K5SF Richard Detweiler