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Author Topic: Grid square (5 messages, Page 1 of 1)

KD0GAV George Dailey
Posts: 3
Joined: Oct 10, 2009

Posted: Oct 10, 2009 08:31 PM          Msg. 1 of 5
I have moved to a new location and new call sign. I have created a new profile. When
trying to update that profile I keep getting an error saying I am inputting an invalid
grid square. I am using DM79kp which I got from several sources. Everything else
seems to update okay. But it won't save the new profile updates so my street address
and other information is incorrect. HELP

KD0GAV George Dailey

N1ORK Orest Andy Zajac
Posts: 942
Joined: Sep 7, 2006

QRZ..QRZ..Any one out there?..Is this thing on??

Posted: Oct 11, 2009 11:28 AM          Msg. 2 of 5
Does the new call have the same street address? State? County? I think your Grid depends on your street address, so make sure that is correct first. You can change the last two letters of the Grid, but that's all. QRZ.com has a link to check your grid square based on your address, try that and see what you get.
Andy - n1ork

N1ORK Orest 'Andy' Zajac

KD0GAV George Dailey
Posts: 3
Joined: Oct 10, 2009

Posted: Oct 12, 2009 12:25 AM          Msg. 3 of 5

Thanks for your reply. I have a new address totally. I have moved to a different
state. So I would have to change the whole Grid address. Any ideas?

Again thanks for your help


KD0GAV George Dailey

N1ORK Orest Andy Zajac
Posts: 942
Joined: Sep 7, 2006

QRZ..QRZ..Any one out there?..Is this thing on??

Posted: Oct 12, 2009 09:51 AM          Msg. 4 of 5
Make sure you make a new account for your new address, you can't just change your existing profile, because some hams may still send you eQSLs for QSOs made from your old location. Also make sure the end date of your old QTH doesn't overlap with the start date of your new QTH (address). After that is done, you can link (attach) the two accounts together for dx awards. eWAS will have seperate states. Are you still in Littleton, CO? Is that your new location? You did notify the FCC that you moved right?
Andy - n1ork

N1ORK Orest 'Andy' Zajac

KD0GAV George Dailey
Posts: 3
Joined: Oct 10, 2009

Posted: Oct 16, 2009 03:33 PM          Msg. 5 of 5

Thanks for your help. I will start a new account. Yep I am in Littleton, CO and
that is my new QTH. I did notify the FCC. That is the reason I was changing my
profile. I moved here from Illinois.

Again thanks for your help.



KD0GAV George Dailey