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Viewing User Profile for: W1WLH William
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Joined: Nov 16, 2003 01:58 PM
Last Post: Sep 8, 2011 06:22 PM
Last Visit: Nov 30, 2011 03:03 AM
Location: Mobile Somewhere In America
Favorite Bands: PSK 20m, PSK 30m
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Email: w1wlh@earthlink.net

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W1WLH William has contributed to 7 posts out of 11673 total posts (0.06%) in 7,532 days (0.00 posts per day).

20 Most recent posts:
Support - English speaking » Membership Upgrade - NOT! Sep 8, 2011 06:22 PM (Total replies: 5)

Dave, for your sake and the sake of others like you, I certainly hope nothing like what you're describing happens to this useful web site and I'm not implying that either! I'm not at all into contesting. All I use this site for is to send email QSL's to those who want a QSO confirmation. I tried to help support this site by upgrading my membership but no one cares and that really disturbs me! I'm not throwing $30 into this web site for nothing!

I find it very unusual that Dave Morris, N5UP, Founder and Webmaster, by his own admission, is not keeping track of what's going on with his members. Maybe he's sick, or worse? I've sent him two (2) separate email messages within the past 7 to 10 days pleading for his help to correct this matter but to date I've not heard back from him so what am I to think? Apparently he doesn't have alternate or co-webmasters who take care of the day-to-day business of monitoring user complaints and fixing problems as they arise.

The last "support" email I sent to this site showed some 290+ messages ahead of me - that's ridiculous! No need for anyone else to send messages that way because if anyone ever does begin the arduous tasks of unraveling them, they'll likely be days/weeks catching up, if the ever do! Where's the support????? From what I've experienced, there isn't any!

73 - Bill

W1WLH William L. Hoenstine

Support - English speaking » Membership Upgrade - NOT! Sep 7, 2011 11:07 PM (Total replies: 5)

Just want to let everyone know that I still have not received my membership upgrade to "Silver" status after making numerous email attempts over the past week sent directly to the support link and the moderator(s) of this forum requesting support and upgrade.

I donated $30 using a MasterCard to eQSL.cc on August 26th of this year and to date I'm still shown as a " Regular Member." No one of authority representing this web site has attempted to make the situation rite so I turned in a complaint to MasterCard and they refunded my money.

I'd really like to know if anyone else has had this problem so if you have please reply to me directly at: w1wlh@earthlink.net. I'd like to see if there are similar circumstances surrounding other users of this service.

It appears that whoever owns and/or manages this web site is not paying attention to what's going on. I think it's shameful to leave this great service at the mercy of the wind! If you make a donation for membership upgrade using a MasterCard, beware! You may be in the same boat as me.

73 - Bill

W1WLH William L. Hoenstine

Support - English speaking » Need Help Now! Sep 1, 2011 11:11 PM (Total replies: 2)


Indeed, I agree with your problem assessment 100%! Whoever it is that can correct this problem is NOT responding to my concerns and that really troubles me. I'm ready to discontinue my association with eQSL, and will very soon, unless something is done to assist me! I even sent an email message to one of the three folks that monitor this forum but still no response. What more can I do?

As of today I see that there are 260+ messages in the "support" mailbox ahead of me so it looks like no one gives a **** (forgive my French) about what's going on here. I need all the luck I can get at this point!!!

73 - Bill

W1WLH William L. Hoenstine

Support - English speaking » Need Help Now! Aug 31, 2011 05:49 AM (Total replies: 2)

Does anyone who manages this web site answer support questions in a timely manner anymore? I've posted numerous support concerns using the support links but no one of authority has yet to address any of them. Furthermore, I made a membership donation ($30) almost a week ago and no one has upgraded me to "Silver" status even after I posted several messages inquiring why.

It appears to me that no one is minding the store and this displeases me! A header in the support message dialog states that there are some 240+ messages ahead of mine and its been that way for many days so can someone who knows tell me what's going on here? Where's the support? Am I doing something wrong? It shouldn't take this long to get some answers and some HELP!!

Please tell me why my messages of concern are not being answered in a timely manner? I hate to be blunt but........... if I don't get my upgrade and some serious support in the next 24 hours, I'm going to report this matter to MasterCard! I'm tired of waiting!


W1WLH William L. Hoenstine

Support - English speaking » How do I delete an account? Aug 27, 2011 08:58 PM (Total replies: 13)

Quote: Bill,
If you remember your account names and passwords, I think you can still log into them. If not, I suggest you contact the Admins of this site via the 'Help!' link above. You may need to supply all the info you can and explain what you want them to do.
Good Luck!
Andy - n1ork

--- Original message by N1ORK/P Orest on Aug 27, 2011 06:50 PM

Tnx for getting back to me. I already did what you suggested but it seems that the help folks are inundated with other requests - it could take days, if not weeks, to get this matter corrected <big sigh>.

All of the accounts in question have a label "UNSUBSCRIBED" next to them and they do have a "LOGIN" icon next to them too. Don't know why since it doesn't allow me to login??? Seems like things aren't working the way you think they should <another big grin>. When I try to login to an unsubscribed account it takes me to the help desk message dialog. I've left them several messages along with additional emails to suport1@eQSL.cc but still no response. They replied immediately to my $30 membership payment but I'm still shown as a REGULAR MEMBER???

I guess all I can do now is wait.


W1WLH William L. Hoenstine

Support - English speaking » How do I delete an account? Aug 27, 2011 06:27 PM (Total replies: 13)

Tnx for the reply but it doesn't address the issue. I somehow deleted my primary account while trying to get rid of those that I didn't intend to create in the first place so all that I deleted need to be reinstated, I guess??

I'm dead in the water until someone reinstates all my deleted accounts. Setting up additional accounts isn't easy and probably should be avoided by new user like me until such time that much more detailed instructions on this feature are provided on the web site. Wish I had looked into it more thoroughly before making a $30 membership donation!

73 - Bill

W1WLH William L. Hoenstine

Support - English speaking » How do I delete an account? Aug 27, 2011 06:44 AM (Total replies: 13)

I have created to many additional accounts and now what to delete all but the primary. I do not want to quit eQSL, just want to DELETE the unwanted "additional" accounts. Please explain the procedure to do that without removing my PRIMARY account?


W1WLH William L. Hoenstine