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Author Topic: PSK and QPSK (2 messages, Page 1 of 1)

2E0BPP Colin Bell
Posts: 1
Joined: Jan 26, 2009

Posted: Aug 28, 2009 07:40 AM          Msg. 1 of 2
My first use of eQSL forums so be patient please.

I operate mainly in digital modes and have had eqsl rejects recently from stations who have the mode as QPSK63. When I check my outbox only has PSK63.

I'm not sure when this started happening but some of my recent QPSK qsos are not rejected as both the station I have contacted and my data only has PSK.

I use MixW to generate the ADIF files and they are the same from when I first joined in JAN 2009, I have not changed anything here. My QPSK qsos prior to February 2009 have appeared correctly.

I have raised this via HELP to eQSL but have had no reply (how long does one wait?). What do I do now apart from manually edit them? This has a problem as I have had eqsls that have already been retrieved.

TIA and 73 de Colin 2E0BPP.

2E0BPP Colin Bell

Posts: 8
Joined: Jan 13, 2008

Posted: Aug 28, 2009 04:29 PM          Msg. 2 of 2
As to the wait...don't hold your breath. I put in a problem back in May 09 and never got a response. I like eQSL but support seems to be non-existent. I paid to become a member (only bronze, but still) but I seriously doubt if I'll do that again unless the support ( and glitches) improves.
