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Author Topic: Alog 3 and log Uploads (4 messages, Page 1 of 1)

W1MED Craig Gagner
Posts: 2
Joined: Jun 11, 2010

In the SandBox

Posted: Jun 17, 2010 09:04 PM          Msg. 1 of 4
I mainly work the FM Sats and have been trying to use the Alog 3.0 program as it has an upload to eQsl . But I cant figure out how to set the propagation correctly, after the upload I have to log in and fix it every time.

Does anyone know what changes I need to make in the Alog program to work correctly with eQsl.

Craig, W1med

W1MED Craig Gagner

N1ORK/P Orest
Posts: 61
Joined: May 10, 2007

N1ORK/P from Freedom, NH USA

Posted: Jun 18, 2010 12:04 AM          Msg. 2 of 4
Try checking with the Yahoo group 'N3FJP_Software_Users.' They may have better info there. I use ACLog 3.0, but don't do SATs. Good Luckand 73!
Andy - n1ork

N1ORK/P Orest 'Andy' Zajac

W1MED Craig Gagner
Posts: 2
Joined: Jun 11, 2010

In the SandBox

Posted: Jun 19, 2010 12:41 AM          Msg. 3 of 4
Well that was a waste of time, I guess I shouldn't have bought the program before I was sure it worked correctly. What I was told to do doesn't work.

W1MED Craig Gagner

W5DET Doug Thompson
Posts: 76
Joined: Nov 16, 2009

Posted: Jun 19, 2010 06:08 PM          Msg. 4 of 4
Hi Craig,

I agree that ACLog is a nuisance because it doesn't provide a field for propagation mode. There is an easy fix, but it requires a bit of fiddling with the ADIF file before upload.

To start, use one of the OTHERx (x=2,3,4) for PROP_MODE data entry. If you use the field name only "OTHER" it makes the following procedure more troublesome.

Generate the ADIF file from ACLog (File>Export ADIF Format).

Open this file with a text editor such a Notepad or UltraEdit.

Do a Search/Replace All where the search term is OTHERx (x=the number you chose above) and the replacement text is "PROP_MODE" (without the quotation marks and it isn't case sensitive).

Let's assume you chose OTHER2. Initially, the field in the ADIF file will be: <OTHER2:3> SAT

After the Search and Replace, it will be <PROP_MODE:3> SAT Case isn't important. I'm using Upper Case here for clarity.

Changing the field label allows eQSL to know what to do with the field because PROP_MODE is one of the fields that are stored in the database. Leaving the label as "OTHERx" will probably cause it to be ignored.

The reason I suggest using OTHERx is that if you use only the OTHER tag, then if there are also any OTHERx tags in the file, you will wind up with "PROP_MODEx" as the output of the Replace All operation in those fields. I guarantee that those won't be successfully parsed and stored.

Of course, the best solution is for Scott to update ACLog. Maybe if enough critical comments about that software are submitted, he will get the message. In the meantime, this suggestion may help make more efficient your log prep and uploads.

I hope all of the above makes sense. If I need to explain better, let me know.

73, Doug W5det

What?!? You're still wasting time and money sending QSL cards via Snail Mail? Whatever for? Go Unpostal!
Edited by W5DET Doug Thompson on Jun 19, 2010 at 06:09 PM