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Viewing User Profile for: W5DET Doug Thompson
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Joined: Nov 16, 2009 02:48 AM
Last Post: Jul 26, 2017 02:47 AM
Last Visit: Dec 11, 2020 10:20 PM
Location: 7300 ft MSL in South Central New Mexico DM73ej
Favorite Bands: 80, 40, 30, 20, 15
Favorite Modes: CW, CW and CW
Email: w5det@arrl.net

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W5DET Doug Thompson has contributed to 76 posts out of 11673 total posts (0.65%) in 5,339 days (0.01 posts per day).

20 Most recent posts:
Support - English speaking » How long to award approvals take? Jul 26, 2017 02:47 AM (Total replies: 2)

The FAQ says after 6 weeks you should be concerned. Well, that's a bit of a paraphrase but expecting a certificate in under two weeks is asking a lot. Also, as they point out, did you actually order the certificate or were you expecting it to happen automatically after meeting the requirements?

73, W5DET

What?!? You're still killing trees and wasting time and money sending QSL cards via Snail Mail? Whatever for? Go Unpostal!

Support - English speaking » QYH or Locator information Jul 21, 2017 10:13 PM (Total replies: 1)

I can hazard a guess why the locator information isn't presented which is unless the operator enters it for each QSO there isn't a way for the system to determine what it actually is.
Although "My Gridsquare" is a valid ADIF parameter for input, if it isn't output by the logging program (mine apparently doesn't) there won't be data to display. I have many received entries which do display the gridsquare and many more which don't.

The problem of not seeing the locator information is, therefore, not an eqsl issue but one that belongs to all the users. At least, that's how I see it.

73, Doug, W5DET

What?!? You're still killing trees and wasting time and money sending QSL cards via Snail Mail? Whatever for? Go Unpostal!

Support - English speaking » QTH information on EQSL card. Feb 13, 2017 10:57 PM (Total replies: 1)

I think the simplest solution us ti create your own artwork/card and upload it. That way you can have as much or as little information on the card as you want. - 73, Doug, W5DET

What?!? You're still killing trees and wasting time and money sending QSL cards via Snail Mail? Whatever for? Go Unpostal!

Support - English speaking » WAS Award Plaque Jan 14, 2017 04:24 AM (Total replies: 1)

When you achieve the necessary number of confirmed QSOes, a button appears to the right of the list of states/contacts which will say something like "ORDER PLAQUE FOR 50" Until you achieve the minimum requirement that button won't be displayed. When it is displayed, it will take you to a page with all the correct information to order and pay for your plaque.
73, Doug W5DET

What?!? You're still killing trees and wasting time and money sending QSL cards via Snail Mail? Whatever for? Go Unpostal!

Support - English speaking » Newbie Question Jan 14, 2017 04:12 AM (Total replies: 1)

QRZ.com doesn't expose email addresses to inquiries from people or systems not logged in to their site. I assume this notification function is built into HRD. I don't use HRD and neither send nor request notifications so I can't help you beyond this abstract level of explanation.
73, Doug W5DET

What?!? You're still killing trees and wasting time and money sending QSL cards via Snail Mail? Whatever for? Go Unpostal!

Support - English speaking » How to change ITU Zone and CQ Zone code? May 8, 2014 04:55 PM (Total replies: 2)

On the eQSL.cc home page, at the bottom and just above the "follow me on twitter" QR Code", there is a link to Contact the Volunteer Support Staff. That is where you'll get the help you need.

What?!? You're still killing trees and wasting time and money sending QSL cards via Snail Mail? Whatever for? Go Unpostal!

Support - English speaking » Copyright permission to print out eQSL cards Aug 18, 2011 03:57 AM (Total replies: 1)

Hello Michael,
We had a thread here not too long ago about the quality of the downloaded images. The consensus was that the eQSL images are not photo quality. I'm afraid you'll be wasting your money having a commercial print shop print them because you'll still get only 72 dpi resolution.

eQSL advertises commercial printing and mailing of cards to your address for a fee. I can't speak to the quality of these prints because I've never seen one, but I submit it should be of higher quality than the downloaded images. Using the eQSL print service will certainly get you past your puckered printers.

For what it's worth, there isn't any notice of copyright on any of the images and there isn't a notice posted anywhere that I have found on the eQSL site. Ergo, it is reasonable to conclude that there are no copyright restrictions on the eQSL images. But, IANAL. I'm an engineer, and logic has no chance to prevail around lawyers.

Good luck.

What?!? You're still killing trees and wasting time and money sending QSL cards via Snail Mail? Whatever for? Go Unpostal!

Support - English speaking » Attached Accounts Aug 9, 2011 12:15 AM (Total replies: 3)

Perhaps it's because you used different callsigns. Guess I'll go check.

Thanks es 73

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Support - English speaking » Attached Accounts Aug 8, 2011 07:12 PM (Total replies: 3)

Trying to set up some attached accounts for a couple of SOTA (Summits on the Air) activations.

It appears the system won't let me enter an attached account unless the primary account period is first stopped, the attached account period is entered, then the primary account resumed after the attached account. Worse, it appears that all of the above must be done manually.

Is this correct or did I miss something in the process?

What?!? You're still killing trees and wasting time and money sending QSL cards via Snail Mail? Whatever for? Go Unpostal!

Support - English speaking » New sub account - asking for county Jul 5, 2011 06:00 PM (Total replies: 1)

Welcome to the forums, Steve.

I just looked at the My Account functions, and I don't see the problem that you are describing. If I select to Register a New Attached Account, I am provided the opportunity to select everything about that account, including the callsign. I did notice, however, that I was in the Experimental: Account Manager. I remember opting into somthing like that several months back, but I don't see a selection to opt out. If there is a non-experimental Account Manager, I can't see it so I cannot conclusively comment on the problem you're experiencing.

