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Author Topic: How to delete a specific qso (4 messages, Page 1 of 1)

N3MOW Marty McGlensey
Posts: 9
Joined: May 20, 2009

Posted: Dec 8, 2013 04:30 PM          Msg. 1 of 4

Updateing my logs to include qsl cards, I found eQSL's from KB3WGE and K1USA. Neither station appears in my log. I have found KB3WGE in eQSL but not in my log. K1USA cannot be found on eQSL. They are not in LOTW. My usual policy is to upload to eQSL and LOTW at the same time. I do not do manual entries so if they were not in HRD Logbook they should not have been uploaded. Both occurred in 2012. Unfortunatly I did not catch it at the time I got the cards. How can I verify the contacts with these two stations? Can I delete individual QSO's? Should I leave well enough alone?

Marty, N3MOW

N3MOW Marty McGlensey

VA3KAB David Bell
Posts: 1056
Joined: Jan 25, 2006

Posted: Dec 8, 2013 04:47 PM          Msg. 2 of 4
The one from KB3WGE was manually confirmed by you, he uploaded via ADIF and you clicked on the "Confirm" button.

If you didn't make that QSO you should have rejected it. You can still do that, first find the eQSL from you to him in your outbox, click on the edit button, and then the delete button.

After you have deleted it from your outbox, find the eQSL he sent you in your archive. Because you have deleted the entry from your outbox, you will again have the option to confirm or reject.

There are no eQSLs in the system between you and K1USA.

73, Dave - VA3KAB
Edited by VA3KAB David Bell on Dec 10, 2013 at 04:31 PM

N3MOW Marty McGlensey
Posts: 9
Joined: May 20, 2009

Posted: Dec 9, 2013 08:48 PM          Msg. 3 of 4
Thanks, Dave. I've followed your instructions and KB3WGE is now in my rejected folder. I sent an email explaining why I deleted the QSL. Is there anything else I should do? I'll reject it if he resubmits it without some other information on the QSO.

Marty N3MOW

N3MOW Marty McGlensey

VA3KAB David Bell
Posts: 1056
Joined: Jan 25, 2006

Posted: Dec 9, 2013 09:33 PM          Msg. 4 of 4
No, you have done everything that needs to be done, Marty :)

73, Dave - VA3KAB