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Author Topic: E-qsl replies (12 messages, Page 1 of 1)

IW5ELL Cosimo Musca
Posts: 110
Joined: Sep 9, 2005

Posted: Apr 8, 2006 01:33 AM          Msg. 1 of 12
I'm the only stupid who sends the e-qsl immediately after qso? I'm waiting for months a lot of confirmations from members the eqsl.cc. Would not be right to suspend their accounts?

excuse me for bad english

IW5ELL Cosimo Musca

KA2LIM Kenneth Kent
Posts: 33
Joined: Nov 5, 2001

Posted: Apr 8, 2006 03:25 PM          Msg. 2 of 12
I upload my log data, on the average, once a week. And like you wait on many who are members to upload their log data to confirm contacts. Remember, this is a provided service to our hobby and one cannot make another do what one thinks should be done immidately or for that matter done at all. We want to encourage use of the site and if we supended their accounts that would drive user's away and give the site a bad name. We do not want that to happen.
I continue to recieve cards via the buro even though I tell the other station('s) that I do not use the buro because of the cost involved on this side of the ocean. I wish they would not send, but I can not make them stop. I tell you this only to help you understand that we can not force users to upload their log data. Hope this answers your question.


KA2LIM Ken Kent

IW5ELL Cosimo Musca
Posts: 110
Joined: Sep 9, 2005

Posted: Apr 9, 2006 12:35 AM          Msg. 3 of 12

one week or one month is acceptable.

But when you have yours replies from Guatemala in one week and do not have from Japan in three months, the problem is not the hobby, the problem is ham spirit.

IW5ELL Cosimo Musca

2E0TZO Paul Gibson
Posts: 10
Joined: Oct 9, 2005

Posted: Apr 9, 2006 07:45 PM          Msg. 4 of 12
I agree with Ken, suspension is not the answer. This should only be used for members abusing eQSL.cc system.

The answer would be to encourage people to check regularly and/or to sign up to eQSL.cc. When was the last time you mentioned to anyone on the air you sent/are sending an eQSL?

Account Suspensions would only alienate people and they will either look to another Electronic QSL system or give up using them altogether.

In my eyes any time to invoke a suspension for lack of use (one week, one month, one year, 5 years, etc) would be unacceptable.

2E0TZO Paul Gibson

IW5ELL Cosimo Musca
Posts: 110
Joined: Sep 9, 2005

Posted: Apr 10, 2006 02:54 AM          Msg. 5 of 12
Paul, look the number e-qsl cards waiting for JM1LQW (it's only a example).

I've solicited reply via e-mail, JM1LQW has answered and confirmed Dx, but my e-qsl is not confirmed from first jan until today.

Eqsl.cc is a two-way service, IMHO.


IW5ELL Cosimo Musca

NL10133 Eelco Verkaik
Posts: 9
Joined: Jul 13, 2004

Posted: May 1, 2006 03:27 AM          Msg. 6 of 12

Dear Cosimo, I think for the reply on eQsl goes the same as with ordinary paper QSL, some HAM's reply instantly, others use a one a week or once a month system. My eQSL's go out at the end of the day, my paper QSL via the buro usually once a month of even two months. I think any HAM or SWL for that matter should use the method which they prefer. This can mean a long wait sometimes, as long as the card will arrive I think it's ok.

NL10133 Eelco Verkaik

G0REC Philip L Hunt
Posts: 2
Joined: Oct 23, 2002

Posted: Jul 5, 2006 03:59 AM          Msg. 7 of 12
You should be so lucky that you are only waiting a couple of months for a reply, I recently received a reply via the bureau from a station that i had contact with 10 years ago. It doesnt help when you are waiting for qsl's for IOTA contacts. Yhey spend a lot of money putting on the stations in far off islands and then dont return your qsl. Whats the point?

G0REC Philip L Hunt

K8BBE Chuck Girt
Posts: 3
Joined: May 25, 2003

Posted: Sep 4, 2006 05:46 PM          Msg. 8 of 12
I have to say, I use EQSL as my log book so I send an EQSL out when I work anyone. I have been working on the WAC award I get cards from the bureau that are seven years old.
I was hoping EQSL would be better. Well, I have worked several stations I am able to use
for the WAC award, but can't get them send the EQSL. Many times I send a request to please responde to the Email but don't even get that. Several are over 6 years old.
If they get into the program, I wish they would respond. Tnanks K8BBE

K8BBE Chuck Girt

KE4PT Kai Siwiak
Posts: 8
Joined: Mar 12, 2005

Posted: Sep 12, 2006 03:19 PM          Msg. 9 of 12
Your English is right on target.
It is time to insist that eQSL change their policy on how eQSL cards are handled. eQSL cards should be available for download ONLY if the recipient "confirms" the QSO by responding with a card. I have too many solicitations for "green stamps" and "SASE's" for a direct card before the person acknowledges the eQSL cards!

I guess I've been the other 'stupid person' who e-qsl's immediately and 100%. That policy will now change!

73, Kai KE4PT

KE4PT Kai Siwiak

IW5ELL Cosimo Musca
Posts: 110
Joined: Sep 9, 2005

Posted: Mar 17, 2007 01:30 PM          Msg. 10 of 12
--- Original message by KE4PT Kai Siwiak on Sep 12, 2006 03:19 PM
Quote: Kai wrote:
eQSL cards should be available for download ONLY if the recipient "confirms" the QSO by responding with a card.

Kai, imho this is a very good idea!

I was disappointed when AG silver member from Idaho (i'm waiting Idaho for eWAS) has displayed my eqsl, but no reply for me!

I've solicited one, two, more emails, but none.

73 de Cosimo iw5ell
Edited by IW5ELL Cosimo Musca on Mar 17, 2007 at 01:30 PM
Edited by IW5ELL Cosimo Musca on Mar 17, 2007 at 01:31 PM