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Author Topic: SWL,s and QSL cards (4 messages, Page 1 of 1)

WAC2476 John
Posts: 2
Joined: Apr 1, 2008

Posted: Apr 2, 2008 08:57 AM          Msg. 1 of 4

i have just joined eQSL, after i heard a Ham saying he only replied via this site. I have been in the hobby since i was 10years of age and have owned many receivers, my most recent being the Kenwood R5000, (the best receiver by far in my opinion), which is connected to a homebrew aluminium dipole with a ugly balun attached, which is loft mounted, and works brilliant on most bands. About 10 or more years ago i used to work the 11metre band, and confirmed over 30 different countries including the Cayman Islands, Faroe islands, etc, and my shack walls at that time were covered in the many QSL cards i received from around the globe, and each card made a good talking point with friends and family. I used to sit and look at the cards feeling proud of myself having made the contacts, all using Homebrew antennas, my best being a 4 element yagi, and all my contacts were made without the use of linears, and altho it was a pirate band, i worked with respect and integrity, remembering the advice from an old ham telling me i was an ambassador for my country, the UK. I am considering taking the ham license, but thought i would give SWL a whirl first, but what i find perturbing is the lack of consideration for the humble SWL, especially when it comes to QSL card exchange. I have sent out more cards in the past than i have received, but hope all that is going to change having joined eQSL, i have yet to see. I read in one forum here about "Bad Apples" and SWL,s making false claims just to receive a QSL card, something i would never do, afterall whats the point of kidding oneself and living a lie.

So gentlemen please consider the SWL chasing DX and what it means to have confirmation, having put many hours in tuning the bands, and how frustrating it is to send out cards to receive nothing in return.

Thats my ramblings over!

73,s 51,s


WAC2476 John

N1ORK Orest Andy Zajac
Posts: 942
Joined: Sep 7, 2006

QRZ..QRZ..Any one out there?..Is this thing on??

Posted: Apr 2, 2008 12:13 PM          Msg. 2 of 4
SWLing is great John. But that's only half the fun. You're missing the talking/transmitting part of the hobby. You sound like you could pass the exam with no problems, so get out there and go for your ticket!
Best of luck!

N1ORK Orest 'Andy' Zajac

WAC2476 John
Posts: 2
Joined: Apr 1, 2008

Posted: Apr 4, 2008 08:34 PM          Msg. 3 of 4
Hi Andy,

thanks for the reply, your right i did enjoy the qso,s i had while working 11 years ago, i will be looking for a club thats local to my qth, and make inquiry's regarding the test.


WAC2476 John

EI1571 Alan Buckley
Posts: 13
Joined: Oct 25, 2008

Posted: Jan 15, 2009 12:26 AM          Msg. 4 of 4
Hi John+Andy.
As a SWL from Ireland ,I have Contacted(on a heard basis) many stations throughout the world.
I do agree with John in such as "some" not all amateur ops take a dim view towards swl .Why I do not know, do they not want to know that they are 5/9+40 dB into Your shack, hi hi.
And I do agree with Andy (It is only half the fun listening)but at least you know that your own equipment is working lol lol.
I am studying for my test over here in Ireland and will be sitting it in the summer (fingers crossed for a pass)

I have done some research on the test in other countries and it seems to me that the Eu test is harder than others.
Not making little of other tests I must add.
Any way It is nice to have somewhere to discuss these issues.
Best regards de Alan EI1571

EI1571 Alan Buckley