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Viewing User Profile for: G3YMC Dave Sergeant
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Joined: Jan 1, 2003 03:44 AM
Last Post: Jan 26, 2024 05:52 PM
Last Visit: May 28, 2024 09:30 AM
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G3YMC Dave Sergeant has contributed to 31 posts out of 11671 total posts (0.27%) in 7,848 days (0.00 posts per day).

20 Most recent posts:
Support - English speaking » Audio feature on cards Jan 26, 2024 05:52 PM (Total replies: 0)

I am not sure how many will be using the new audio feature on our eQSLs, it looks just like a gimmick to me. However it seems that when I recently updated my eQSL card design it got added to my card without even telling me. How can I remove this unwanted feature, I see nothing in my profile to do so.

G3YMC Dave Sergeant

General web site suggestions » New Website Interface STINKS! Apr 4, 2017 08:27 AM (Total replies: 1)

I am learning to live with the new interface but it doesn't seem to be an improvement. It is also very slow at times, taking ages to access my inbox or display QSLs.
One bug which nobody seems to have commented on. Every time I come to the forums after 'enter the forums' the first time I get a long error message with loads of stuff to do with Cold Fusion. If I try again on the second attempt it always works. Using the latest version of Palemoon (Firefox offshoot).

I guess thought there are a load of issues which the team are busy addressing behind the scenes, we should't complain.

73 Dave G3YMC

G3YMC Dave Sergeant

Support - English speaking » QRP Operation and eQSL Feb 8, 2017 09:14 AM (Total replies: 1)

Please do not use /QRP, that is not part of any official callsign. I think eQSL also ignores it. By all means tell people you are operating QRP but do it during the chat part of the QSO, not in your callsign.
I have over 250 DXCC in QRP and loads of eQSL confirmations. My eQSL card says I am using a QRP station. No need to add /QRP to my call to boast about it (and it is against UK licence conditions anyway).

Just use eQSL like everybody else does with your proper callsign - and there is no eQSL QRP certificate, maybe they will consider adding one.

G3YMC Dave Sergeant

OK, they seem to have sorted it, now back to Gold. I see the note that Gold has been replaced by Platinum, will we see another change soon?
73 Dave G3YMC

G3YMC Dave Sergeant

Likewise, but I have gone right back to Regular. I was one of the ones upgraded to Gold some 10 years ago when we understood it would be for life despite future changes to the levels. I see that Gold is now not listed as an option for membership and a new 'Platinum' has appeared. Fortunately at the moment nothing seems to have changed and I still have my existing eQSL with uploaded image. Doing this change with no notification whatsoever is just not on.
73 Dave G3YMC

G3YMC Dave Sergeant

General web site suggestions » egroups images giving certificate errors Feb 5, 2014 07:53 PM (Total replies: 1)

On the home page and elsewhere are links to the yahoogroups forums, but these are still shown as 'egroups'. Of course Yahoo took over egroups many years ago... Because the egroups images are now sourced from Yahoo servers, and since Yahoogroups has now largely gone to secure https:// pages this produces a certificate error in most browsers since the certificate name does not match (it certainly does in Opera 12.16).
Is it not about time that you updated the pages to correctly show this is now a Yahoogroup and no longer Egroups, and update the image references and links appropriately? Otherwise I have to click to cancel the popup every time...
73 Dave G3YMC

G3YMC Dave Sergeant

General web site suggestions » Answering eQSLs, forced to insert a time Jun 14, 2013 08:50 AM (Total replies: 7)

And if after checking your log you then mistype it in the box instead of it telling you the time doesn't match it promptly generates a new eQSL QSO for that mistyped time and leaves the original one unconfirmed in your inbox. I just made that error, typed 10:21 instead of 20:21 in the box - fortunately the station alerted me to the error but I wasted far too much time correcting my outbox. A pointless exercise, PLEASE restore to the old way.

73 Dave G3YMC

G3YMC Dave Sergeant

General web site suggestions » Answering eQSLs, forced to insert a time May 22, 2013 08:33 AM (Total replies: 7)

"It has nothing to do with security or validity, it is to slow down users from just blindly confirming everything in their inbox without at least thinking about it."

Since all you have to do is type the time shown in the inbox it does nothing to encourage people to check the QSO details in their logbook.

73 Dave G3YMC

G3YMC Dave Sergeant

General web site suggestions » Facebook Integration Feb 18, 2013 10:19 AM (Total replies: 1)

No, no, no. Facebook and twitter are the last things I want near my computer.

73 Dave G3YMC

G3YMC Dave Sergeant

Support - English speaking » Now UTC required for confirmation? Feb 18, 2013 10:17 AM (Total replies: 16)

I update periodically from my computer log, usually after a major contest. The ones that show unmatched are usually recent ones that have not been uploaded yet, they are good QSOs. If they were not in my log I would have already clicked the red reject button. This extra step is superfluous, the correct time is already shown.
73 Dave G3YMC

G3YMC Dave Sergeant

Support - English speaking » Now UTC required for confirmation? Feb 16, 2013 11:47 AM (Total replies: 16)

Yes, very annoying. The great red box telling me to check it is in the log before clicking is maybe a reminder to some. In this case I had indeed just checked my log, checked the time in that agreed with what the eqsl said, then clicked the button. Then took another two clicks to get the time in the right format. Ughhh...