73, Doug, W5DET

What?!? You're still killing trees and wasting time and money sending QSL cards via Snail Mail? Whatever for? Go Unpostal!

Support - English speaking » Eqsl Under Construction Jun 12, 2011 08:27 PM (Total replies: 1)

Are you talking about creating (or modifying) the design for a card or entering information through manual log entry?

What?!? You're still killing trees and wasting time and money sending QSL cards via Snail Mail? Whatever for? Go Unpostal!

Support - English speaking » Printing QSLs to Photo Printer 4 x 6 paper Apr 15, 2011 02:05 PM (Total replies: 7)

Actually, Frank, the generated image is 300dpi which is a reasonable maximum for image transmission over the internet. The problem is, photo resolution requires at least 1200dpi which generates an image with 16 times the number of bytes. Also, based on a sample card I just looked at, the generated image is only 1.76x1.12 inches. Blowing that up to 3"x5" size increases the number of bytes by another factor of 8. Thus I started with a 532,224 byte 300dpi image, blew it up to 3x5 and 1200dpi and now it is a 68,724,000 byte image. I'm resampling in Corel PhotoPaint to come up with these number, btw.

It isn't a matter of not caring about the image quality, rather it is a matter of caring about providing a responsive user experience to all users of the system at an affordable cost. If you want 5 minute waits for page loads while others download oversized image files that's your choice. I don't and I find the quality of the QSL images to be acceptable for my purposes.

I have never tried the eQSL printing service so I have no knowledge of the quality of the product. You might try that to see if it scratches your itch.

What?!? You're still killing trees and wasting time and money sending QSL cards via Snail Mail? Whatever for? Go Unpostal!

Support - English speaking » $2 credit per month Apr 5, 2011 10:40 PM (Total replies: 5)

My account, too, is being credited on a regular basis.

What?!? You're still killing trees and wasting time and money sending QSL cards via Snail Mail? Whatever for? Go Unpostal!

Support - English speaking » Printing QSLs to Photo Printer 4 x 6 paper Apr 4, 2011 07:09 PM (Total replies: 7)

Hi Joe,
Your problem stems from the fact that the image is displayed on a generated web page. You can add a couple of steps to achieve your objective.

WARNING: The following instructions are based on using FireFox browser in Windows XP Pro. Make appropriate adjustments for your computing environment.

1. Working from the eQSL archive, click on the display button for the card you want to view/print.
2. RIGHT click somewhere in the card image. A menu will be displayed.
3. Select "save image as" then specify the location and file name. My system defaults to JPG for image type.
4. Open the saved image file with the Windows Picture and Fax Viewer, an image editing program, or whatever photo printing application that came with your printer.
5. Print it.

Hope this helps. 73--Doug, W5DET

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Support - English speaking » What happened to the UTC clock??? Mar 29, 2011 03:53 AM (Total replies: 3)

I guess I should have commented that since WinXP the clock in Windoze also can be synched directly with most network time servers.

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Support - English speaking » What happened to the UTC clock??? Mar 29, 2011 03:20 AM (Total replies: 3)

Yeah, it's gone. (From the bottom of the home page, Andy.) There is now a "Current System Time" statement just to the right of the Follow Me on Twaddler link at the bottom. Problem is, it's only valid at the time the page is loaded unlike its predecessor. Oh well, I never used it anyway.

I have a copy of Automachron V5 (ca. 2003) which will keep your computer clock synched with any time server. I use time-a.nist.gov. It also displays UTC, although again, it doesn't update its display automatically, but it does update a whole lot faster than the web site. The license for that package says it can be distributed as long as the copyright info remains intact. Therefore, if you want a copy, drop a line to w5det@arrl.net. It's only about 350K, so it will easily attach to an email.

Using Achron along with HRD and/or ACLog, which do update their UTC displays means that my log entries are always accurate within milliseconds + operator latency.

What?!? You're still killing trees and wasting time and money sending QSL cards via Snail Mail? Whatever for? Go Unpostal!

Support - English speaking » Problem downloading ADIF FILE FROM AC LOG Feb 11, 2011 05:58 AM (Total replies: 1)

The first thing that comes to mind is not revealing what the error message is.

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Support - English speaking » delete call in my archive Feb 4, 2011 12:40 PM (Total replies: 1)

Hello Franco,
1. What logging program do you use? What version?
2. Is the problem with only a few entries, or many?
3. Does the error message say which log entries it is rejecting?

I apologize for so many questions, but I'm certain we can solve your problem.

73, Doug W5DET

What?!? You're still killing trees and wasting time and money sending QSL cards via Snail Mail? Whatever for? Go Unpostal!

Support - English speaking » changing Callsign/QTH End Date Feb 2, 2011 12:20 AM (Total replies: 5)

The problem, as you've probably already guessed, is that the country list for the data base hasn't been timely updated.

At the top of this thread are links to the moderators, one of whom is the founder and CTO of eQSL, Dave Morris, N5UP. I would use the link to send him a private message and cut and paste your original post in this thread.

Good luck es 73,
Doug, W5DET

What?!? You're still killing trees and wasting time and money sending QSL cards via Snail Mail? Whatever for? Go Unpostal!

Support - English speaking » Known member showing as non-member Feb 1, 2011 03:15 PM (Total replies: 5)


Because the problem has changed from what you originally posted, I suggest starting a new thread about the inbox entry being deleted by the system without being commanded to do that. That might more easily get the attention of the admins and/or moderators.

Good luck es 73,
Doug, W5DET

What?!? You're still killing trees and wasting time and money sending QSL cards via Snail Mail? Whatever for? Go Unpostal!