73 Dave G3YMC

G3YMC Dave Sergeant

Support - English speaking » Download just the inbox? Dec 29, 2010 09:57 AM (Total replies: 8)

I have written a program to just do this. eqsladif will take text copied from the inbox of eQSL and convert it to an ADIF format file which you can then import into your logging program. Maybe not ideal, but it does the job.
Find it at http://www.davesergeant.com/bbcbasic/bbcbasic.htm

73 Dave G3YMC

G3YMC Dave Sergeant

Getting more eQSLs » SKEDS May 1, 2009 02:52 PM (Total replies: 9)

And I would also request that sked requests can be totally disabled. I have just had a long list of them, all on bands and modes I am not operational on, and for instance to Italy on 6m which even if I were active would be impossible at the moment. If somebody really wanted to work me they could email via my eQSL contact address, I very rarely in fact notice the flashing 'Sked Request' on the entry page when I visit so to that extent it is a waste of time and space.
73 Dave

G3YMC Dave Sergeant

Support - English speaking » Routing of /QRP Apr 13, 2009 01:50 PM (Total replies: 6)

But the addition of /QRP (or anything else other than /A, /P or /M) is ILLEGAL in the UK and many other countries in the world. It does not form part of any callsign as far as I am concerned, so if they send me a eQSL (or real QSL) showing G3YMC/QRP it is not valid for anything and as far as I am concerned would not want to receive it anyway. Why people persist in this pointless habit is beyond me.

73 Dave

G3YMC Dave Sergeant

Support - English speaking » Pb with New Inbox QSLs May 17, 2008 10:18 AM (Total replies: 5)


I received your two emails, apologies for not replying but know you have now sorted out your problem. I only visit these forums occasionally.

I keep my eQSL confirmations in a totally seperate log file from my main log, and I use XMLog (excellent in my view, I tried logger32 but personally it is not for me).

RST_S is the report YOU sent the other station. By definition this does not appear in the eQSL card in your inbox and never appears on any QSL card. Since I am not too worried as I have that in my main station log I took the easy way out and set it to 599 just to fill in the box. RST_R takes the correct data from the eQSL inbox.

XMLog uses date data in its 'confirmed' box to indicate a contact is confirmed and has no provision of seperately flagging paper/lotw/eqsl confirmations (but is proposed in a future version). Again I took the easy way out and set it to the date I downloaded those cards.

As I say in the notes to my program it has been developed really for my own needs. But the source of the program is included, feel free to modify it to your needs (you will need to buy a copy of BBCBasic for Windows from http://www.rtrussell.co.uk/)

73 Dave

G3YMC Dave Sergeant

Contesting » IOTA May 17, 2008 09:58 AM (Total replies: 5)

Everything you need to know can be find at http://www.rsgbiota.org

If you download the pdf of the IOTA rules available there you will see:

"C4.5 Photocopies of QSL cards and electronic cards (eQSLs) are not acceptable for credit."

And as stated all QSLs for IOTA must contain both the IOTA reference and island name.


G3YMC Dave Sergeant

Getting more eQSLs » EA9LZ ??? May 17, 2008 09:47 AM (Total replies: 11)

Indeed I don't know what you are trying to say. Maybe he is not an active eQSL user, simply popping in now and again to see what it is all about. Maybe he set up his account just recently and not got round to uploading his log. Maybe when he saw there were loads of cards waiting he decided not to bother with eQSL at all. Or maybe he has gone on holiday, away on business or whatever.

Remember that 16 days is a very short time for many amateurs and they maybe only visit here once a year. I guess he has loads of other things to do. Many on here seem to think they have a duty to amateur radio to visit eQSL and upload their cards every single day.

A quick Google will show that EA9LZ is an active contester and actually has a QSL manager, IK3QAR. Maybe you should ask him what his attitude to eQSL is.

G3YMC Dave Sergeant

Support - English speaking » Pb with New Inbox QSLs Mar 29, 2008 03:10 PM (Total replies: 5)

I have written a little program to produce an ADIF file from text copied from your inbox. Find it on my website - http://www.davesergeant.com/bbcbasic/bbcbasic.htm You need to download the small program eqsl.adif which includes all instructions. I have been using this all the time and it works great. 73 Dave G3YMC

G3YMC Dave Sergeant

Authenticity Guaranteed » AG Required to Join? Dec 30, 2007 08:54 PM (Total replies: 41)

Rather puzzled by your objections Dave, but guess that is your choice. As it happens all you need is the very first page of the licence with your callsign and name etc, which is now very easy with the new licences already in pdf. When I did it a few years ago I scanned my validation document. Tim G4VXE will probably check it when you submit it, at least he did for me. Nice chap, I would trust him...

But as I said, that is your decision.
73 Dave

G3YMC Dave Sergeant

Support - English speaking » working /P in another country Nov 27, 2007 05:05 PM (Total replies: 2)

You need to create a seperate eQSL account David. Talk to Mike G4DDL who has done exactly that and sent eQSLs for such an operation. (I don't think he frequents this forum, I only rarely do myself).

G3YMC Dave Sergeant